It's a portrait of St. Pizza
ha ha ha! that explains it! its a pizza on his head!
or my frizbee i lost! So thats where it went!
everything i know is my own minds invention/creation.. i have never known a moment when i did not exist and never shall.. i know everything there is to know in my own mental universe.. just because i cannot control what my own mind invents does not make me less god, as i did not create myself but have always existed as far as i know and so have never had any say in my true nature or how it works.. i am like brahma-- reality dreaming about itself.. i am the generator of dreams or g.o.d..
It's a portrait of St. Pizza
ha ha ha! that explains it! its a pizza on his head!
or my frizbee i lost! So thats where it went!
i was a jw for 40 years.
although as an individual/cong/body of elders holy spirirt was prayed for, i cannot think of one moment when i thought..right now i have gods spirit acting upon me.
it was never described adequately for me to completely understand and i suspect that others felt the same, yet everyone talked as though they knew exactly how it worked.
the bond I still have with nature
but when i am in the countryside close to nature i have a feeling that sometimes wells up inside of me of intense emotion, i think due to the overwhelming beauty and colour in nature.
Awe and wonder my friends, Awe and wonder one of the gifts of the holy spirit
Evanescence (gone all lubby dubby christian again )
i do have some thoughts on this subject, there are some interesting scriptures that come to mind on this subject but i want to get other peoples opinions.
do you think that god of the bible is sexist?
what do you think it means to be sexist?
I created a thread on this topic in a different forum,
for instance, especially kids under the age of eighteen, or dfing folks for questioning the society?
i think if i had been involved, i'd have to get on the horn with everyone i'd df'd.
except the child molesters
Good question but no responce....
on a few threads now we have had the discussion of how to take out a local kh..
the consensus seemed to be that it would require a two pronged approach.. 1. help the newly df, da through loving support and association so they don't go back.. 2. help the new bible studies and return visits with a good inocculation from the "jw are god's org" disease.. let's not talk about how to do that just yet.
I'm very interested, I was thinking of going into a kingdom hall pretending to be all interested and stuff and show everyone true christian love!
And when it comers to my turn doing my speech in front of everyone (may I add that i'm good at debating and public speaking he he he he he!)
WHAMMO! I'd still speak in an undercover sence but hint. I'd mention first about child abuse and womens rights because i'm so against these rights getting abused.
Everytime someone gets marked or df or da I'd be very nice to them and make them feel comforted etc. when a marked person walks in i'll say "welcome brother/sister how are you today?" while all the other jw's snob him/her off.
But i'll have to wait a few years i'm only 15 when I've finished school and move out i'll move near the kingdom hall and then make my move!
Do jw's still do street ministries? I happen to have a mike and a 130watt amp!
In the mean time i'll study more on jw's and the bible etc.
I happen to be very interested in jehovah's witness thats why i'm going to the trouble of doing this! one of my interests is religion so yeah...
Taking out the jw's kingdom hall at a time!
i was a jw for 40 years.
although as an individual/cong/body of elders holy spirirt was prayed for, i cannot think of one moment when i thought..right now i have gods spirit acting upon me.
it was never described adequately for me to completely understand and i suspect that others felt the same, yet everyone talked as though they knew exactly how it worked.
I recieved confirmation (sacrament where you receive the holy spirit)
be blessed with the gifts of the holy spirit courage, wisdom, reverence, Knowledge, understanding, wonder & awe and Right judgement.
and umoungst these are the 12 fruits of the holy spirit,
Charity, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, generosity, gentleness, faithfulness, modesty, self control, chastity.
Do you not know that you are gods temple and the holy spirit dwells within you?
Be sealed with the holy spirit
The holy spirit guides you within your life and helps you to say things when you cannot think of what to say.
Sorry I went all lubby dubby christian on you!
"the perfect map" is a paradox.. where would we be without maps?
they provide us with much information to give us directions, pinpoint locations, quantify distances and areas, and identify landmarks (roads, tracks, intersections, towns, cities, signs, etc.
it is a scale drawing of the real world.
hmmmmm maps so lovely, to keep it 'real' in my site i'll grab my white out and whipe out the kingdom halls he he he he he! as they said they are not part of the world, they "overcame" the world
in case you have friendly html errors turned on, here's the output i get from the watchtower's site when i go searching for thetruth:.
it's nice to see them admitting it.
LOL print the page off and send it to your local kingdom hall! i'd love to see their priceless expression on their faces!
then again they'll probebly say that the internet is evil etc. then i'll say if thats the case then why does the watchtower have their very own website?!!!! LOL!
the magic of 9.. take a number, multiply it by nine.
upon getting your answer 9 x 7 = 63 add the numbers 6 + 3 = 9. the formula works no matter how you slice it.
OMG funnyderek! LOL good one!
boobies lol
i understand from someone that they were visited by jws a few years ago.. the lady said that in a paradise earth, they would be lions walking all over her garden(something like that).
she replied `what a lot of rubbish' or something like that.. were there similiar experiences when you were on the doors?
The lady said that in a paradise Earth, they would be lions walking all over her garden(Something like that)
I had a jw who said that lions would eat straw instead of humans.