My father was an elder and without fail we went out in service for a full 2 hours every Saturday and every Sunday. So you can imagine how many times I had to go to a classmates house during all those years. It felt like dying a thousands death each time. My most embarrassing moment though was when I was about 15 and for some reason was waiting for my father to finish up at a house. I was standing on the corner just feeling embarrassed and hoping that no one I knew would see me. When the lady my father was talking to yelled at me from the door and said "It's drunken prostitutes like that that need to come and listen to the lord" or something to that effect. My father was visibly shaken when he finished and came walking back to me. He said, "WHAT were you doing that would make that women say that to you??? She said you were "swaying" back and forth all over the street. I told him that I wasn't doing anything! I was just standing there waiting for you! He didn't believe me and was so very embarrassed that he took me straight to our car and we were finished for that day!
JoinedPosts by aprilbaby
What was your most embarrassing moments in the " feild service"?
by new boy ini know its an old thread, but its fun and educational.. i had many, but the one that come to mind the most is.
the orgy!!!.
it was southern calif. about 1969. i was 20 years old.
who remembers their first day at school
by tijkmo ini remember was in the days when all pupils gathered daily for a service to start the day even though it was not a religious school...anyway my sister had started the same school the previous year and my parents had informed the school that she would not be attending the daily service..not a problem..except for some reason they assumed that because i was the same surname the school would make the connection that i wasnt to go into service...but they didnt and so i found myself right at the front of the hall on my first day not even 5 years old in my new blazer and short trousers with all the other pupils behind me knowing i shouldnt be i started crying..and first my teacher came to see what was wrong but quickly got frustrated because i couldnt explain she smacked me for crying and kept smacking me to get me to stop crying and then got the headmistress to smack me to get me to stop crying until eventually time was up and they had to cancel the service.....result...still loved school though...tijkmo
I remember that my family moved when I was half way through 1st grade. Belief at the time was that even a child should be able to explain by themselves their beliefs and convictions (like I even knew what any of that was at that age). I just remember going into this new classroom full of little kids staring at me and a very "mean" looking teacher with a hugh beehive hairdo. I went up to her desk and blurted out "I don't salute the flag" and started crying. I was so terrified! Even at that tender young age I would always think about what I would do when I was a grownup and didn't have to do what my parents told me to.
when you were babtized and dedicated did you feel a void?
by swiftbreeze inthis has always troubled me:.
i was studying to be babtized although i was raised around the "truth" i still had to have an official study.
so i was taught that i had to go to jehovah in prayer stating my desire to be dedicated and babtized.
I'm a newbie here and already I find comrades! This is exactly how I felt and still do to some extent. I tried so hard to "feel" something. I kept thinking that if I did everything I was supposed to I would just wake up one day and "feel" the devotion to Jah that everyone was talking about. But it never happened. I thought there was something wrong with me. I remember when I was only 6 years old being in FS with my parents thinking, " I can't wait till I am a grown up so I don't have to do this anymore".
Just can't get this out of my head
by jt stumbler inbeing recently self-dissassociated, i cannot get out of my head something that happened to me more than 20 years ago.
having studied much in my youth, and being the submarine witness that i was, i married at 19 and began my "worldly coarse".
i just knew it was the "truth".
you know this same thing happened to me many years ago. I had been disfellowshipped and was living with my boyfriend. We had a terrible fight and I cried and cried about the screwed up life I was living. I begged Jehovah in prayer to help me. The next morning 2 sisters came to my door. I was shocked/scared but still did nothing. It's still haunt me to this day and that was over 20 years ago.