JoinedTopics Started by littlerockguy
Blondie songs
by littlerockguy insince there are some obvious blondie fans here, what are some of you guy's (or girl's) favorite blondie song.
some of mine are:.
fade away and radiate.
what's your favorite candy?
by littlerockguy ini just got hooked on those ice breakers sours with little sour crystals in them.
i love sour candy!
WTS definition of honesty
by littlerockguy incan somebody tell me the wts definition of honesty?
i dont have my insight book with me.
i knew their definition of a lye and how they apply there definition with their legalistic actions.
The saddest song you've ever heard
by littlerockguy inwhat is the saddest song that brings tears to your eyes just about every time you hear it?
mine is harry chapin's cats in the cradle
employees from hell
by littlerockguy inhow many are managers/supervisors and have to deal with one or two employees who are complete and udder nightmares, i.e.
not staying in their desk, always behind, always a crisis and have to leave work, has a smart-ass attitude when counseling or cries when you tell them what they need to be doing?
i have one that my boss hired as soon as i was promoted and i have to manage that employee and my boss knew about this person was when they was hired!!
Idea to do with junkmail
by littlerockguy ini got an email about a neat idea of what to do with junkmail and i got to do it today.
i got a jc penny credit card offer and junkmail from the healthsystem where where i work.
luckily jc penny included a "no postage necessary if mailed in united states" envelope i just tore up all my junkmail and stuffed it into the prepaid envelope.
was your cong like out of a chapter of Peyton Place?
by littlerockguy inthe first congregation i went to basically was warm and friendly even though i didn't develop very many close friends there but some of the others i went to were rather scandulous in more ways than one.
one that i went to im surprised anybody is still there that has a conscious with all that went on.
was yours like that?
What sin did you ever committ that you thought you never never would?
by littlerockguy inadultery (sexual relations with a married man); after all i was a prude as an active jw.
i never thought i would do such a thing.
Any types of books, authors, etc. you enjoy now that you didn't as a JW?
by littlerockguy ini always loved to collect books.
if any jw came and looked at my bookshelf now they would turn probably turn white.