I always hated being alone on Thanksgiving or Christmas. What bothered me was that if it were known you accepted an invitation by relatives it was frowned upon.
But what got to me was this: is God more pleased that I am home looking at four walls alone rather than being over somebody's house??
What also got me was the fact that all the JWs "disappeared" on these days and they weren't all out in service. Nobody ever gave a damn about the single ones.
JoinedPosts by LongHairGal
What did they all do on "worldly holidays" when you were home alone?
by LongHairGal ini always hated being alone on thanksgiving or christmas.
what bothered me was that if it were known you accepted an invitation by relatives it was frowned upon.
but what got to me was this: is god more pleased that i am home looking at four walls alone rather than being over somebody's house??
VERY ANGRY at jw for treating someone special to me/other women so bad
by VH5150 ini think that the way jw treats women is absolutely terrible!!!!!
makes me want to confront them and give the powers that be a taste of the same medicine they dish out.
how can the be so cold and insensitive to treat another human being this way for any reason and try to justify with the words of the bible.
Yes, they have a very bad view of women. But then again so did the apostle Paul.
I learned early on that a woman was a sexual threat (whatever) especially if she was single. If she was married they didn't usually have such a problem because they assumed there was a man to "keep her in line", unless she had a big mouth and made trouble.
They begrudge a woman her god-given dignity and they do not follow the example of Jesus in this matter. This is one of the reasons I kept on the fringes. I wouldn't tolerate anybody's disrespect and had more than one argument over the years with morons (both male and female). It has also been my observation that some women who seem to be acquiescent to this nonsense are usually getting something out of the congregation in a material sense. So they are playing the game. Others are simply masochistic nut-jobs. I know this for a fact because one such woman tried to "influence" me in the early years. -
JW peer pressure
by ljwtiamb inthere seems to be a common theme going on in the jw community.
at the first sign of a possible committment, every jw rushes you (with guilt) to show that you are serious.then, at the first sign of trouble everyone wants you to shoulder your responsibilities.finally, they damn/shun you if you can't handle things or choose/decide to quit.. i've seen this scenario played out with: interested couples rushed to engagement.dating couple rushed into marriage.bible studies & young persons rushed into baptism.any jw with 'free' time (meaning non-wt activities) rushed into pioneer service.young pioneer brothers rushed into bethel.. have you seen the same in your areas?
can you think of other scenarios?
I agree with all your points but especially the one about pressuring brothers into marriage with sisters.
I saw the consequences of this peer pressure when a certain brother "courted" a certain sister for a time and for some reason broke off the relationship.
(Personally, I think he has issues about women). He came under censure by the cong. because he had a history of doing this to sisters. There were two other broken "courtships" or instances of him having led-on sisters or so the stories went. Anyway, because he was no longer viewed positively by the cong. he left and went elsewhere. -
Jehovah's Witnesses and Born-Again Christians are too much alike its scary
by booker-t inever since i left the jw's i visited a few born-again christian churches and i felt like i was sitting in a kingdom hall of jw's.
because born-agains are more like jw's then they want to admit.
both jw's and ba's think they know everything.
I agree with you.
In my travels I have come across born agains. There are two in particular that I know. I like them very much as people but they are rigid and unbending and rather merciless in their beliefs. Everybody's going to hell versus the dubs everybody getting destroyed at Armageddon.
I get a headache talking to them. As far as they and the dubs are concerned I cannot abide either. -
All that you can't leave behind
by Fleur inthat was the title of a fabulous u2 cd, but i borrow it here to ask you all, old friends, a question.. first, apologies for being absent for so long.
"real life" projects have cut into my online time, been so busy i haven't had time to turn around twice.
but you are in my thoughts, daily.. my question for pondering...how do you know what to keep and what to throw away?.
I know what you are going through. Be careful what you throw away because you can't get it back. As far as literature is concerned, I would get rid of it unless you want to hold on to a bible or two and maybe the bible stories book (nice pix).
As far as personal souvenirs are concerned, such as pictures, I would keep them unless they triggered a depressing psychotic episode. Then I would stash it away. Pictures (with me in them) represent experiences in my life so I am not so keen on throwing them away. Don't throw anything away when you are in an emotional state - only if you are thinking clearly. For example, if there is a death in your family there will be some things you will want to keep of that person and other things you just can't look at.
But I understand what you mean about how you are a different person now compared to then. -
JW working the obituaries
by Icansaylucky ini was reading my local paper this morning and there was a letter to the editor.
the writer had recently lost a child and the child's obituary was recently printed in our paper.
the writer said she received a letter with a "jehovah witness tract" called "what help for dead loved ones?
This shouldn't surprise anyone. They have a callous attitude towards other people's grief.
Many years ago when I was active I met a lady who some years earlier had lost her son. She had JWs call on her and they attempted to place one of their publications about death with her. She was horrified and appalled that they thought one of their books could possibly comfort her and she wanted nothing to do with them. I made excuses for them saying they meant well, etc. etc.
The truth of the matter is that when a person suffers the loss of a loved one they will not be comforted by any printed matter or scriptures or whatever. They want their loved one back NOW, not in some far distant never-never land. Maybe that person would read such things when their grief is very long passed but it is certainly no real comfort, only a mental exercise. -
Can You See Thru A Phoney Poster?
by minimus inare you able to tell the real from the phonies?
i see some posters that automatically raise suspicions because of how they state things.
others, after reading what they have to say over a period of time, show their true colors.
Hey, I must be one of your phoney-baloneys. Phoney baloney dub that is! I'm a fader who hardly ever shows up at the hall. They probably consider me to be out. Whatever. They probably think I am guilty of something or other. After all, if you don't go to meetings there must be a reason. Right?
But I am a real bona-fide poster. -
After Reading CoC It Seems This Could Apply to Dub Loyalty to the Org - LOL
by adelmaal inthe below analogy made me think about how in coc whenever a new article comes out in the wt the dubs loyally obey without questioning whether or not it has any bible basis or whether or nor it is morally right (i.e.
disassociated ones to be shunned just as disfellowshipped ones, ones who personally disagree with any of the established beliefs (even if they are not outwardly promoting such disagreement) are to be considered apostates and should be disfellowshipped, etc.).
it's amazing how the org can say it's black even if it's white and blind faith causes the dubs not to question it.
Yes, it is true that the people there do anything they are told without regard as to whether it is truly from the bible or just man's opinion. They have totally given their reasoning powers over to somebody else - as though they are not accountable for the outcome! After all, they think these people are speaking for god.
In the beginning when I was ignorant I didn't question anything either.
In the end I was really outraged because I felt as if they had spoken presumptuously - about a lot of things! -
Windchimes--does WTS have info?
by love2Bworldly indoes anyone have any info on what the wts says about windchimes?
i seem to recall they were related to evil spirits or some-such-nonsense.
I vaguely remember hearing this one too but they can go to hell because I think windchimes are just fine. Your neighbors may think they are annoying though!
I have heard enough insanity along these lines to last me two lifetimes! It got to be crazy with them. You didn't even want them over your house because you might have some such thing laying around that is a no-no. Then some idiot would say maybe your house was demonized, etc. etc.
I am tired of it all. -
Why 5 meetings a week?
by G Money ini was recently being ragged on my a jw friend and he was raggin on me for not goin to the meetings.
he said i am foresaking the gathering of ourselves.
i then said where in the bible does it say i must attend 5 meetings a week spread over 3 days?
It has to be about control. They must be afraid if you are away from them for a period of more than 48 hours you are either going to forget or turn away. Somebody must have figured this out a long time ago, hence all the meetings!