Pierre Trudeau's legacy lives on!
The Canadian Supreme Court's role has indeed changed in the last couple of decades (up here, the judges are just appointed by the party in power at the time with no vetting in regards to their degree of conservatism/liberalism) and Parliamentarians are getting quite annoyed with their interpretations' (pretty "liberal" bunch on the bench right now) effect on existing legistlation.
The Canadian Charter certainly lacks specificity and coupled with a truly multi-cultural reality (half of all Toronto residents weren't born in this country) has led to widespread attempts at social engineering by the federal and some provincial governments (particularly in Liberal dominated legislatures) to "steal a march" on further court decisions. This is probably the best legal system to be a "witness" in right now (even "better than Europe), even in Quebec.
Do we know which court reviewed the case (this sort of thing usually goes to the tribunal system first)?