Maybe this has been discussed before, but does anyone see the Watchtower Society creating their own bank? That is essentially what they are doing by borrowing to the congregations for reno's and new kingdom halls. They are obviously into realestate and knowing the way they work, I wouldn't put it past them to start a "special" banking system especially for the JW's.
Don't the banks borrow from the Federal Reserves which would be people like the Rockafellers and other extremely rich powerful families and then borrow that money to the rest of the population for a higher interest rate than they pay?
The banks make so much money off this. I can see the Watchtower doing this because of the vast amount of money to be made. The witnesses think this is such a steal of a deal because this is a slighty less interest rate than a bank. Of course they just don't quite get they are borrowing money with interest that they actually gave (duh!)
The Watchtower society can make it all look so legitimate on paper because they claim to be a "religion" and they can use reasoning like "look at the growth" bla bla bla to hide the real reasons from the rank and file.