Hi Talesin, I don't know if I'm up for intentionally going for another allergy test right now, maybe later. I just got finished having my left arm poked 75 times with needles full of allergins to see what I am allergic too. Turns out, I'm allergic to everything indiginous to my area, except grass thank gawd. But I don't think that bees were in that test, so I wouldn't know but my sister is highly allergic to bees, she has the shot with her at all times because the last time she was stung the doctor said that her organs were starting to shut down. Kind of like what happens if you were bitten by a venomous snake.
JoinedPosts by love11
Women, is it really necessary to scream when....
by Nosferatu inlast year, i was driving and my wife was in the passenger seat.
a wasp flew in the window and landed on her.
she started screaming like she had been shot.
What would be on your 1.00 per day menu, and could you do it?
by SixofNine in.
imagine that you're givin the opportunity to win a substantial prize (say, 5000 dollars and a make-out session with angelina jolie or sam shepherd) if you can a) live for 60 days on one dollar per day, and b) retain your health better than other contestants.. ah, screw that, that's silly.
what would be your menu if you had to live on one dollar per day, and you could not accept free food?
Eggs, beans, rice, grapefruit, ramen noodles, generic mac n' cheese, bisquick mix.
I have experience in this field. Ya I could do it!
Please don't refer to your husband as...
by IronGland inhubby.
the term makes me nauseas.
carry on.
Hubby, hubby, hubby, hubby, hubby, hubby. LOL
Just teasing! What's the deal with it? To me, it's the same as the male version of "honey". Most of the time I just say, "Hon.."! Come to think of it....... I never say hubby in real life, just in writing on this forum. hmmm... For your sake, I'll write hon, OK?
Children of the 80's!
by MelbaToast inalright, i admit, i was a child of the 80s (or what i can remember) but the real reason for this thread is i have noticed that there is quite a few of people on this site that are close to me in age or just a little bit younger or older.
i will be 28 in june.
i think that this period in my life is a deep questioning period, because at younger ages i didnt give a flip about anything jw or ex-jw for that matter.
I loved the 80's! I still listen to 80's music. My nine year old daughter knows Manic Monday by heart!
Pretty in Pink, Leg warmers, Madonna, black braclets, jelly shoes, moon walk, Girls just wanna have fun, Pee Wee, Stirrup pants, Bright pink shirts with aqua green triangles all over it. Ahhh... the good ol' days. LOL
My ultimate 80's look- big bangs!
Women, is it really necessary to scream when....
by Nosferatu inlast year, i was driving and my wife was in the passenger seat.
a wasp flew in the window and landed on her.
she started screaming like she had been shot.
I scream. Not bloody murder or anything but my usually reaction to it is-
OMG,OMG,OMG,OMG.........Ahhh....Get it away from me.....ahhh....GET IT!!!! I was always getting stung as a kid. I think I might be mildly allergic because my hand would swell up to the size of a grapefruit and I felt sick like I was drugged, then my vision would blurr. So I usually react that way because I don't want to ruin my day and have to go to the hospital.
i was wonderin...
by susu812 inhow many ppl here grew up entirely surrounded by jw's?
all of my family and any friends i have had my entire life are jw's and now that i am df'd i have no association.
for my ex who also got df'd he's ok because his group of friends (my old group as well) have pretty much faded out, but as for me i have no one.
I had to realize that the way the jw's describe
worldlynormal people was completely false. That people are just people, whether they are a jw, ex-jw, or a born normal person. You may not have the religious thing in common, but you can have happiness in common. -
Questions about disfellowshipping
by Gwen ini stumbled upon this site by accident and spent the past several days just reading through the forums.
i must say, i'm both horrified and fascinated at what i've read so far.
although several members of my family are jw's, i have never known much about the religion and quite honestly, have never really gotten to know these family members well.
Hi Gwen- Welcome!
So many questions and so little time! I'll try to do my best and what I don't cover I'm sure the rest will provide the answers.
People get disfellowshipped for alot of reasons. Mostly for fornication or adultery. Although, you would be suprised about the crazy reasons others are disfellowshipped. If the elders don't like you, they will make sure to find something to disfellowship you over. That is an unsaid truth that most jw's would deny, but it's true. They say in their rule books that they will only disfellowship unrepentant people- (buzzer sound) WRONG!
When you are disfellowshipped, your friends and family are no longer allowed to talk to you. If they try and talk to you, they risk being disfellowshipped themselves. Three elders usually meet with you at the kingdom hall when no one else is there and talk to you about your "problem". (Real or imagined) They tell you to go wait out in the lobby while they think about your fate. It's called a judical meeting, and it is very much like being tried in court. Then they tell you the verdict- you're disfellowshipped! Then they read your name after a meeting (like Thurs. night meeting) they tell everyone that you have been df and you hear a gasp then everyone treats you like you are evil and worse then a serial killer. Even your own mom and dad. It's like a death because of how cruel they treat you, you'll never be able to fully trust those people ever again.
If you are reinstated (allowed back in) it's after months or years of going to every meeting and constantly asking the elders to let you back in. (similar to begging) Then everyone acts like they are so happy to be able to talk to you again. But it's not the same after that.
Alot of people try to go back just to have their parents and sibilings around again. But they have to live a phony life. If you're conscience won't let you live a lie, then you will leave the witnesses for good and not have anyone. Not one person from your childhood, not one family member, not one friend. It's a very cruel act for just touching someone's ding-dong.
Anyways, hope that helps!
(sorry I'm in an ornery, crabby mood)
What is the big deal about prom? - Virgin Post
by bricklayer inhi everyone, another lurker comes out.
my question is, what is the big deal about going to high school prom?
other than the usual bad associations spoil useful habits, can anybody thing of other specific reasons why jdubs are so anti-prom.
Because they are like puritian's! If your having fun it's probably wrong. LOL
Also, because some people choose to go wild after the party. I wasn't allowed to go to my prom, I wanted to go so bad!!! But the next day I found out what really happened at a prom. Most people (like me), just sat and hoped that someone would ask them to dance but only the guy who was constantly bugging you all year long bothered to ask. And the only people that were sexually active or drunk the night of the prom, were the kids that were already doing that stuff. At least that's how it was in my school.
I guess the jw's don't trust, that you will do the "right" thing when hanging out with all of those worldly kids. But if your faith so weak that a stupid school party will make you give that up, then that probably isn't your true religion of choice. They don't see it that way though. Suppress those worldly desires to wear an ugly taffeta dress and drink too much punch, it's SATAN trying to entice you!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL
Btw- Welcome to the board! Nice to meet you! ( excuse me for being ornery today.)
Do You Personally Know Of Any JW That Was Sexually Abused?
by minimus in,,,,while they were witnesses?
Just about every female friend of mine was sexually abused in one way or another. Usually by 40-50 year old men (some elders) that seemed to get away with nothing happening to them and the 14-18 year old girl was reproved or disfellowshipped.
i have to hate them
by joelbear inhopefully i've given something to someone here over the years.
i know i've taken plenty.. i had to come here, the only place where i can say what i have on my mind and know that people will understand.. i took an overdose of medication on monday.
my long battle with anxiety and depression that is well chronicled on these pages got the best of me once again.
Joel- I went through 10 years of depression after leaving the jw's. I went through many phases between anger, utter sadness, hurt, guilty, disappointed, ashamed, you name it. But for the past couple of years I have been getting out of my 10 year funk. The only thing that I can tell you is my secret for being happy more days then being sad is- I've found my own version of what happiness is, not someone elses. I found something to live for. I stopped believing everyone elses views about me, and began to create the person I wanted to be and who I really was on the inside that no one else saw, yet. I knew that it would take me years to get to my goal of being exactly the person I've always wanted to be, so I planned accordingly.(still in progress) I've planned for little goals all the way to the big goal. Also, I decided that these people that make me feel bad about myself are not losing sleep over me, so why should I care about what they think. The idea of family to me has changed considerably! I think of myself now and allow for some
"selfishness"pampering. I narrowed down what my responsibilities are- and they are not trying to preserve a relationship with people that shi* on me. I've eliminated toxins of all kinds out of my life- people, drugs, alcohol, coffee,etc. And have gradually over the past few years replaced those things with things that nourish me- exercise, vitamins, herbs, tea, soy milk,etc,. (Find what's right for you) And I have allowed myself to make mistakes and not feel as guilty as I used to when I don't live up to my own expectations. I have stopped having an inner dialog that puts myself down or any negative talk. (If I catch myself saying anything negative to me, I stop and say, "That's their words, not mine." At first, I noticed I put myself down so much in my thoughts that I actually started a thing for when that happens- I would pinch my leg and say, "Stop It! You are not like that! That's who they think you are, but you just be yourself." I know it sounds crazy. But it worked! Also, there's no shame in getting med's when you've been through severe brain washing.Now...........I have a much more positive outlook on life and I have far more good days then bad now. You owe it to yourself to have the best life you can have right now. You have an advantage over all of the JW's in the world. They are still waiting for their life to really begin until after armaggedon. LOL When you can start living all of your dreams right now! It may take awhile to get to that great phase in your life, but you will get there! Don't give up by killing yourself, that's what they want you to do so that they can say, " See, poor Joel left "the truth" and he committed suicide...... it just doesn't pay to leave Jehovah's organization." Well................what's that saying? ......Living a good life is the best revenge.
I remember when my husband and I first got married, his "friend" stole thousands of dollars of music equipment from him. Professional microphones, amps, guitar, bass, some pedal thing, recording devises, etc,. We were so pissed for years about that! But you won't believe what happened to his friend. Years later I saw him, he was in my alley looking through my garbage before he got back on the truck. He looked like a slob and we heard rumors that he sold all of that equipment and everything in his house to get coked up. Right now he is living in filth and scrambling to buy coke. Not that I wish bad on anyone, but he got what he deserved.
Now......I don't even know anyone that is like that. I had to stay away from everyone I knew from infancy. I am now in the process of saving to move far away from here and not telling a soul where I will be going. I'm reinventing myself because I didn't like being the abused child, JW, ex-jw, poor person, depressed person, confused person, low self-esteem person that they have made me. Hope that helps. Love