Don't feel bad! It's no wonder that you're paranoid, they teach paranoia of the entire world of humanity! At my lowest I have thought of suicide, but that's giving up. I had to realize for myself that I have value as a human being and your religious status doesn't mean anything compared to how good of a person you are. Everybody makes mistakes and if the jw's are willing to treat people cruelly for those mistakes then they are the ones at fault. I think everyone should be judged on how loving they are. If you got df for loving someone too much, that's not a bad thing to have on your record! I hope you're doing ok!
JoinedPosts by love11
Can any one tell me ?
by Angry inwhy the hell did this crap make me like i am?
all the years of abuse going on.
i'm angry and very confused.
Can any one tell me ?
by Angry inwhy the hell did this crap make me like i am?
all the years of abuse going on.
i'm angry and very confused.
I'm angry and very confused.
Ahh.... It depends on what stage you are in healing. Is this a fresh wound? Or has it been years and you still find that you can't pick up the pieces? I've experienced the whole gamut of emotions. Now I feel free from their thoughts, but occasionally feel down if I think about it too much. They way they view me, is really getting less and less important. Because I don't see myself the way they do. That's what's changed. I'm not a df person, I'm just a person, they don't get that. But it's been 10 years for me, almost 11. I wish you luck on your road to recovery. For me, it had to get worse before it got better. I hit rock bottom and then woke up one day and realized I had mourned long enough over them and it all stopped. I now enjoy my life for who I am now, not for who I was.
Hope that helps!
Movies that were supposed to suck but you thought were good...
by FMZ inthanks for the idea dan :p. gia with angelina jolie.
an amazingly well acted movie.
loved it, everyone else seemed to hate it though..
Punch Drunk Love
Can any one tell me ?
by Angry inwhy the hell did this crap make me like i am?
all the years of abuse going on.
i'm angry and very confused.
How are you?
Did you meet any con artist types there?
by LongHairGal init seemed to me that there were a number of con artist types of personalities i came across during my years there.
i am not referring to people who were actually doing anything illegal.
what i am referring to are people who were very adept at getting things out of other people.
Ya, my ex- boyfriend. He would lie about what he ate for breakfast even!
When him and I were publically reproved, he told the elders that I was the instigator. I knew dam* well that he was the one always trying stuff, but I still cared for him at that point and didn't want to rat him out, so I said that we both were at fault. Next thing you know, he's invited to gatherings and I was told that I had to stay home. jerk! But you live and learn. I don't know what he told them at his "hearing", but after that an elder came up to me and said," I wouldn't want you in the same room with my son".
Then to top it all off he tried to propose to me after that, with a cubic and said it was a diamond. I took the ring and said, "NO I won't marry you and I never want to see you again, but I'm keeping the ring as payment for all the things you put me through". He called all week long after that and I wouldn't talk to him. Finally one day, my mom and him were knocking on my bedroom door and my mom said that I had to talk to him. I refused to open the door and he talked for hours to my mom in the kitchen and then gave up after that. I haven't seen or talked to him since. My mom was ferious and said that I was stupid for turning him down. I told her if she liked him so much then she should marry him. LOL I returned the ring back at KMART! and bought myself some clothes. I heard through the grape vine that him and his wife got a divorce because he cheated on her. Suprise, suprise.
Need Some Advice
by skeptikchick ini was just wondering if anyone could enlighten me with their experiences in regards to telling their parents about a serious relationship with a non-jw.
my boyfriend who i've been with for 2 years now and live with, does not know how to approach things when his mother (a very devout jw) comes to visit this summer.
we have separate rooms, and so we were thinking that we basically have two options.
Hey chick- I was raised a jw and married a non-jw. In my case I was disfellowshipped for innocently spending the night at his house, which nothing happened that night. So being that you two are living together, if he is a baptised witness he will be disfellowshipped once the mom comes to visit and finds this out. Mom's are smart and there is no way you are going to convince her that you are living together and not having sex. I guess I would say it all depends on if he still wants to be a jw. Also, I have lost everyone around me, my mom, dad, family, friends, everyone. (Like many here) However, I occasionally hear about a family that will not let anyone get in there way and still associate with their disfellowshipped child, sibling, etc,. I think your bf would know better how his mom is and he should plan accordingly from that. IMO
Welcome, Bagira!!!
by OldSoul inwe have a new poster named bagira!.
welcome, bagira!!!.
whether you step on toes or not, some here will like you, and others, meh, not so much.
Wow Bagira, you sound like you have an interesting story.
Welcome to the site, it's nice to know people that will stand for something instead of falling for everything. I'm df and when I found out, I was floored! I remember my sisters friend ran into a telephone poll because she saw that the local kh was providing day care service during the day and meetings at night. LOL She came out ok from that accident but later got cancer and died recently. If she was alive to here about the UN scandel, I wonder what she would have reacted like. hahaha
Cain had intercourse with his wife??
by fairchild inthis question has probably been asked many times before, but i'd like to hear the answer from different people.
where do you think cain's "wife" come from?
According to the bible, the only possible solution was his sister. Scientifically, there were thousands of people all over the world at that point in time, each with there own culture, traditions, and ethnicities. So she could have come from a neighboring tribe. Omission of the "outside" world of humanity I'm sure was deliberate, so as to make all human race beginning with their particular race, culture, tribe, etc,.
Women, is it really necessary to scream when....
by Nosferatu inlast year, i was driving and my wife was in the passenger seat.
a wasp flew in the window and landed on her.
she started screaming like she had been shot.
Nos- Ya they do things a little differently now. It starts with a mild dose of allergin, then a medium grade, then the strong stuff. She said they do it that way so that if you have a hive pop up on the mild stuff, they would stop and not go on to the higher stuff. Mold was the only one that broke out with the mild stuff, so I guess that's what they consider highly allergic. So it's like three rounds of it in tiny syringes, it looked scarier than what it really was seeing all of the shots lined up like that.
You mentioned a record album- what style of music do you play, write, sing, whatever?
i was wonderin...
by susu812 inhow many ppl here grew up entirely surrounded by jw's?
all of my family and any friends i have had my entire life are jw's and now that i am df'd i have no association.
for my ex who also got df'd he's ok because his group of friends (my old group as well) have pretty much faded out, but as for me i have no one.
When I was a witness, I was engaged to this geek because my mom made me. (seriously) And the guest list was over 500 people for the wedding. If I had a wedding now there might be 10 people, maybe?. I say that it's quality now, instead of quantity.