Oh and don't forget peoples lives that are lost due to refusing blood transfusions
ok, i'm attempting to collect a list of jw wrongs in this thread so i can give it to my parents.
i haven't been here long enough to know some of the inside information that you guys have, so any contributions would be welcomed.
Oh and don't forget peoples lives that are lost due to refusing blood transfusions
ok, i'm attempting to collect a list of jw wrongs in this thread so i can give it to my parents.
i haven't been here long enough to know some of the inside information that you guys have, so any contributions would be welcomed.
Well the things that I don't like about the jw's are these,
- Division amoung families due to faith.
-sexual abuse
-Child abuse
-the affects of disfellowship on a individual
-lowering self esteem, calling people spiritually weak if they fall short of the elders expectations.
-dragging an individual in a room with three elders and being asked on a detailed explanation on incidents eg. Rape Who what when where why how! (jeez its non of their business!)
-the Jws think they are the ONLY path to god and say not very nice things about other religions (i've noticed that they percifically like to attack Catholics)
- To much control on an individuals life (telling them what music to listen to, what to eat, what to do with their spare time)
- some jws attempt suicide due to all the pressure and lonlieness
Gee is that a good enough list! With all this going on you can clearly see that this is not god's true organistaion.
They are the reasons why i am against the organistaion, Ok we all have the right to religion and I respect that, but The Jw Society does not have the right to destroy peoples lives!
This site contains some really good stories on ex-jws http://b26.ezboard.com/bexjehovahswitnessforum
just wondering, my experience tells me that many jw live in constant state of watchfulness, bordering with paranoia.
did any of that have an effect on you?
like last week ive had a pleasure of browsing new childrens book great teacher or something (well it was new to me anyway) i was mightily surprised on the number of references to satan or devil.
I hate spiders!
Gee I can't believe the jw's are soooo paranoid over the devil!
Gee what's next? they discover new light and find out that all our house plants are possesed?
hey everyone, here's my yearly tips for the assembly.......there's alot of newbies here who just might benefit from sum of deeze tips.
going to the assembly this year?
For me I don't need coffee (although caffine hypes me up)
All I need is a lot of red bull or V once I have one of those EVERYONE is afraid of me!
IF I had coffee, red bull or V It will be impossible for me to stay still for 5 seconds! I'd run around the hall like a Jacken iddi I am!
Peas you say? I have a even evilier idea! SPIT BALLS!!!! that would really annoy the people on stage!
Aim for the speakers mouth who knows you might get a bulls eye! (just make sure you have your minigecoccal needle before you do!) sorry can't spell!
maybe try and cough out words the speaker says like the Trinity is *cough* true
....you find a for-sale board at the front of the watchtower .
and what would you do to the building if you braught it?.
i wonder how can that ugly building be the only communication from god to earth?.
lol thanks googlemagoogle!
Well the point of this post is to not critisise my spelling, so yeah STOP BEING MEAN!!!!! I know I can't spell!
bought! Bought! BOUGHT!!!! ARRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!
i just can't believe it!
after sending the elders a letter (see http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/6/91796/1.ashx) we get a letter from elder s. that he understands that families are busy, can't be reached for short notice meetings, yada yada yada.
so they are setting another meeting for june 12. .
Listen to "bad" music full blast on your stereo,
Go into the kingdom hall and sing "Father, son and the Holy Spirit, all in one as a trinity!"
do they have a piano in the kingdom hall? if so then start playing happy birthday on the piano and christmas carols.
Maybe even walk into the Kingdom hall with a huge birthday cake! if the elders annoy you (make sure you do this in front of everybody)
Shove the birthday cake in the elders face! WHAMMO!!!!
....you find a for-sale board at the front of the watchtower .
and what would you do to the building if you braught it?.
i wonder how can that ugly building be the only communication from god to earth?.
Tut, tut, Evan! Those foreigners will think us aussies can't spell proper!
They can't just judge all of the Australians by veiwing my posts! Gosh I don't set a good example.....
Gee its just a typo.....
I think... thats how you spell it....
....you find a for-sale board at the front of the watchtower .
and what would you do to the building if you braught it?.
i wonder how can that ugly building be the only communication from god to earth?.
....You find a for-sale board at the front of the Watchtower
And what would you do to the building if you braught it?
I wonder how can THAT ugly building be the only communication from god to earth?
for all those americans thinking of travelling to australia... please be aware of the following - .
I'm not so sure, misspeaches about the second one - when i had a property we had roos everywhere!
It really depends on which part of australia you live in, we don't see Kangaroos jumping around in melbourne, kangaroos don't jump around in busy human areas just like you ex-jws wouldn't jump around in the kingdom hall. But if you live more in the bush then your bound to see one. One time I went to a camp in a bushy area we had electricity and stuff but it had a lot of bush. Kangaroos would be jumping around everywhere, I often seen many jump pass the windows! One night I had the amusement of watching a dingo and a Kangaroo fight! They'll all right (and of cause you can't go near them, kangs can be quite dangerous) I was even able to pat a wild kookaburra cause it was used to humans being around (our animals are friendly!) And I had birds walking up my arm Yes but I have noticed that some tourists can get a bit upset because they picture Australia as having Kangaroos jumping around everywhere which really isn't the case, you need to be in a bush far, far away from busy towns and cities. Evanescence
im thinking of be rebaptized.. .
it seems very few think the jw baptism is correct and i should get redone, as it were.. any thoughts.
You only need to be baptised once, but I don't think the jws baptised you in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit which is required so you might want to do it again in a church that does....
But its up to you