My family member is attending a JW Convention as we speak. What happens at these conventions? Is it all just talks? Is it boring?
my family member is attending a jw convention as we speak.
what happens at these conventions?
is it all just talks?
My family member is attending a JW Convention as we speak. What happens at these conventions? Is it all just talks? Is it boring?
1. it ruins people lives and spirit.
It takes my son, who was never raised as a JW....and turns him into someone I don't recognize anymore. Insidious cult.
i was raised as a j dub since i was a little girl.
i'm 22 now and i'm still scared of those damn birds.
i got baptized when i was ten so it was beat hard in me that the birds were going to eat all the wicked people.
Since you're "cured from the rest of the teachings".....I'm sure you'll eventually lose your fear of birds too. They will never hurt you. They're beautiful creatures that God created for us to enjoy on this earth....not to be afraid of.
(If I were you, I wouldn't ever watch Hitchcock's The Birds movie)
Welcome to the board, bibledike!
happy memorial day, america.
a special day for remembrance of loved ones, and especially for those who have given their lives for our country..
this past saturday morning, i was walking through downtown guelph ontario when i saw 3 ppl standing on corners of an intersection with what i instantly recognized to be watchtowers in their hands.
while i was at an atm, i watched them approach various strangers and i started to get excited, thinking about what i would say to them when approached.
(1 middle aged woman 1 teenage girl and 1 man - interestingly, i first doubted the man was a dub because he had no jacket, blue shirt, orange tie, and had a cell phone attached to his belt - i cant imagine ever being allowed in service with a visible cellphone.).
Maybe they thought you were laughing at THEM.....and didn't want to take the chance of being challenged by you.
ok, i am seriously on the verge of crying, but i think i'll be ok. my first emotion is being totally pissed off, but the root is sadness.
i threw my husband his first birthday party, a surprise at that.. it's his first ever birthday party, and it was his 25th....a biggie.
so why the f&*% didnt people show?
That's just the way ALOT of people are, unfortunately. We own a business.....and if we had a dime for every person who said they were going to do something....and didn't....we'd be millionaires!!
Hope you had a nice time together anyway...just the two of you. That's what really counts.
witnesses try to convince you that everything they teach is supported from the scriptures.. where in the bible does it say anything about "special pioneers" or "publishers"?.
where in the bible does it say you can take some blood components but not others?.
where in the bible does it say that 1914 was a marked year?.
If "Paradise Earth" is such an important place....why isn't it mentioned anywhere in scripture?
i am shocked i am even writing this.
for about a year or so, i have hid in the darkness peeking at this site and following everyone else's story.
i have learned more than i expected from so many.
I thought Jesus came to upbuild and bring hope to people. This is not happening in the congregation.
Jesus DID come to upbuild and bring hope to people.
The reason it's not happening in your because the WTS does not have the REAL Jesus. Sadly, they only have a counterfeit.
when i read some comments here, it looks like some actually hate the organization.
do you??
I hate the fact that the WTS has "imprisoned" my child. I don't hate the rank & file JWs. They are victims...who have lost their way.
in the mind of a jw, why is there such a difference between celebrating someone's birthday from year to year and celebrating the actual day they were born, or celebrating that day a few weeks earlier or later in the form of a baby shower?
when i was a jw and a sister was in the hospital with her new baby we would go up to visit and bring gifts for the baby, in essence, celebrating that baby's birthday.
when i was in i never thought about it, but now i want to know!
Yeah.....just one of the many things that doesn't make sense in the WTS.