I suffered from depression for almost my whole life. I grew up a JW and with all the other problems in our family besides our religion it isn't difficult to see why I suffered depression.
Since leaving JW's I have experienced the most freedom I have ever had in my whole life. That has been my biggest relief. Also, since leaving I have gone through councelling for myself as well as I asked for help in learning healthy discipline and communication with my little girls. And then I also went on a mission to find truth, reading everything I could get my hands on about religions, its beginnings, JW's etc.
Although I can't say I have found the truth, I have found bits of truth that I could replace what I lost. Losing your belief and family is a very huge loss. I found that I couldn't leave my life with such a huge void right in the middle of it. The more I read the more fulfilled I become and the less I feel I need my family. I miss them still and I believe that it is all an unnecessary tragedy, but there really is nothing that I can do to force them all to open their stupid little minds.