Well I had a big one last month that landed me in the hospital due to a very bad bipolar episode. Small ones I had been having off and on for years when I was sleep deprived were combinations of dark shadows and flickering lights in my room at night.
My husband had put an idea in my head a couple of years ago that my youngest daughter may not live to be an old woman, in fact he had intuition telling him something bad was going to happen to her within a few years. (long story about my daughter who is bipolar, and I had always feared her bad decisions would come crashing down on her eventually anyway)
Anyway, I was walking down my dark hallway (no windows so it's always dark), and I turned and looked at the pictures of my kids on my wall and in particular a picture of my youngest daughter in her black graduation gown with her arms folded holding her diploma and I thought she was in a coffin. All of a sudden I just knew that she was either dead, had just died or was about to die. I ran back to my bedroom and became hysterical. I began sobbing like I had never sobbed before, in fact my whole body was heaving, and my stomach felt like I was having labor pains because the sobs were so deep and emotionally/physically painful. I spent a couple of hours crying. I put my cell phone in my drawer and waited for either a phone call or door knock that someone was telling me my daughter was dead. Part of my hallucination was that my baby came into the world with labor pains, and she was now leaving this earth with labor pains. I then sat outside in the sun clutching a picture of her and cried heaving sobs for quite a while. I checked myself into the hospital the next day because I thought my house was haunted and I didn't want to be alone.
How's that for a hallucination? I tore the picture of my daughter up in the black graduation gown and replaced it with one of her smiling and cheerful.