i got 2, ebayed one of them. its a blast though. havent really started on zelda yet but have played about 20 hours of wii sports. i got my average on bowling up to about 180.
Posts by Pwned
Nintendo Wii
by jrjr4189 inhas anybody been lucky enough to get a wii.
i had one reserved at toys r us and picked up on launch day.
it is a lot of fun.
I'm scared and I need help
by Chameleon infor those of you that don't know my story, read my first post here: http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/6/122526/1.ashx
so, i think next week is when i find out if i am approved to be an ms. if not, thank god, but if i am, i'm in deep crap.
elder dad is confident that i'll accept, but my plan is to try to get out of it by saying that i want to finish school and get an aa degree, at least, before accepting more responsibilities.
couldn't u just accept and then just do a half assed job, i dont remember MS's having that much responsibility anyway. either they will remove you or just not assign anything important to you and you'll get the hot chicks in ur hall, its a win-win. and if ur in the spanish than i'm sure there are a lot of hot chicks, i grew up going to a spanish cong.
Does anyone now celebrate...
by Hannah indoes anyone who was raised a jw and is now df'd of da'd celebrate all the holidays?
i do, and for the first time in my entire life i'm actually having a blast and so are my children.
at least my youngest child doesn't have to suffer the segregation all jw children surrender to due to the freakin' mind controlling gb and all there so called "god channeled" rules..
i didnt really until i have kids, now all of them, even easter but just the egg hunts not the religious aspect
KM Insert "How Do I View Blood Fractions..." Complete Scan and PDF
by V indownload pdf here (all four pages).
page 1 of insert: http://i11.tinypic.com/2s67s6g.jpg.
page 2 of insert: http://i12.tinypic.com/2dtnpr9.jpg.
i cant believe they allow hemoglbin now, won't be too long until they allow packed RBCs, its still only a fraction after all, it makes no sense whatsoever.
JWs Stopped By!!
by RichieRich inso, i had just woke up, and i was sitting on my couch.
i'm wearing a pair of worn khaki shorts, and a tshirt.. there is a subtle knock on the door.
so, i walk over to the door.
that was mean and ur an attention whore
Revelation "Adjustments": Complete Analysis
by V inreference update.
chapter 6. .
reference update.
i don't think that the "Judging" change will matter to the average dub because it is confusing to begin with and is talking about something that can't be seen either way. The more damning change in my opinion is the "rephrasing" that shows that whole generation of 1914 doctrine was BS. That was something very tangible that every JW in the 80's and 90's believed in. I think they are being reckless but I won't hold my breath that people will actually see the "light".
Visiting New York Bethel
by JapanBoy inmy jw kids have been invited to visit the brooklyn bethel....during the grand wazzooo annual meeting this oct. i am a df'd dad living away from them for almost a year now...hardly any contact with them.
what can i do to prepare them and help them see the light?
any suggestions???
my family goes every chance they get and they always enjoy it, it seems so ridiculous but i haven't tried to rain on their parade yet... maybe someday.
If someone says they worship Satan
by free2beme indo you think they are doing this because they truly love the satan character and want to please him or do you think they do it for complete shock value.
to basically do something that makes what is defined as good in society (christian religion) angry that someone would do something so wrong.
personally, i do not think there is one satanist out their who truly thinks that they are worshiping a being that is real, or actually something that could benefit from their worship.
i think there are people who truly worship Satan but don't believe it is the same being/deity that is described in the Christian Bible and that Christians have villified him.
Revelation "Adjustments": Complete Analysis
by V inreference update.
chapter 6. .
reference update.
have they done this before? it seems risky to pretty much admit that they don't know what they are talking about.
Time again for........ Congregation roll call
by Jourles init's been a while since this topic has been brought up.
use it as a chance to see if there is someone you might know from years past.
1973-1976 --- lakeside, ca??
spanish west, 83ish - 96