That is fantastic Mary! Great job. I'll be sharing a few copies for sure.
JoinedPosts by caligirl
by Mary insomeone was asking for a scanned copy of the memorial invitation, so here it is, front and back.
i've uh, revized it a bit to say what they really mean.
please feel free to distribute to anyone you think might be interested in attending.
Your Opinion Wanted-What should really be done to child molesters?
by avidbiblereader ini have not tried to hide my past as a victim of this, but this is always an area that i have to fight my personally feelings as to what should be done to child molesters.
they ruin lives, scar an individual for a lifetime!.
should they be incarcerated for life, castrated, turned over to the family member(s), public humiliation like a branding everywhere they go, tortured and or death penality?.
Drop them all off on some deserted island in the middle of nowhere from which there is no chance of escape- they can eat whatever they can grow on their own. Or send them to prison in another country where it is actually a highly unpleasant experience rather than a place where they get cable tv and 3 full meals a day.. As far as I am concerned, if someone hurts a child, they deserve to pay the price.
If they kill a child, then immediate death, not after 20 years of appeals in the screwed up legal system, just march 'em straight to their execution from the court room. IMO, there is no fear of committing serious crimes in this country because even if they get the death penalty, it will still be 20 years before the sentence is carried out because of the screwed up legal system.
Will Be In San Diego In Late April - Want to Do Lunch?
by Seeker4 ini'm flying out to see my son and his family april 19-25, and might have some time to meet some of the jwd folks out there for lunch or a drink.
anyone there, or interested?
not sure what my schedule will be, at this point, but thought i'd put out a feeler.
How did you dispose of your JW books? (Or did you?)
by exwitless inlittle drummer boy and i have a small house and we do not have room for the wasted space all of these books are creating.
here's a brief rundown of what we have:.
several nwt hardcover bibles, chinese bibles (lots of chinese students in our town), insight on the scriptures, concordances, a few bound volumes, song books, km books, reasoning books, the entire bible on audio tape, and more.
For the kids is it better to stay married and miserable or...?
by brunnhilde in...get a divorce and at least have a chance at happiness?
my husband and i would never have gotten married if we weren't both in the borg.
now we're both out and we have nothing in common.
I'd have to say divorce may be better, but it will be traumatic for the children in some ways no matter what. I think that the friendlier the divorce is, then the easier it is on the children. I think it is better to divorce in complete agreement than stay together and resent it. Then at least there is a chance that your child can have both his parents around for birthdays and holidays and special events. I think it is the hatred and bitterness that is harder on the children.
Does God mind being called the wrong name?
by Gill insince it is a well known fact that god's name is definitely not jehovah, but this was a name only in 'operation' for the last few hundred years thanks to a catholic monk, doesn't the very jealous, bad tempered god of the ot mind being called, in effect, 'fred' when his real name is 'george'.. i would think that call anyone by a knowingly incorrect name is rude, rude, rude, so how does this bad tempered, psycopathic, mass murdering god of the ot feel about this transgression on the part of the wtbts/jehovah's witnesses!!????.
not too pleased, i would guess!.
Wouldn't you be incredibly annoyed?
Then think about how that irritation would be compounded by millions of people who find it necessary to bother you multiple times a day just to say 'thanks for the food', or 'thanks for another meeting' . Man, would that ever grate on the nerves! If you count up how many times per day each witness is supposed to pray, and all the prayers at meetings of any kind, you have the recipe for one very annoyed higher being.
One of the things I've always thought, especially about the say a prayer every time you eat thing, is that if God knows all and sees all, then he already knows who is grateful for what they have and who isn't. He doesn't need to be bothered all the time by people reminding him that they appreciate the food, just shut up and eat already!
Well, that's my take on it anyways. Nothing wrong with prayer, but whatever happened to moderation? It all just started to feel like habit and praying for the sake of praying after a while, and even though you were not supposed to say the same thing, I think everyone does after a while because there just are not that many ways to say "thanks for the grub and this day of life"
Best Diet For Women
by sammielee24's been decided..after mega studies it has been confirmed that the atkins diet works faster and is the best for women.
it lowers blood pressure and cholesterol and has been a factor in regulating blood sugar levels.
i'm not sure about for men but i do know both men and women who have used this diet and it worked really well for them.
Atkins works for me (when I follow it) and it is a misconception that it is NO carbs. It simply has you take most of them out, except from veggies, then slowly add more fruits, veggies and grains until you stop losing, then cut back 5-10 carb grams to slowly and steadily lose weight. For me, because I had gestational diabetes, I need something to help me control, and it certainly cured me of my carb addicted ways. I still eat them, but I am definitly more choosy about what I eat and how much.
Seeking old friends, is there...
by LynnA inanyone who remembers me from the dim past?
i am looking for some folks i lost while offline for a couple of years.
anyone who remembers mommie dark fondly, please contact me at
Stupid or Smart Test
by MsMcDucket ini don't know if this test has been posted here before or not, but anyway here it is:.
it said that i was smart can you believe that?
DF'd for Son's Bday??
by brunnhilde inwe're having my seven-year-olds first birthday party at the local chuck e. cheese (yeah, i know but it's what he wanted).
i don't especially care, but if a dub sees us and reports us (as you know they would), can be we be df'd?
like i said, i don't particularly care, and wouldn't be sorry either.
If you are worried about being DF'd, have the party on a meeting night - we have been to several week night B-Day parties at Chuck E. Cheese and it was great. It is much less crowded than on weekends and the kids actually have a shot at getting to play games without a long wait. And bonus is that it is highly unlikely that someone from the hall will be bringing their kids out after a meeting for games. Just a suggestion.