Always! I never "measured up" in anyones eyes.
JoinedPosts by caligirl
Was There A Time While U Were A Witness That You Were "Looked Down" Upon?
by minimus indid you ever sense that your own brothers and sisters looked down upon you?
Things YOU eat, that other people think is weird.
by misanthropic inthis mornings events have got me thinking about things.
i love peanut butter, not the sweet kind but i like the old fashioned peanut butter, usually laura scudder's with no sugar or preservatives - it just tastes better imo.
i put it on everything including pancakes which are really good with peanut butter and maple syrup.
Escargot, sushi, peanut butter on plums (really yummy- I looked at my friend like she was from another planet the first time I saw her do this but I was hooked after one try) , cucumber sandwiches, portobello mushrooms with mozarella cheese & tomatoes,
seeker4, I remember the first time your daughter made peanut butter on grilled cheese one day when we had lunch together! It was great, and not something I ever would have imagined trying. I think she also wanted mayo instead of butter on the outside.
Love peanut butter & honey sandwiches - I had forgotten about that.
I also drink green tea every day (hopefully the splenda I add doesn't ruin the health benefits! My favorite is jasmine, and I refuse to use teabags (unless they are from revolution tea because they are still whole leaf tea)
Was Anna Nichol Smith a symbol of the wrongs in society?
by free2beme ini just recently got back from maui, hawaii ... so if i am late to the party on this subject, sorry.
i just unplug from information, while on vacation.
although, while there we did hear that anna nichol smith died.
No, I don't think that she was a symbol of wrongs in society. People with issues like her are not the rule, at least from my perspective.
She was a messed up sad girl who spent her short life going after anything and everything that she thought might make her happy, or happier. Yes, she made poor choices, but the difference is that she made them with the media watching, whereas most people can make mistakes in relative anonymity (unless they air it on Jerry Springer). She was a personal train-wreck and I think that is what was so fascinating to the general public.
I think it is sad - not in a make me cry sort of way- but in a what might have been sort of way. She did manage to claw her way out of her poor upbringing, which is a success. We can all look at her T.V. show and marvel at how "dumb" she seemed, but she was smart enough to bag herself a billionaire and make a heck of a lot of money on her own in addition to that. It is sad that she never found any personal peace.
by Elsewhere ini have the epson stylus photo rx620 and it is probably the worst piece of crap printer i have ever owned!
the problem is with the print heads.
they get clogged but cannot be removed!
I had one and it quit working within a month. I never looked into what the problem was - I just went back to HP, which I have had no problem with. I love my Epson scanner, but the printer sucked.
Technical Support indian version
by What-A-Coincidence in.
some foul language.
remove minors from room.. .
Gotta Foamy! Very funny.
Stupid Americans
by Mackin inwatch this and weep.. .
edit: for the benefit of americans, the interviewer is not john howard, the austrailan prime minister.
:-) .
I'm as entertained by Jay Leno's "Jaywalking" segment as the video that was just posted (it is funny to see someone make a fool of themselves on a superficial level) , but I also know that video's like that are edited to leave out the those that could answer the questions with no problem (which was likely the majority) and keep only those few that couldn't answer because they provide the best entertainment.
Compression Disc Fractures?
by onlycurious inmy husband was hurt saturday while sledding.
he suffered 2 compression disc fractures.
has anyone here ever experience this?
My thoughts are with your husband and you and your family! I'm so sorry this happened. I compression fractured 2 of my vertibrae (T12 & L1) and tore ligaments & tendons in a car accident when I was 16. It is very painful, and I hope they are giving your husband some good drugs in the largest possible quantities.
Question for the ladies.
by BrentR ini would be interested to hear from the ladies about women that go after married men.
why do some seek them out over single guys?
i remember years ago reading an article about them but i do not remember much.
Personally, if I were single, it would never occur to me to go after a married man, and I tend to have a very low opinion of anyone, male or female, that would go after someone who is married.
To speculate, maybe the married ones are more attractive because they represent a challenge, or the fact that someone wanted to keep them enough to marry them means that there is something good about them worth having?
Personally, I think that if one manages to steal someone away from their spouse, they are destined to never have a true trusting relationship. There would always be an element of distrust because if that person was willing to cheat & leave once, they will do it again if given the chance.
My daughter had a showdown with her aunt
by coffee_black inmy daughter's aunt (my x sil, and a jw) moved into my daughter's neigborhood recently.
she has had nothing to do with my daughter in over 15 years.
my daughter was never baptized, but her aunt chose to basically ignore her existence for all these years.
I agree with JWDaughter's line of reasoning. Starting with the elders might have at least a temporary effect, and be highly embarassing for the aunt to be called to the carpet. Especially given that new article that says the women in the hall are to be in subjection to all males in the congregation, not just their husbands?
The "Aunt" has no rights as far as the law is concerned.
Snow .................again.
by Mulan init snowed here at the end of december and i said then that it usually doesn't snow here in the seattle area until january or february.. well.............they predicted a big snowstorm last night, and it didn't happen, but it's snowing now, really hard.
not sure if it will last long, because the weather forecasters can't seem to predict much correctly, other than rain and wind.. i was hoping to take pictures but it's dark, so will have to wait until morning.
a cold front is supposedly going to last awhile here, so the snow should be around for a few days this time..
The news here in San Diego just said that elevations as low as 900' will likely see snow. It has been unusually cold here this winter.