This is a new discovery for me. I happened upon a video clip on YouTube. I don't know if this has been shared before, but it was new to me . . . WOW !!!
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by Nellie inthis is a new discovery for me.
i happened upon a video clip on youtube.
i don't know if this has been shared before, but it was new to me .
Ok, What celebrity gets your blood pumping?
by Dragonlady76 ini have been inspired by the what do the jwd posters look like avatar picture is jude law, he's my dream guy..... so who's your heart throb?.
LL Cool J
by badboy inpicking a spot involves drawing blood,therefore should a jw pick spots?
I'm with you Minimus - I don't know if I should laugh or get sick!
When you were a dub, did you shun DF/DA'd people?
by exwitless inactually, in my 14 years as a dub, it only came up with one person in our cong.
who got pregnant out of wedlock (and used drugs during pregnancy).
she was df'd but still came to most meetings.
I was definitely in the smile and nod group. I never felt had pompous, self-righteous attitude that many I knew did - I guess that's why I never really fit in!
After 18months I get called on - Elder confrontation.
by wozadummy infirstly i will acknowlege this may be long please bear with me.. not all written here will be exactly in the sequence we discussed things, for we talked for some time at my door.. he was my former book study conductor and i still think he has good qualities that i see lacking in so many elders, but as you will see the wts mindset is like concrete in his mind.. i am writing this not to brag but to emphasise and highlight the disgusting mindset of the wts and it's leaders and members.. here we go - some may know that my wife was molested as a child for some time by her elder father.
when we married some years ago it did not take long for her to open up to me about what happened to her and needless to say we struggled with this, and eventually told the local elders what happened to her as a child.. we only went this path after she tried to get him to confess ,which he did'nt and so we followed what we thought at the time was the theocratic way and went to the elders ,and please note we sincerely wanted him to repent so he could get everlasting life.
he denied all and so followed years of heartache for my wife along with her family tormenting her and eventually abandoning her, even by at least one of her sisters whom my wife also witnessed getting done by the father though not as bad ,and my wife even as a kid tried to protect her younger sisters.. ok there is the usual wts crap "we have no witnesses" even though my wife called out to jehovah to stop him as he did this for years.
I jokingly tell men all the time that they've earned "brownie points" - Your wife wasn't a dummy when she choose you! The love and support you have for her comes across in every word you write. It just goes to show that a person can rise above their childhood experiences and be successful. I don't doubt that this has been and will continue to be extremely painful for you two, but it sounds like together you'll get through it.
(((hugs to you both))) After you calm down some, let us know more.
Can/Should someone be in love with more than one person?
by AK - Jeff innot a question that affects me personally - i am dutifully bound to a single woman now for 33 years [omg that is 1/3 of a century already].. but do you believe that it is possible or profitalble to fall in love with more than one person at the same time?
in western culture it is normally considered 'betrayal' to do such a thing - but thoughout history and in cultures outside of the west today - it is considered acceptable, even normal.. typically it is the man who has more love interests than just one - not the woman - but some cultures have supported multiple partners for women also.
this is not a thread about judging others - just an inquiry about opinion.
I was thinking about when the "indoctrination" of only one special person begins, but I started thinking about my kids and how they interact with others. Typically, when they are with a friend, they don't want to share that friend with anyone else. I see it all the time. Yesterday, I was taking my daughter to the park and I told her to invite a friend, then I asked her if she wanted to invite another friend. She didn't want to . . . three's a crowd in her book. My boys are the same way.
PRINCE PERFUME 'smell the truth'
by DannyHaszard inrevelations perfume smell the truth3121 reasons to pick up prince's scentcomment.
usa today - 1 hour ago.
the jehovah's witness convert "was intrigued by our name," couey says.
Sounds like WTWiz has "marked" this perfume and it's daddy . . . hmmm. . .
Back from the honeymoon (pics)
by reneeisorym infyi: i had the best wedding ever.
and to those of you who know what i'm talking about: yes, my dream did come true.
and if you want to know what i'm talking about, feel free to pm and ask.
Congratulations !!!
I HAVE TO MOVE ON...............
by juni ini've met some wonderful friends here at this forum, but it's time for me to put the jw religion to rest.
it will be 15 years this october that i daed myself which in retrospect i wish i wouldn't have done as there are some former sisters who i would love to give a big hug and talk with who are in pain mentally, but i can't.
i agreed to their "rules" when i was baptized.
I'm with Outlaw - we're all entitled to a vacation . . . think of us as your extended family that you don't see every day or every week - once in a while is fine . . . it's not goodbye, it's see ya later
The things that are Wrong with being a JW
by jwfacts ini have been working on this article for quite some time as it kept getting longer and longer.
if you do not have time to read it all can you please just scan the headings and tell me if there is anything that i have missed.. .
Excellent job - I have two points:
- You should mention that after all the years of "no blood transfusions," now there are options - options that even the R&F don't really understand. Blood fractions are okay. . . what fractions? why? And what motivated the change in doctrine - not holy spirit, but the need to become a recognized religion in other countries.
- The other point was in regards to how those brothers who had previously undergone trials for not engaging in something that now "their consciences would allow" should not feel bad because Jehovah had allowed their suffering. (This just makes my blood boil !!!) Their consciences didn't change - the society told them that NOW it was okay and so with their permission, NOW they can change! An individuals conscience is not allowed to feel anything that isn't in line with the society's protocol! To do so is to be an apostate!