A person doesn't need a religion or a church building to love & serve God. Religion is MAN'S way of trying to reach up to God.
The Lord simply says: "Cometo ME, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest."
"if you can find a religion that's better than jehovah's witnesses, let me know where i can find it".....i've heard jws say this in defense of "the truth" that they know is not 100% right.. what would you say to a witness that suggests that jehovah's witnesses are still better than all the others???
A person doesn't need a religion or a church building to love & serve God. Religion is MAN'S way of trying to reach up to God.
The Lord simply says: "Cometo ME, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest."
i know, a far cry from the sexiest actor/actress thread, but hell; let's be a kid for a weekend for a bit!
it brings back fun, good memories !
so, when you were a kid, did you lean toward disney or warner brothers ?
Mighty Mouse
thiis one's long, but here's a letter i sent in open dialog with the elder of my wife's congregation...let's hear the input... i appreciate your candor, and admittedly i can see an effort to not be overbearing in your response to my questions.
my main concern is trusting the organization.
when i read john 14(the whole chapter because i"m never satified with just a verse), i don't see anything that provides for some "organization" to lead us to the salvation that we all seek in our christian walk.
Excellent job!
You raised some very good points in your letter to the Elder. He will NEVER admit it, but I'm sure you planted some seeds of doubts and questions in his mind. Let's hope these eventually sprout and grow someday into the realization that the WTS is NOT God's true organization on earth.
i may be the only one that posts on this and i'm going to bed but i'm starting this thread anyway.
i love imbd.
*********************************************** ******************************************************************************* george costanza: you ask me to have lunch, tell me you slept with elaine, and then say you're not in the mood for details.
there is this xjw i know that i grew up with and we have kept in touch over the years.
he was df'd as a teenager, moved away and never looked back.
"k" has family he keeps in touch with.
That is sooooo very sad. Let's hope that was a wake-up call for the parents. Perhaps this will propel them to start questioning this family-destroying organization they're in.
now that memorial is past i hope that all is well for everyone mentally, physically, emotionally.
many were in a great turmoil as to feelings and what to do about.
going , so how are we all today?
I've never been a JW, but I went as a nice gesture b/c our family member invited me. I tell ya, it was SO STRANGE to see that plate & goblet just pass on down the line, person after person....and no one partaking.
Another thing that struck me...was now DRY & EMOTIONALLY DEAD the service was. I'm used to a church with spirit....lively music and everyone worshipping the Lord. I'm sorry....but this service was dry as stale toast.
Well, at least that cured my curiousity!
does the wts still discourage their members from starting a family.....like they did back in the 1970's?
our jw loved ones have no children yet, and was wondering if this could be why.. .
lavendar .
Does the WTS still discourage their members from starting a family.....like they did back in the 1970's?
Our JW loved ones have no children yet, and was wondering if this could be why.
there is simply no proper or honorable way to leave the cult.
to leave is to fail, to die, to be defeated by evil.
The WTS is most definitely a cult.
ANY GROUP that controls what you believe, controls what you read & how to i nterpret it , controls how you think, controls how you dress, controls your time ..........then tells you not to associate with friends & family who are critical of the group.....and if you ever leave the group, you'll be lost forever. These are just some of the characteristics of a mind-control cult.
it would be a complete set-up ahead of time.... selfish?
yes - manipulative?
just dreaming though.
Ahhhh.........I know how you feel, Cognac. Sometimes I feel so helpless, too. Our son is swallowing the LIE hook, line & sinker. We're trying to throw him "life lines", but it's not getting through. He just keeps getting deeper & deeper into it. Of course, his JW wife has a lot of influence over him.
I hope someday we can both say our loved ones have LEFT THE WTS BUILDING!
Hope & prayers,
i just joined this forum today after reading the comments on today's watchtower (which i have to attend in about an hour unfortunately).
i was raised in "the truth" and it was only recently that i began to listen to a close friend of mine as he pointed out the secrets and lies that is the watchtower society and governing body.
even though he was informing me for almost a year, he never gave up on me.
Hello IcingHeart!
Welcome! I'm so happy that your eyes are being opened about the WTS! Your friend is a REAL friend, and cares about you very much. Keep reading and searching, and I'm sure you'll come to the same conclusion as all of us here. Maybe one day you'll be the "instrument" in freeing your loved ones from the WTS cult.
It's hard going at it alone when you're surrounded by family and friends who are told that apostates are of the devil and shouldn't be listened too...
This is the scare tactic they use to keep their adherants from finding out the REAL TRUTH about the WTS. Don't let them intimidate you.
All the best to you,