They are truely unreal
Posts by skyman
Diving with the squid
by MegaDude insimple sally's shark post reminded of another deadly creature in the ocean, the big and ferocious humboldt squid.
these creatures are intelligent, strong, aggressive and can easily overwhelm a diver who is unprepared.
they will attack sharks and sea creatures much larger than themselves.
Got any good questions about Blood issue?
by whyizit ina dialogue has opened up between me and a jw friend about their stance on blood.
just wondered if any of you were ever asked a question that made you think twice, or if you have any questions that you think would be good to ask?
(i don't want to offend this person.
This question changed my life. For real this did. I was asked at the book study a question by a brother that as soon as he asked it I know it was going to impact my life in a real big way. It was if we can not auto transfuse our selves because the blood quagulates then why can we take fractions that have been quagulted before the fractions are taken out?
Man my head spun, because I know he was onto something big? I could not answer him. I asked him to do some research then share it everyone nexted book study. He told me he had done all the research possible without going to the internet. So I told him I waould do some research on the interent and get back nexted book study. When I did I found the Bulgeria inforamtion.
It really hit me out of no where this question. It is the reason that I am here today. If he had not asked that question to me I would still be there ruling over the congregation.
Who was Jesus really?
by Spectrum in1. was he the son of god and some kind of god himself?
2. was he an extremely intelligent man that manipulated people and made himself appear to be fullfilling the prophecies about the messiah?
3. was he a dellusional nutter?
Have not made my mind up. All I know is that the bible talks about Jesus and I have found out the if you go back to the oldest know text only 18% in gospels of our modern bible is correct when it tlaks about Jesus so 82% of the time the older text do not agree with the new bible and this has me asking what the HELL is going on here. Why did not the Romans write about JESUS but they did writer about a Christ that lived at the very same time that Jesus of the bible lived. I found that linguist do not believe Josephus account about Jesus is actually Josephus writing but an imposter adding it into Josephus writing hundereds of years later.
The WBTS really is a dangerous organization
by pratt1 in.
it has been well documented that some extreme cults have be able to isolate their memebers and then have them kill themselves because of their beliefs.. the dubs has always looked at these cults as being mislead by the devil and the dubs would never do anything as drastic a mass suicide.. however as a child i remember thinking that at the begining of the great tribulation, the fds might tell us to run, or congragate somewhere isolated and we would actually leave with on the clothes on our back, and anyone not heeding this warning would be killed at the battle of "armefogotten".. if the fds could get the dubs to leave their home and familes, bascially their lives behind, isn't it just a small stretch to think that a desicion to end ones earthly life could be the next request?.
also remember that particularily the jim jones event, some members had to be physically forced to drink the kool - aid while others freely drank.. does anyone else think that because of the power that the wbts has over it memebers, if they decided to do something drastic, many of the members would just blindly comply?
Don't fool yourself. When I found out about the UN. The Elders refussed to believe it was true, my dad was DF because he refussed to say they did not Join. I was put on reproof and removed of all my privileges.During my Judicail meeting I was told if the Society said my left hand was my right from that time on it was my right hand. I asked the Three brothers if the Society said this was the final test: You arer told by the GOverning Body to go home kill their wives and kids, then your self to your prove your loyalty to GOD would you do it. GUESS What they all said yes. I asked ny brother the same question he said yes.
Remember these were the same brothers that refussed to believe the Society join the UN. After the the Society wrote the congragation on my request giveing them a letter stating it was true about the UN. Are the same faithful brothers that still have not told me they were sorry. My dad was reinstated the very week the congregation recieved the leter and they have not said they were sorry to my dad.
Disclaimer Letter
by feelinsketchy inalthough i haven't personally seen the letter (hopefully i will tomorrow night), it seems clear that this would have a serious effect on the core teachings.
how do you go from listen to us unquestioningly, even when we're wrong we're right and if you think about doubting us you're gonna die to "well, all of what we say is open to interpretation and these are just suggestions?
how do you reconcile things like the blood issue, neutrality, holidays, even dress and grooming to this stance?
PMJ you don't have any proof that no-blood transfusions are from GOD.
What letter sould you give us more of what you have heard. Don't mind PMJ comment.
Noah's Arc and the flood....
by Tuesday indoes anyone have any links to sites that have all the evidence that the arc and the flood couldn't have happened?
i'm debating someone who feels that neandertal man was actually the nephalim, which really i feel is quite laughable but i'll say (in typical jw fashion) whenever i'll bring up older specimens of early humans (i.e.
homo-erectus) they'll undoubtedly say "that's not a full skull in this picture" when right next to it in the picture is a nearly full skull or next to that is a full skeleton...really annoying.
Here is something else to go along with the Old tree. Why did God allow the Hobbit people to survive the Flood they wer found to have lived just a thousand years ago. They were human but not us.
Society membership in one of the Worlds largest Political Party's
by skyman inarmenian national committee of america the society, the society is a member here is a link after you click on the linl scroll down for contacts and you will see the watchtower.
i do not see anything wrong with this personally, but if i was a witness i would.
it is a hypocrotical stand to be part of this organization if you notice on the left side of page its say register to vote, so click on resource center and then anca position papers your eyes will bulge out here is the link .
James Pellechia of Watchtower Public Affairs Dept. listed as a supporter and donor to the SPJ (Society of Professional Journalists) Jan. 1, 2001, and Dec. 31, 2001. Contact SPJ at 317/927-8000 to become a member of the 2002 President’s Club This was in 2001 but at that date they were still NGO's and had a great deal of ties with this organization so I was surprised to see that they are still listed in contacts at this late date. Very interesting
Society membership in one of the Worlds largest Political Party's
by skyman inarmenian national committee of america the society, the society is a member here is a link after you click on the linl scroll down for contacts and you will see the watchtower.
i do not see anything wrong with this personally, but if i was a witness i would.
it is a hypocrotical stand to be part of this organization if you notice on the left side of page its say register to vote, so click on resource center and then anca position papers your eyes will bulge out here is the link .
In 2003 the Society was the Key note speaker for the international convention for the Armenian national committee The thread was post here on JWD. If anyone still had a link to that information please post it.
To scholar: re: child abuse
by Lady Lee inin another thread you posted the following:the whole child abuse issue is simple apostates in their desperation trying to make something out of nothing for they delight in creating controversies and making mischief.
i was one of those victims.
it isn't a "delight".
Scholar My daughter was molested and the molester has now hit the high school why becasue the congregation did nothing. My wife went to the school and apologized to the school for not letting the world know about the molester.
How many actually watched or owned adult material when they were Witnesses?
by free2beme ini was at a book study when i was in my teens and went to use the bathroom, and the family who owned the home said to use the one in their bedroom, as someone was already in the other one.
so i did and as i was in there i noticed a magazine on the counter that was only partly covered.
i could not help myself, and looked to see what it was and it was a penthouse.
Some people can not leave to much at stake. They will loose everything. Leave them the Hell alone is what I say.