Daniel (the "worldly" man) was the first non-witness I ever loved. The more I loved him, the more I could not bear the thought of my life without him. Would I enjoy paradise if he wasn't there? Why didn't he deserve to be there too? Could I bear to let him get "destroyed"?
As an imperfect human, I could not bear to see him hurt... so how could a perfect, loving God destroy him?
This are the questions that started my journey. From there it just all fell apart.
It definetly hasn't been easy since I am so young. I moved out of my parents house and ceased all communication with them at 17. (at which time I was pregnent!!) I could have really used a mom to talk to for the past three years...
But you know, even having lost my biological/"spiritual" parents/family, I have gained others. Witnesses like to make you think that if you leave the nest that you will not find companionship like you will within the organization. Personally, I think it is the exact opposite...
The friends I have now are my friends because they like me NOT because they have the same beliefs and it is convient...or because the elders told them they have to be nice to me.
I just feel bad I couldn't bring my three sisters with me.
Of course, I think about all my family and friends often, but despite the hardship, I really believe I am better off out of the organization. (even if that makes me an orphan)
Besides... I love sleeping in on the weekends!!!