I am so glad Jehovah does the judging and not you. I have a question for you. Did the Kings have the right in your eyes to Blank any un-married woman they wanted. The kings use to have naked girls sleep with them to keep the king warm.
Posts by skyman
How many actually watched or owned adult material when they were Witnesses?
by free2beme ini was at a book study when i was in my teens and went to use the bathroom, and the family who owned the home said to use the one in their bedroom, as someone was already in the other one.
so i did and as i was in there i noticed a magazine on the counter that was only partly covered.
i could not help myself, and looked to see what it was and it was a penthouse.
Kingdom Ministry issues
by kristyann inokay, i am not sure about this, even though it's probably pretty obvious to everyone, but what exactly is the kingdom ministry magazine?
it's something that is available only to active jws, right?
i know that they don't go around handing it out like they do with the watchtower and awake!
Go buy a Watchtower Library on CD it has them on it.
by lv4fer inyou know i'm not sure if i've ever thanked all of you.
thank you simon!!!
when i was coming out 3-4 years ago, i don't know how i could of done it without you all.
Thanks, my wife laughs at me because I spend so much time here. This is the reason I do.
How many actually watched or owned adult material when they were Witnesses?
by free2beme ini was at a book study when i was in my teens and went to use the bathroom, and the family who owned the home said to use the one in their bedroom, as someone was already in the other one.
so i did and as i was in there i noticed a magazine on the counter that was only partly covered.
i could not help myself, and looked to see what it was and it was a penthouse.
I have several Elder friends that send me porn emails all the time, at least once a week. I send them out to them all the time too, I was an Elder at one time. One Elder friend is a PO in the local congregation. I think big deal they are only human, it is better for them to view porn than to cheat on their wives. I know some will say that is cheating, I say get a life and grow up. Tell king Daved to give up his harem of cocubines. Elise I bet you are a person with low self esteem a jealous person. I have seen way to many JW family destoyed by jealousy. You have sisters all the time telling the Elders my husband did this, and this, by the way, I caught him once looking at porn, as if that justified her find fault with her husband. As an ELder, The brothersby the way usually never said my wife looks at porn, We would ask have you ever caught your wife watching a bad sex seen, or reading romance books, without fail we allways had a yes. The difference the sisters used porn as a way to tell on their husbands and justify leaving them, or hating them, when that was not the problem The problem most of the time was the person in the mirror.
A warning to Auzzies, EUFA, and the Pope!
by LittleToe ina little something for the conspiracy theorists - 24 years apart: .
1981 in review prince charles got marriedliverpool crowned soccer champions of europeaustralia lost the ashes tournamentpope shot .
2005 in review prince charles got marriedliverpool crowned soccer champions of europeaustralia lost the ashes tournamentpope died .
thats cool. interesting how a person can see comparisons in things that really there sould be none.
ok why havent we got the truth?
by PMJ inok as you have gathered im a wittness and i for one beleave we have the truth.not saying every thing is or has all ways been right because we live in a imperfect world with imperfect people.but as far as jehovah being god and jesus being his son.and the coming war of arrmegeddon.i would say we have the truth.i no about all the mistakes and misunderstandings we have had in the past.but i feel that is past and we have moved on.and abandoned i no what you all say about the year 607 being wrong but that date all deapends on it desolation was 70 years or not.so im just trying to understand how some of you say you lernt you was being lied to?
Here is a litle part of the Blood letter
Look at Leviticus 11:39-40 read “Now in case any beast that is YOURS for food should die, he who touches its dead body will be unclean until the evening. And he who eats any of its dead body will wash his garments, and he must be unclean until the evening; and he who carries off its dead body will wash his garments, and he must be unclean until the evening”
Lev. 17:15 read “As for any soul that eats a body [already] dead or something torn by a wild beast, whether a native or a alien resident, he must in that case wash his garments and bathe in water and be unclean until evening; and he must be clean.” Here God say’s even the NATIVE
could eat an animal that he personally did not kill and he knew that this animal had not been bled, and not be in violation of god’s law on blood. {A native, is a person that was clearly under the Mosaic Law and bound by it} How can this be? A Native, an Israelite eating un-bled meat?
Notice This is clearly stated in the Insight On the Scriptures Vol 1 pages 345, paragraph 6 “At Deuteronomy 14:21 allowances was made for selling to an alien resident or a foreigner an animal that had died of itself or that had been torn by a beast. Thus a distinction was made between the blood of such animals and that of animals that a person slaughtered for food. {Compare Le 17:14-16} The Israelites, as well as alien residents who took up true worship and came under the Law covenant, were obligated to live up to the lofty requirements of that Law. People of all nations were bound by the requirement at Gen 9:3,4 but those under the Law were held by God to a higher standard in adhering to that requirement than were foreigners and alien residents who had not became worshipers of Jehovah.” Notice those under the Law were held by God to a higher standard regards blood.
All the Law requirement was done away with Jesus death so blood can be used to sustain life clear as it get the insight book is so correct but why do they not believe waht they write in the Insight book? I do not know.
ok why havent we got the truth?
by PMJ inok as you have gathered im a wittness and i for one beleave we have the truth.not saying every thing is or has all ways been right because we live in a imperfect world with imperfect people.but as far as jehovah being god and jesus being his son.and the coming war of arrmegeddon.i would say we have the truth.i no about all the mistakes and misunderstandings we have had in the past.but i feel that is past and we have moved on.and abandoned i no what you all say about the year 607 being wrong but that date all deapends on it desolation was 70 years or not.so im just trying to understand how some of you say you lernt you was being lied to?
Boy you are wrong. I know I am right, about blood and everyone that goes up against me has learned the truth from the Bible about blood. I want you to know something i was going to let my daughter die and the State of Washington got a court order. I know now I almost let my daughter die because, I was a fool that believed what I was told from the Society. This Blood letter of mine was sent to the Society and they asked me not to share it with others. THAT IS THE G** D*** Truth. The Society knows that they are wrong about blood but can not get out of it with out destroying the Organization at the same time. I sent you the Letter, look at it and I want you want to debate it here before the world. If it is GODs organization you not a thing to fear. Blood is not like 1914, or the UN it is clearly blck or white true what the Society say's or not.
ok why havent we got the truth?
by PMJ inok as you have gathered im a wittness and i for one beleave we have the truth.not saying every thing is or has all ways been right because we live in a imperfect world with imperfect people.but as far as jehovah being god and jesus being his son.and the coming war of arrmegeddon.i would say we have the truth.i no about all the mistakes and misunderstandings we have had in the past.but i feel that is past and we have moved on.and abandoned i no what you all say about the year 607 being wrong but that date all deapends on it desolation was 70 years or not.so im just trying to understand how some of you say you lernt you was being lied to?
He is a run away again guys
ok why havent we got the truth?
by PMJ inok as you have gathered im a wittness and i for one beleave we have the truth.not saying every thing is or has all ways been right because we live in a imperfect world with imperfect people.but as far as jehovah being god and jesus being his son.and the coming war of arrmegeddon.i would say we have the truth.i no about all the mistakes and misunderstandings we have had in the past.but i feel that is past and we have moved on.and abandoned i no what you all say about the year 607 being wrong but that date all deapends on it desolation was 70 years or not.so im just trying to understand how some of you say you lernt you was being lied to?
PMJ back to my chalenge on blood when do you want to do it. You name the day and time on and before all on the forum that day you can prove me wrong. The seven Elders and three CO I told you about after loosing to the person said we have to wait on Jehovah. Bull shyt Jehovah never asked us to wait for him he penned the scriptures thousand of years ago and made it clear. Jehovah is not going to wait for the Society to come a round. That is like saying the cereal Killer will come to his senses and stop Killing then we don;t have to worry about it becasue that is in the past.
ok why havent we got the truth?
by PMJ inok as you have gathered im a wittness and i for one beleave we have the truth.not saying every thing is or has all ways been right because we live in a imperfect world with imperfect people.but as far as jehovah being god and jesus being his son.and the coming war of arrmegeddon.i would say we have the truth.i no about all the mistakes and misunderstandings we have had in the past.but i feel that is past and we have moved on.and abandoned i no what you all say about the year 607 being wrong but that date all deapends on it desolation was 70 years or not.so im just trying to understand how some of you say you lernt you was being lied to?
If the Society is wrong about blood Jehovah is going to ask the blood of the little ones back to him. Thousands have died because of the Watchtower stand on blood. Jehovah is going to ask for alot of blood back is he not if the Society is wrong.