Basically their growth has come to a halt in the United States with exception to the Spanish congregations....The last year before I disassociated myself I was in a Spanish congregation......with tremendous growth....however, most of the people in the congregation didn't know how to even read or write beyond a 3rd grade level.....I guess this explains the growth!
Posts by bwoga
Will Anemic April Wake Up the Governing Body?
by metatron inas many of you know, the society likes to dictate a maximum.
'preaching' effort, once or twice a year to help even out their.
sagging statistical averages.. for example, in august of 1998, they got 1,040,283 publishers,.
Headcoverings, Goals & Women's Roles
by Black Man ini have always felt that requiring sisters to wear headcoverings was assinine.
jehovah won't strike you down for not wearing a headcovering".
word gets back to the co on his next visit that i don't let sisters wear headcoverings at the bookstudy when they read and he reams me out for it.
It's real all very demeaning.....why should I have to cover my head to pray in the presence of a dick?????? My prayers are as real and heartfelt as the next person's......just somemore JW bs.....with that one teaching they manage to keep all the sisters in check so to speak....then all they have to do is deal with the brothers...I forgot what the ratio is but as you know women make up the majority of JWs.......Just another control mechanism....WTS reminds me of an abusive spouse.....wants you to have nooooo independence NONE, wants you to have no personal goals or achievments that don't include them, and when you start to think for yourself and do things for yourself....then the ostricize you and criticize.....and if you begin to doubt them, then you're disciplined and well, what ever they do to were the one out of line and you deserved it....JUST BULLSHIT!
Were You Really HAPPY in the borg.???
by Latte inwhen you were in the borg.
in all honesty, could you say that you were h.a.p.p.y?
i mean really happy.
I miss a lot of my friends....I had made them my family since all of my family was "worldly", but now that I'm out...(almost 4 years), I've never been happier as a person...nothing compares to FREEDOM...and while I was in I knew more who were battling depression than those who weren't...seems pretty typical of JW's to be depressed...could it be all the guilt trips the Society sends them on?
Now That I've Joined, I wish That I Hadn't
by TR inany one here get that sinking feeling when you were an active jw?
i'm not talking about the point where we developed doubts about the borg, but just the shear weight of responsibility on your shoulders to uphold "god's kingdom" ala wts.. the topic of doing all you can was brought up frequently.
some would try to sooth by saying "as long as you're doing your best, jehovah will accept you.
I do recall having that same feeling...."I wish I didn't I'm doomed and I'll never make it" But you know....educate yourself on the WTS and their "True" history....not what's written in the "Proclaimers Book" and they lose a whole lotta credibility....once you realize what their all about, you'll realize they use scare tactics to control members....that's how they keep you they keep you docile and subserviant....once you learn to think for yourself independently of the'll lose that're on a journey to freedom...don't let anyone rob you of your prize!
My apeal of disfellowshiping letter
by D wiltshire inthe first question is:.
i ask you would paul even think of doing such as thing as the wt has done here?????
i asked them not to keep double-talking me but to just come out and say what the charges are.
I've only known a few people who have appealed a judicial decision to disfellowship....however, none were successful....for them to overturn a disfellowshipment...they would have to be willing to admit that something was "wrong".....with the way it was handled...and gee if they do that someone may begin to question whether or not it is a spirit directed org....go figure...
Complement a Poster
by Black Man inhere's your chance to complement a poster whose posts make you think, make you mad, make you laugh, make you cry.
i usually find something that i dig in everybody's post around these parts.
but i'll single out some peeps in particular.
Very thoughtful of you BlackMan to take time to acknowledge people....I'm always inspired by your intellect.....and of course I can't leave out my buddy many to mention...even Logical.....when he actually takes time to contribute to the conversation...
Jungle Fever in the BORG
by Black Man inpost title - jungle fever in the borg or inter-racial relationship dynamics in the borg.. back in the the day inter-racial relationships were frowned on, especially if you wanted to advance spiritually (climb the corporate ladder).
i remember at bethel a few of the brothers in service department used to always tell brothers that it would be beneficial to marry in their own race if they wanted to be used in the circuit work.
the premise was that the society is not biased but rather the world is and to avoid conflict, they only prefer to use couples of the same race.
It is so common to see this in the org......I am biracial and can pass for white....while I was somewhat involved with a black brother he was harassed by the elders.....his conduct was unbecoming of a pioneer...he couldn't be appointed ms, and the list goes on...I even remember being "pulled over" by an elder at a District Convention one year while we were cruising the hallways and he asked my friend for his identification....they felt he had been lying about his was crazy and then one day they found out I was black and they suddenly left us alone......go figure! Some of the most prejudiced people I ever met were JW's....elders included...
Subtle Propaganda at DC -but Noticeable To Us
by Had Enough inas ive mentioned in other posts, i felt obligated to go to the dc (in hamilton) this weekend to help my family with my aging mom, who in my opinion just goes for the social outing because she is physically not able to stay awake for more that 1/5 th of the whole sessions except intermissions.. i know others have posted their observations of the dc they attended but id like to make an addition from things that just jumped right out at me and made me go argggghhhhh!.
and btw....i felt some of the comments made seemed to be as though they were answering their justification of some of the things being brought out on the internet, including here.. on friday, even in talks that were not about higher education, they managed to slip in their subtle propaganda, as in:.
- bob alton, said peter and john were outspoken about gods word and were unlettered and ordinary men they didnt need higher education to speak wondrous things of god.
Had Enough.......thanks for the overview of the DC.....although it was enough to make me gag....
Can you believe we used to buy into that BS.... They are so hard on higher education because they know the only way to keep people docile and subserviant is to keep them ignorant....much like slave was at one time illegal for blacks to learn to read and write...for fear they could then communicate thoughts and ideas on a wide scale.....sounds familiar??? Reading your summary literally made me nauseated....(nothing personal)!
I can't believe I belonged to an organization that discourages "INDEPENDENT THINKING" damned insulting! They don't even think you're inteligent enough to have an original thought! As for the not question the not express your thoughts or as we say and you'll be fine.....question us and you'll die at armageddon....same old bullshit just a new way to say it.... Thanks for your post!
What is your favorite nickname for the Society?
by slipnslidemaster ini've heard the borg alot.
one of the recent posts had the matrix.
some the firm.. i think that i like the matrix, so far.. what's yours?.
Watchtower Bible and Tract Publishing Company
Jumping from one cult to another?
by amused1 ini stumbled across this site doing research for a paper.
you all have much greater problems and common mental flaws than just being "former" jw's.. let me explain.
many (i won't generalize all of you) of you are on here ranting and raving about the jw's did this and the wt did that.
I find it difficult to understand that you think everyone's experience should have been like your's....Amused, I became a JW at 15 and left at 27, at 16 you could have hardly seen some of the things that go on......They do emotionally blackmail you, I had given up most of my family to be a JW....."bad association spoils useful habits!" and I didn't have a lot of "worldy" friends, therefore, it was very difficult to leave but when I did I left of choice, wrote a disassociation letter and got the heck outta Dodge.... Everyone has a different experience and many are hurting.....My primary purpose in visiting the sight is to be able to help others....Mind, I won't say JW's do the mind control thing, they don't have to, all they have to do is get someone to believe it's the "Truth"....and everything else falls into place... You really should be a little more empathetic. I learned a lot as a JW, and I've learned even more as an EX-JW. This site is hardly a cult.....and you damn sure can't compare it to being in the least here we're free to discuss anything we disagree if we want to and when we don't log in....there are no shepherding calls..... Take care....