Awe....... look at the love every invisible person!!!! Everyone cares about everyone here!!!!!
(((((group hug)))))
Awe....... look at the love every invisible person!!!! Everyone cares about everyone here!!!!!
(((((group hug)))))
why do we continue to do it even tho we know its bad for us?????
i gave up bout a year ago but still have one occasionally i dont even know if i enjoy it all that much but i still do it.
ive seen three of my family members die as a result of smoking and yet i light another one up!
I would love to quit smoking. Done it several times, but eventually I start up again. Maybe I should go back to Mary Jane!
By the way Cigs cost $10.00-12.00 here in Alberta Canada
for those interested in an alternative to the jws, check out .
the lws claim to be the successors to the jws!
they have their own chronology, disfellowshipping rules, etc.
OMG! It's worse than the actual JW---Just check out their belief on blood transfusions
it still amazes me how lacking jw's are in social decorum.
i had 4 children while in the b0rg and not once did anyone say congrats.
to me or my husband.
All my years of fertility doctors to get my girls, my sister told me "the society says....not in this system...." bla bla bla. She already had 2 kids. When you just want a baby I don't think anybody should make you feel like you are going against God.
My aunt and uncle decided to postpone having kids until the new system. They went to bethel and served for quite a few years and now would be unable to have kids. I wonder what they think of the societies new light--there probably won't be babies being born in the new system.
i went to a friend's house last night.
i was talking with him about religious issues.
i told him i no longer feel that the witnesses have the truth.
My decision to leave was based part on all the crap I lived through as a JW and it didn't end when I got married. The organization slowly was trying to put a wedge in my married life and how I raised my kids. It went on and on and on. I had enough of it and being disfellowshipped before I lost my fear of shunning.
I didn't want to lose my family, but I knew it was inevitable if I left. I told my sister that I had thought about leaving and she was of course appauled with an added shreak. I asked her "what are you all going to do, not talk to me anymore? I will live" I also asked my mom if the society is going to stand before God when I am judged and explain why I did the things I did. Since they aren't ,then I would rather make my own decisions on how to live my life because at least when I stand before God (by myself) I know why I did what I did.
Once I left I felt so free finally, but I also was angry because I lost my family. I also still feared the big A as well as demons. The biggest help was reading. I read anything I could on different religions as well as eastern religion. I also read Crisis of Concience and In Search of Christian Freedom. And don't forget to learn about Cults and how they work. This all leads to freedom of JWs and their doctrine.
I still harbour a fair amount of hate for this home dividing, judgemental false religion, but I am doing sooooo much better than when I was a JW. I also find life so much more worthwhile, living in the here and now instead of my mind focused on the paradise. Reading the bible without the watchtower or the organization mindset I found it is directed more to individuals than to a group.
Good luck finding your freedom. It is there for everyone you just have to find it.
is this the place?
sorry for my english, i ll try my best.. i m new and hope to read some interesting arcticles here.. you can all read about me in my biography.. .
welcome petruska,
Hope this place is helpful. Glad you found us all!
hey all this may have been mentioned before.
i was thinking last night about when the twin towers fell and i remembered thinking how close armageddon must be did anybody else think similar....i guess it would only apply to those who were still in the borg at the time es
I wasn't too scared of Armageddon until I attended the CA the following month. One of the talks was about how "since 9/11 things are different!" They gave the big prep talk for the headquarters to possibly be taken over by the gov. And how we should all be prepared what may come. Then I was scared!
has this happened to anyone else's kids?
my 18 month-old is the only one of my three to ever do this.. he actually stuck 3 of them up there, but i squished the first one out then pulled out the 2nd one with tweezers.
but i can barely see another one way back.
Just thought I would tell you my 3 yr old just put a sea shell in her ear about 3 weeks ago. I didn't know she had done it. I took her to the doctor because she was crying telling me she had a headache. When I took her in her one eardrum was ready to burst, but when he looked in the other ear he found a shell lodged in it..
My 6 yr old said she must have had 2 in there because she pulled one out a couple of days before. When we asked her why she did it she said she was trying to hear the ocean.
a simple question: do you hate the religion of jehovah's witnesses?
feel free to elaborate on your answer.. b.
I hate it. I hate it. I hate it................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
I HATE IT!!!!!
what do you do that shows your talent?
share it here.. here are three of my music compositions.
three different styles for your delectation..
I make mighty fine babies. I also do stuff on the side like furniture refinishing, drawing and singing.