IT IS the desire of Jehovah's Witnesses that you become better acquainted with them.
I can think of that in a sick way!
I went through some of the watchtoer website and I can already pick up the brain washing techniques! This is what ive noticed,
It is set out that no matter what is said to the jw's they will not believe it because from their point of view and what the wt told them is the devil will try to fool them and the "worldly" people are stanic so don't believe what they say catch my drift so far.
So you'll be lucky if you can convince the jw because they are to busy thinking that you are just "worldly" and satan is trying to pull them away from jehovah. so what you are doing ain't going to be easy
And of cause there is the 5 meetings a week, so the watchtower brainwashing is constantly getting shoved down their throat.
I've also noticed that in the end when the jw can't take it anymore they leave the organisation and get the wrong idea of god! everything is twisted in their mind and they have so many unanswered questions that in the end they come to a conclusion that there is no god. (not all but some) the jw's end up spiritually heart broken
It is mentioned in the bible that you must be careful with the scriptures because even satan can twist the scriptures in the bible to do his evil doings!
and no offence to anyone but i've noticed that happening in the watchtower organisation. (thats just my opinion)
They also go on about what displeases god and they go pointing the finger at the other christian religions! they say christmas, easter and celebrating bithdays is bad! And they say the trinity is bad and that is exactly what the other christian religions do! so now phase two! the jw's believe that catholic, orthodox, church of christ etc. are bad!
so that sums up into their minds that the jehovah's witness is the only path to god.
Onother big thing ive noticed in this brainwashing technique is that the watch tower refers themselves to jesus, jesus was rejected by others and he also mentions"bless is he who get persecuted for rightousness sake" So now the jw's get the idea that everytime someone is mean to them eg. the door gets slammed in their face on field ministries. they only come to believe even more that they are serving god and are like jesus. Because they are getting rejected just like he did!
Also if you reas the article from the watchtower site under the topic "how do you find the true religion?" They write it in a way that the text is pointing to them. I suggest whenever you see text from the watchtower study the text hard and I mean HARD! you will see the brainwashing techniques.
Look at this brain washing text,
2. Spiritual Cleanness: If we want to serve Jehovah, we cannot hold on to any of the teachings or customs of false religion. We must get out of false religion and not support it in any way. ( 2 Corinthians 6:14-18 ; Revelation 18:4 ) Once we have learned the truth about God, we must be careful not to be misled by people who teach falsehood.? 2 John 10, 11 .
Can you see the brainwashing! It is telling the jw's firstly to let go of their old beliefs (say if you were previously a catholic) So you clean up your mind from the so called "cob webs" you go into the organisation and they tell you that there is no trinity! but as the text above said "Don't hold on to any teachings or customs of false religion" at fist you hesitate, then you get the whole soap opera performance of the elders and the others calling you spiritually weak! Then the elders make up a lot of crap about how the trinity isn't true, they use more persuasive language (which ive also noticed in a lot of their texts) and in the end convince you.
After a while you commit more to the jw religion and you believe what the watchtower says.
It mentions in the text "once we learned the 'truth' about god, we must be careful not to be mislead by people who teach falsehood"
So the dedicated jw will feel that if anyone opposes the watchtowers teachings and try to convert them, they are getting "mis-lead"
So if you can overcome those hurdles with the jw's I congragulate you for the job ain't easy!
I suggest identify the issue eg say "now I know that right now you think that I am trying to mis-lead you or the fact i am a so called "worldly" person that I speak nothing but lies......" then go on about your points you want to make. If you do that then the jw will feel that you have more understanding of the situation.
also try using points from this site below?
I hope that helped Evanescence