How cruel can these people be??
1) My dad informs me this spring that my sister is getting married.
2) I am of course not informed of the actual date incase I decide to show up
3) I am sent a wedding invitation AFTER the wedding has taken place along with a little letter from Mom and Dad.
4) I get an e-mail from my mom with the link to the website of wedding photos and gushing dub comments.... "What a lovely family" blah blah blah
So what do I do, for the first time in 4 years I write my parents and tell them how much that hurt me... that I am disgusted that they cling to an organization that promotes HATE within family members... that a loving god would never approve of such treatment...
What does she write back??
"Krystal...I'm sorry you feel that way....perhaps it was a mistake of me to send you the link. It was definately...not done with the intention of hurting you...I'm sorry if it was bad judgement on my part.
No individual or organization has tried to hurt've been hurt by your own choices...I know that does not make the pain any less....but understand that this situation is difficult for all of us....not just you, and it was certainly not our choice to live this way a family divided.
Again, I apologize if I have hurt you by sending the pictures...
WTF?! She didn't hurt me with the pictures she hurts me by putting her precious religion before her own FLESH AND BLOOD!!!
I cannot believe her answer... basically, "It's your own fault you weren't invited"