All my grammars are dead. Thinks for the Spell check it really pisses me off when a person judges me for a typing error and then makes fun of the error and belittles me for the error.
Posts by skyman
Do you have a problem with grammar ?
by oldflame infor those who have spelling problems you can go to google and down load their tool bar.
it has spell check in it and works pretty easy.
then you will no longer have to listen to us that bitch about spelling.
Revelation 12:1
by Honesty inwho is this woman?.
rev 12:1-5 a great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet, and a crown of 12 stars on her head.
she was pregnant and cried out in labor and agony to give birth.
Okay Aussies...'Splain yourselves! ;-)
by pmouse in
australian man rescued from washing machine .
sydney, australia (ap) a man had to be rescued after becoming wedged in a washing machine while playing a game with his children, a newspaper reported tuesday.. a fire officer pulled robin toom, 38, out of the machine after toom became trapped while playing hide-and-seek, according to sydney's daily telegraph.. "i just hopped in there and couldn't even get the lid down and the kids came in and said, 'ha, ha!
I am glad something like that has never happened me how embarrassing.
Iran: Your Next !!!
by prophecor inare you watching world events unfold before your eyes?
iraq is receiving a liberation from ancient backward politics and a ruthless criminaly minded dictatorship.
boy geoge has stuck his foot in the middle east, to the amazement of virtually the entire planet.
As I have already said the US is the one country that is responsible for Iran having the means to build the Bomb in the first place. Wake up people, Bush wants this, it is good for him and the real people that are in power behind the scene. Think about it if a real big war starts the people of the US will loose more freedom. Do not forget that BUSH Told Russia that GOD speaks to him. This war in Iraq is small. The US has weapons that they have not brought out against Iraq, why becasue they do not have to. The US have secret weapons that they had not used against Iraq at this date and time. You bet you the US has the military might if the people let the Demigod Bush get away with it he will destory Iran then we will have to rebuild the country. Which will bring more money to the real rulers behind the scene,
Grammar anyone?
by Fatfreek ini posted something earlier today and wasn't real comfortable with my sentence construction.
so here are two sentences for you.
is either not correct?
I have a hard time with grammer but I think If I was there we could work together
WTS view of Red Cross, etc
by blindersoff in .
"this is probably the one organization you will see that will see this project to the end," farrow said.
(seems somewhat arrogant).
I lived in a small town that had some bad floods the Watchtower was not here but the Red Cross was and so was Fema. G## D### hypoctites
Never be sure of anything...
by Willow Tree inisnt it amazing how life can totally turn around and you end up in a place you swore you would never be in?
5 years ago, i was "happily" brainwashed, unaware of the deceptions.
i always thought that the jw's were right and everything against them was lies from satan.
there is no God as religion portrays it
A+ I could not agree more. I am at the same place you are. Religion has a twisted veiw of GOD and makes him or her look like a narrow minded old jerk that main requirement is hating other religions that does not go agree with him. Look at the bible; Kill all, do not leave any alive. The trouble the Isrealites had was because they broke this command and let some live. Good person this GOD. It makes me think of the rich man that builds a beautiful house, a thief shows up goes in and kills them all even the one year old blue eyed baby boy because GOD told him to do this. This story is so up side down becasue, the hero is the thief and he is the good person.That is how twist religion is today. Most of the religions of today claim their religion is from Abraham and they are the chosen ones. The rest no good evil poeple on Satans side.
I use the Dioglot mention above all the time and I also have at least five translations beside my computer that I look every scripture up in to see if what I read agrees with the actual bible.
I went and looked at the Zondervan Parallel New Testament In Greek and English It is a diaglot and I was surprized to see it is correct to say the three are one. It actually say's this; *7: Because three there are the bearing witness, *8:the Spirit and the water and the blood, and the three in the one are.
When I look at the actual translation into English I do not see the Father and the Word and the Holy Ghost. The bible you are using is not translating the scripture correctly.
Yummy, yummy, yummy............, put pot in our tummy, .............then we feel like we need something to eat.