I always stood - now I proudly pledge!
JoinedPosts by Nellie
As a JW, did you ever stand for the national anthem ...
by Frequent_Fader_Miles inmy conscience wouldn't allow me to do otherwise.
after all, this is the country that schooled me and fed me.
i use all the infrastructure here, and am entitled to all rights and benefits that any other citizen was entitled to.
They knocked this morning, dog was NOT happy.
by Odrade inthis morning an older gentleman knocked on our door to give us the leaflet invite to the d.c. which is being held locally this year.
my husband answered because i was still in my oh-so-sexy stretched out hot pink pajamas.
neither of us recognized him, but i knew the name because my parents talk about him sometimes (friends.
Pope - your kidding right? That's a dog bed the puppy's laying in! LOL
Missing my siblings wedding
by NYCkid injust releasing some steam, but i'm going to be missing my siblings wedding this summer due to the fact i'm dfd.
my sibling invited me but i can't justify the travel expense (across the country) to observe a 20 minute ceremony and then go to a motel alone while everyone is stuffing their faces.. i just hits at the core of human relationships and is so divisive, but that is the point.
after months of no communication, my mother calls me this week to remind me of what i'm missing out on.
Hey Girl - you brought back some memories. My sister was DFd when I got married. I wanted her there, but didn't know what to do, but most of my family were non-witnesses and I figured what's the big difference. She decided to forgo the wedding at the hall and just come to the reception. (Why I don't really remember.) But anyway, she sat at the family table and enjoyed herself with them.
I was thrilled that she was there and glad that no one choose to make a big deal of it. Looking back, I guess it was a little miracle. But it caused a lot of heartache for her and I before the event.
(((hugs))) - I truly hope it works out for you.
Name one thing the JW's would like to see changed in their religion?
by JH inlets say the jw's were allowed to write down on a piece of paper, without anyone knowing who wrote what, one thing that they would like changed in their religion, what do you think most jw's would want changed?
I'm with Mariusuk on this one - but forget the demographics!
They all want: sex, divorce, no service and probably one less meeting!
JW Private Investigator Inc
by sparrow inthere has been a few posts regarding happy marriages and the 2 witness rule which reminded me of an experience you might find funny.
i'd like to know if anyone else has done anything like this.... there was a married couple with 3 kids in our cong.
he was an ms but a nasty piece of work.
This kind of stuff has been going on for years . . .
Where do you go for your spiritual needs?
by Blindbutnowisee ini never was baptize as a jw.
i use to study with them for years, i even went as for as becoming a unbaptize publisher.
i gave up being a publisher because i did not feel genuine in my efforts to preach.
I'm really shocked at the cavalier attitude that many of you have expressed to this question. . . Witnesses didn't create the phrase "spiritual need" - God did. That much I know is true - otherwise, millions of people wouldn't be involved in all the many religions there are worldwide.
I was raised a Witness (actually I raised myself since no one else in my house was one - and I was 8 years old when I began studying) so their religion is the only one I know intimately. Having left, I'm gun-shy of jumping into another "religion" - but I do recognize a spiritual need within me. I've come to accept (as many of the posters agree) that I don't NEED a religion to be spiritual, but there are times when I would like to be among others who share the desire to talk about God. I don't know where I'll end up, but I imagine it will be some sort of non-denominational place. In the meantime, I still try to live a life I believe God and/or Jesus would be proud of. Which at the end of the day is what I believe being spiritual really means.
Patterson shock
by Phil inwell i have been there and am back.. this has got to be the most "pleasing" wake that i have ever attended.
it was performed and organized by the watchtower organization with the precisness of an organized military operation.
day one: had our greaving period alone with my son-in-law in his apartment followed with a meeting of her closest friends with a small lunch.. the following day, with a caravan of cars, we went to wallkill where a reception was followed by a graveside burial service and return to patterson to my daughter's apartment for a rest from activities.
Condolences Phil on your loss... please accept our love and sympathies
New Here, just want to introduce myself....
by lies all lies inhi everyone, i never was baptized but studied for a very long time before i finally got my sanity back and realized that although the individual jws for the most part were good people and doing what they thought was right the org itself was total b.s.
anyway ive been lurking here off and on for a while and figured i would stop being lazy and register.
so hello, i enjoy everyones posts and hope to be around for a while!
Just thought I'd add my welcome to the rest. When you get the time, tell us your story . . .
Bonus find!!
by RollerDave inso, last night we were working in our garage, we want the whole garage as a banquet hall for our 4th blowout instead of only half like last year.
going through boxes, i found the mother-lode of old jw books!.
my old collection of lit!.
Funny, I boxed mine up (including the various DVDs and VCR tapes) and put them in the trunk of my car. I intend to drop them off at the local KH after hours as a donation. I wonder if they'll throw them out wondering if they were left by an apostate - or do they think they're protected by Holy Spirit from us big, bad postates. Hubby thinks I'm crazy, I should either keep 'em or throw them out. Seems such a waste to junk 'em and I don't want to give them the space in the house. What to do . . . what to do?
This is how old you are
by JH inyour age by eating out.
don't tell me your age; you probably would tell a falsehood anyway-but your waiter may know!
your age by diner & restaurant math.
Cool !!!