Why is she doing the zoom thing in front of you? your home should be a neutral zone, no jw stuff out for the other to see and no so called apostate stuff out either. Works in my house.
I know what you mean by the creepy cult stare/look. When my jw first joined the cult his eyes actually glazed over and his face changed dramatically when speaking about jw things. Scared the crap out of me! His gestures even changed, how he sat and so forth. I am not kidding or exaggerating, the kids noticed too. Now he seems to be able to switch between the two worlds easier and because we no longer speak about anything jw related I don't have to see the creepy jw look/smile/smirk. I guess we may have a yearly or every 2 years or so where we have a doozy that turns into a jw fight but all in all it is much better now that we don't discuss it.