I always wondered about this. But what I could not really swallow was that the earth's population became what it is today (several billion) over 6000 years from only two people (then 8 after the flood).
People would have had to live very very long. Men would have had to father over 100 children and women would have had to bear several dozen (not to mention multiple births).
JoinedPosts by LongHairGal
Did our ancestors really live for hundreds of years?
by pennycandy infor all you scientific brains out there .
.. the bible claims lifespans of over 900 years.
what does science say about this?.
Is it healthy to be in a perpetual state of urgency?
by truthseeker inover the last few years, it is apparent that there is a "sense of urgency.
" you may not know this, but the governing body have a "sense of urgency.".
well, the rank and file do not seem to have a "sense of urgency" so the gb encourages them to get one.. .
Surely everybody remembers 9/11.
In the months afterward everybody was at full alert. But now we are almost four years down the road later. Oh, in some respects we are different and in some areas more alert but this state of perpetual urgency cannot be maintained.
A human cannot constantly maintain an edge of the seat urgency about anything. It goes against nature and we would suffer adrenal exhaustion.
The same also applies to the dubs and their perpetual state of urgency. -
Dubs telling people who they should and should not marry.
by LongHairGal ini know of several experiences of couples who got married against the unwanted advice of the busybodies at the hall.
and i am not talking about a sixteen year old girl marrying a seventeen year old boy either!
these were people way over 30. .
I know of several experiences of couples who got married against the unwanted advice of the busybodies at the hall. And I am not talking about a sixteen year old girl marrying a seventeen year old boy either!
These were people way over 30.
Now you might ask me who the hell these busybodies were. From what I could gather, they usually were the elders and older pioneer sisters who gossiped about everybody there.
They see themselves as a panel of judges over other people's lives. Now I could see if somebody knew an important piece of information about a bro/sis that was serious (like he was a criminal who changed his name, etc.). If I were courting somebody I would hope somebody would tell me!!
But no, what I am referring to is just general trashing and unwarranted intrusion into adult people's lives by a bunch of absolute morons. -
Foster Care...
by Golden Girl inok..discussions are being raised about child abuse..sexually and physically.i thought about alternatives to staying in the home.
calling the police evertime you are threatened or the children or beat.. .
if the mother is young..has no schooling..has several kids..no family or friends..how does she cope?
I am glad you know of some good experiences. There are so many children in bad situations. God bless anybody who is able to be a foster parent. -
Do You Personally Know Of Any JW That Was Sexually Abused?
by minimus in,,,,while they were witnesses?
Hi Rebel 8:
It is disgusting to be seeing a grown man chasing after a young girl. Believe me, if our society actually allowed it you would see much more of it - crazy stuff, like what you read about in a third world country. Some men do not want to relate to an adult woman (and I don't mean an old wrinkled woman either). They just don't want a grown woman.
I remember being about eleven and being chased through the neighborhood by a grown man driving a limo. I ran through yards and hopped fences to lose him. -
Jehovah's Witnesses code of dress.
by onlyme in.
could anyone confirm or deny if the sisters code of dress still prohibits the wearing of trousers?.
I'd never attend a judicial committee. They can have it without me, thank you. But seriously, if somebody asked me what kind of underwear I was wearing I would laugh in their face and say: why, do you want to buy me some?
Boy, can you imagine the dirty pictures in their heads after all they hear?
How can anybody subject themselves to this? -
Foster Care...
by Golden Girl inok..discussions are being raised about child abuse..sexually and physically.i thought about alternatives to staying in the home.
calling the police evertime you are threatened or the children or beat.. .
if the mother is young..has no schooling..has several kids..no family or friends..how does she cope?
Maybe there are some good experiences out there for boys but unfortunately the only stories I heard about for girls were foster homes and dirty old men.
Hate to be negative. -
What is the big deal about prom? - Virgin Post
by bricklayer inhi everyone, another lurker comes out.
my question is, what is the big deal about going to high school prom?
other than the usual bad associations spoil useful habits, can anybody thing of other specific reasons why jdubs are so anti-prom.
Part of the concern about proms, in general, is that many people lose their virginity on this occasion. You may have heard the expression: off like a prom dress!
Is The Governing Body Guilty?
by Honesty inall i heard the whole time i was a jw is, "satan is working hard to break up the family arrangement in the organisation".
well, the only ones i ever saw breaking up families is the jw religion.
if you leave the religion for any reason you and any of your jw family are publicly estranged from each other with the threat of being df'd hanging over the heads of each of your active jw family members if they have more than minimal contact with you.
Rod P:
Your post is excellent!
They used to like quoting the scripture about babylon the great and how her sins have massed clear up to the heavens...etc. and how "she" was going to get her comeuppance and so on. Well, babylon the great has been around since the third century or so. So that is a lot of centuries worth of hurt. But look at the dubs. They have only been around slightly more than a century and look at the hurt they have caused.
Can you only imagine what would happen if THEY were around for several centuries??? -
How far back are j.w.'s allowed to research the w.t. doctrine?
by hubert in's research russel's and rutherford's teachings once they are baptized?
if not, where in their material does it instruct them not to?
how far back are they "allowed" to research?
I was told by an elder that if somebody lived by what was taught in earlier years they would be disfellowshipped. Now ask yourself: how could this be truth if this is so??