G money that is very high that put you up in highest % in the nation. Pretty damn cool
Posts by skyman
What is your IQ?
by skyman inmy iq is 130 i have taken the test twice and both times it was 130. the detailed report said i am very high in math and logical thinking, but lower on language skills.
i believe this site has helped me with spelling and grammar.
i type rather fast now compared to when i started posting.
What is your IQ?
by skyman inmy iq is 130 i have taken the test twice and both times it was 130. the detailed report said i am very high in math and logical thinking, but lower on language skills.
i believe this site has helped me with spelling and grammar.
i type rather fast now compared to when i started posting.
My IQ is 130 I have taken the test twice and both times it was 130. the detailed report said I am very high in Math and logical thinking, but lower on language skills. I believe this site has helped me with spelling and grammar. I type rather fast now compared to when I started posting.
JWs - Prudes or not Prudes?
by Spectrum ini was looking at jwconnections out of curiosity thinking i'd find a selection of prudish jw women but was shocked to find that some of these women don't look prudish at all.
they'ed probably give worldly women a run for their money.
maybe things are changing.
I have know several Sister's that have used the internet this way.
Some Creation/ Flood Resource Arcticles
by hooberus inthe following are some interesting creationist online arcticles which i think may prove helpful for those for those with a serious interest in the subject:.
"the paradigm of naturalism compared with a viable alternative: a scientific philosophy for the study of origins": excerpt: "i heard a prominent scientist state that 'even if creation was right i would have to deny it to be a scientist.
' to understand why a reputable scientist would make such a statement, it is necessary to understand the role of naturalism in science.
here we go agian. It is to late for me tonight but maybe tomorrow.
Are JWs the Ultimate Modern Suicide Cult?
by Gill injws lives are regularly put on the line by their religious beliefs or by the rules made by the wtbts.. if they become sick or injured they cannot accept for themselves or their loved one a blood transfusion that may save their lives.. if they live in an intolerant society, they may not purchase simple papers that could prevent them being tortured or murdered.. they go regularly to the homes of strangers and speak to total strangers and risk life and limb.
some have died because of this very practice.. so, are jws the ultimate modern suicide cult?.
i can't think of any religion, other than the suicide bombers of islam, that believe strongly in martyrdom, as the jws do.. how many jws could be dying every day because of the wtbts instructions?.
I asked my brother and the brothers on my committee meeting if the governing body told you that this was the last test: go home and kill your wife and your childeren, knowing that this was the last test would you do it. I was told yes they would by everyone of them. I was told that if the Society told me that my left hand was my right from that time on it was.
Are JWs the Ultimate Modern Suicide Cult?
by Gill injws lives are regularly put on the line by their religious beliefs or by the rules made by the wtbts.. if they become sick or injured they cannot accept for themselves or their loved one a blood transfusion that may save their lives.. if they live in an intolerant society, they may not purchase simple papers that could prevent them being tortured or murdered.. they go regularly to the homes of strangers and speak to total strangers and risk life and limb.
some have died because of this very practice.. so, are jws the ultimate modern suicide cult?.
i can't think of any religion, other than the suicide bombers of islam, that believe strongly in martyrdom, as the jws do.. how many jws could be dying every day because of the wtbts instructions?.
I asked my brother and the brothers on my committee meeting if the governing body told you that this was the last test: go home and kill your wife and your childeren, knowing that this was the last test would you do it. I was told yes they would by everyone of them. I was told that if the Society told me that my left hand was my right from that time on it was.
How many actually watched or owned adult material when they were Witnesses?
by free2beme ini was at a book study when i was in my teens and went to use the bathroom, and the family who owned the home said to use the one in their bedroom, as someone was already in the other one.
so i did and as i was in there i noticed a magazine on the counter that was only partly covered.
i could not help myself, and looked to see what it was and it was a penthouse.
Elise truely I am glad you are here on the forum. I like to here from people that make me think and I agree with you that if all the people would stand up things would change faster. But if they get DF'd for standing up they can not change anything. Think about it, it took about two years for the brothers and sister to talk to me with no fear that I would tell them apostate things. This is the place I do that. The young ones in the congreagtion come to me all the time and cry on my shoulders why because they trust me not to tell on them. I listen and do not judge them. If I told them what I know and got myself DF'd who would be there for them? HOw could I help others if they could not talk to me? So your answer does not sound true to my ears. I can help becasue I use to be a brother that went the meeting and was well loved. Everyone think I quit becasue of the UN deal. I still can help and the other ELders that I told you about can too.
Thought I Was Out Of The Woods
by DocHayes inwell today i was having lunch with my mother, who is inactive, and hasn't been to the hall in a couple of years.
recently she's been hounded by the elders, because of all of the christmas decorations.
even though she hasn't disassociated herself, and she won't because she doesn't want to alienate herself from her family, she attends another church.
keep us posted please.
How many actually watched or owned adult material when they were Witnesses?
by free2beme ini was at a book study when i was in my teens and went to use the bathroom, and the family who owned the home said to use the one in their bedroom, as someone was already in the other one.
so i did and as i was in there i noticed a magazine on the counter that was only partly covered.
i could not help myself, and looked to see what it was and it was a penthouse.
I had a rabbit that once in a while would start to act crazy so I would take her out of her cage and throw her in with the buck rabbit. After they were done she was the best rabbit calm and nice to have around.
Just wanted to share that with everyone.
Do The WTB&TS Really Believe They Have Truth?
by prophecor inor are they just stringing the rank and file along, getting every ounce of work out of thier constituents, long enough to pull the next rabbit out of the hat?
those at the top, don't they see where they've made mistakes?
how can they continue in good conscience before the god they profess to serve?
I was told by a EX-CO that wrote in a DA letter that he could promiss me that they all know that it is Bull Shyt. He was a CO for amny many years and all the CO he knew knew it was Bull Shyt. He said he could not say that with total conviction as regards the GB but he said the things that he know they had to and either they were the dumb asses of the century or they know as well.