You have to let go of all of this and live your life. Hanging onto rage gives them perpetual control.
And forgive them completely. Not only is it what a REAL Christian would do, it's the most selfish thing you can do for your own life. We forgive people so WE can move on; really, it has nothing to do with them. They don't have to know you forgive them because forgiveness is between you and God, not you and them.
You can't get blood out of a stone. That's what the programmed Witnesses are and that's why they're so screwed up...they're completely cold and empty. They don't have real faith, just a void that gets filled with empty promises and empty words five times a day. Real faith is lived 24 hours a day and real faith doesn't have to count and report time.
Being angry is a choice. Choose not to. Seize your own power back. This is what I do on a daily basis and I feel really, really good about my life. They have absolutely no power over me anymore, and when I am shunned I thank God that I am not made of the stuff that can do this to others.
Hope this helps. Tomorrow will be better.