That's it don't talk to me!!! YOU, YOU, YOU, demon apostate swine.
Posts by skyman
Woohoo, just been DF'ed !!!
by Genesis inyesterday i was annonced as the kingdom hall : genesis is no more a jehovah witness !
im so glad i made it, but in the same time i have remorses, but thats a phenomenon called homeostasis, the mind try to take things to normal...
so i have so much things to plan,do think !
Did you know of any JW elders or JW pioneers that were "racist"?
by booker-t ini know this might sound like a question from "la-la" land but as a black ex-jws most of the white jw's that i did have contact with were really nice.
i was talking to a hispanic ex-jws the other day and he was telling me of some of the racist experiences he had as a jw.
i did not contradict him but i never experienced racism from caucasian jw's.
Yes my uncle he is one of the biggest racist I know. He can not stand a blck man, indian, mexican. What I hated about this man before he quit talking to me is he would say all the stuff like the rest of the family was in agreement with him. My wife allmost hates the man. Most of us are or were Elders and P.O's in our congergations, we all hated his mouth. But you know (LOL) Jehovah appointed him so who were we to say.
.....My late father was right !!
by thewatchman inhe never really believed or took to heart the jw religion which i refuse to call the truth.. the years before we as a family were 'contacted' we were a normal working class family with a lot of love for each other......we were happy.
i have few memories of those happy times, i was 7 when my mother decided to take on the religion.
that in time would include all of us........2 sisters and a brother.
WOW thanks for sharing
What was your first Apostasy?
by Dune ini'm re-reading 1984 and the similarities between the wtbs and the "party" astound me, but anyway, it made me think of the time when i started to get doubts (thoughtcrime).. i remember once at this book study a sister commented about the 1914 and was reciting it's historical accuracy.
anyway, she went on to mention that the demons were probably learning everything about biblical prophecies from the wtbs.
i was 13 at the time but the comment made me cringe, i was thinking "why would superior beings need humans to interpret the bible for them?
first doubt the dinosaurs dieing in the flood.
David2002 Please Reply on Point!
by AK - Jeff inon another thread david2002 said; regarding, 1975: i have asked brother who were in the truth prior to 1975 about whether or not they believed the end was coming.
the vast majority tell me "no.
" i even know one sister who told me that her mother thought it was coming, but the daughter advised her not to fall into that conclusion.
Well I tell you I was alive and I thought it was going to be here. I can remember Br. Dumbass getting up toward the end of the summer and saying, we only have to cover our teritory one last time and then that it. I remember real clear at the assemblies that is where most of the pointing to 1975 came from that is from the special speakers from Bethel would go ape SHYT crazy tell us how the end was coming in Oct. 1975. We had three different family's sell their home and Poineer before 1975 knowing that the end was coming.
Another "pinata" article? (embalming)
by AlmostAtheist inon the watchtower's site right now, there is yet another article that has arbitrarily decided that a pagan-originated, false-religious practice is okey-dokey for christians.
this time it is embalming.
the article is here:
interesting to say the least. thanks
BIG NEWS I recieved my pamphlet WOW
by skyman inthe baylor university has a potential time bomb for the society all i can say is wow i can see how now.
you better get a copy.
use this link and get you a copy
yaddayadda that is one mean looking dround hog you have for your avatar. I hope I don't piss him off.
What if God was actually just an alien encounter in history?
by free2beme ini always liked star trek, kind of a sci-fi nut by nature.
anyway, an older episode involved leaving a gangster book on an evolving planet and then the people turned this into a way of life.
well it makes me wonder at times, what if our early cultures were once visited by an alien culture and instead of realizing this, they took their advance technology to be god?
Nasa say's the land bridge is a haox.
I have not found any site saying the Map of God is a hoax but one must be a skeptic until it is out in the open media more.
Who was Jesus really?
by Spectrum in1. was he the son of god and some kind of god himself?
2. was he an extremely intelligent man that manipulated people and made himself appear to be fullfilling the prophecies about the messiah?
3. was he a dellusional nutter?
If the messiah does come in our life time I hope he finds me and puts my fingers in his nail wounds. Takes me in a vision to see the long dead faithful men of old. Yes allmost forgot takes me to the third kingdom of heaven.
I believe there is a history that has been burned. This history was so damning the chruch had a campaign they could not afford to loose. This campaign took us into the dark ages. This was a time that any knowledge was dealt with quick finalism, which destroyed any knowledge that went against the church. Constantine was the man that started this. He dressed like a woman killed his brother in law with his bare hands, killed his oldest son and one of his wives. Just previous to the Council of Nicaea which he presided over he was initiated into religious order of Sol Invictus, that regarded the Sun as the one and only Supreme God. His entire reign was known as the Sun-Emperorship he made monuments to honor the Sun god.
This is the man that gave us the religion of today. He gave us the Jesus you worship. If Jesus is the king he better give anyone with half a brain a seconded chance because the thinking person can see right through all the hype.
That is the little smurf that walked down the hall way at the kingdom hall isn'i it!