1 Awake and 1 wt for a whole year? how many did they used to print? was it 1 wt per month and 2 awakes?
At least this goes into 2022 so the end isn't quite here is it? if they forget their go bag on the way to the store they can relax a bit.
2021-july-s-147-announcements and reminders.
english and german.
1 Awake and 1 wt for a whole year? how many did they used to print? was it 1 wt per month and 2 awakes?
At least this goes into 2022 so the end isn't quite here is it? if they forget their go bag on the way to the store they can relax a bit.
for whatever reason i was thinking on the topic of jehovah's witnesses' practice of disfellowshipping its members based on the concept of preventing "bringing reproach on jehovah's name".
follow me if you will -.
over 20 years ago a friend of mine did something rather crazy; he committed a major crime.
How jw's decide if one is a jw or not is almost irrelevant in the outside world. So often if there is a news story or some local scandal involving a jw or even someone who just goes to a kh on a regular basis the jw in good standing will say, 'he/she isn't a real jw anyway'. News to jw's everywhere, if a person goes to a kh even on a semi regular basis without being baptized, people on the outside consider them a jw.
many that have come to this forum have left the jws religion and moved on with their lives but from a outsider's viewpoint what do think makes the jws religion wrong or incorrect as a active christian faith ?.
somethings come to mind such as its long continuous end times/armageddon soon doctrine which has really been a core doctrine for decades going right back to its beginning .. maybe they should have adopted the stance as other christian based faiths and adhered to jesus's own words when he said " no one knows of the time not even he ".
There are too many things to choose from!
You can't even have a discussion with a jw from a religious point of view if you can't first establish who Jesus was/is. My jw says Jesus could have been anybody (as a real live person, forget the Michael thing for a moment) just a human perspective. Most Christians do not believe this to be true from my experience.
Then there is 'sin'. My jw says he is not an intentional sinner being a jw. I guess the rest of us poor slobs are 'intentional sinners' whatever that means. To most Christians I know, we all are sinners, we all fall short.
I won't even touch on the notion of love as jw's cannot wrap their head around that one.
Praying for others? not in dubland, in Christianity? yes, pray for your enemies (and those you love)
it is reported that in the usa, 30 people are dying per day after receiving the corona vaccine.
anyone else hear about this?
- article.
What should be a red flag to all ex jw's, is the suppression of information about the shots in general. The vilification of anybody who has an alternative point of view. Sounds exactly like current and past jw-ism to me.(ie-cult) Speak against the org/shots and you deserve to be shunned and thought of as 'mentally diseased'.
If anybody could listen to Ron Johnson's press conference today and not be touched by the people who have been impacted by the vaccines must be emotionally retarded or psychopaths. These were ALL people who were and are pro-vaccine who had horrible results and are dismissed as mental problems or making things up. If you can't sympathize with their conditions how about their medical bills? who pays that? surely not the vaccine producers,so who does? I can tell you, us, by increased monthly bills to account for all those suffering. If you think the government is paying think again, where does the government get their money if they aren't just printing more? us.
There is tons of information by highly qualified individuals who are sounding the alarm about the vaccines but are being silenced, having their funding pulled, fired from their jobs and vilified on social media and in the media at large. When free open discussion is not allowed there is a huge problem.
The media could find out why people have 'vaccine hesitancy' and do some pieces, real truthful pieces, and go from there. Instead anybody who may have other issues due to immune issues, recent cancer/chemo issues, etc... and are in fact quite hesitant are 'nut jobs', 'anti-vaccine', not very well informed and so forth. I find it just the opposite, those who are hesitant do almost nothing but research and discuss the vaccines at large. The contrary is true of those who ran right out and got it, saw a news piece on mainstream news, gotta get the shot! The authorities (elders) told me to.
If you have to lie to get people to go along with you that should be a red flag. Everyone on this board knows this. jw's lie to get people to join. They even re-defined the word 'lie' in the Aid book. You, who came to our homes, took our loved ones, knew full well you were not completely honest with the newby. You said they must join to fully understand. I understand, they were holding your family hostage, I get it. It is the same with the vaccine industry, you must get an experimental shot that the research has not worked on in over 10 years and then see how it goes. It has never been tested on humans for any length of time, all animal studies have been unsuccessful. Hope for the best, trust in jah, trust the so called 'science'. How about follow the money?
I am so disappointed by those who vilify those who are hesitant especially in America where freedom used to mean something. I still see posts by those of you who are 'hesitant' about taking blood even though you are no longer a jw. Why should anyone honor that belief of yours or of jw's when the opposite is not true?
Why can't we look at on main stream media https://www.facebook.com/votewichmann/posts/389791942711774 see 17:24 the chart re: Drug Adverse Event Comparison (fda & cdc for those of you who will only look at those)?
Just like the jw's and all their problems, the information is so large we need multiple sites like this, books, cd's, videos and maybe more ex jw's than current. So it is with vaccine information, only you have to dig, ask questions, even put yourself out there in uncomfortable places and letters to find more information than the main stream media is willing to give.
I think some people may benefit from the vaccines and others who have had covid have natural immunity. It should be a personal choice in which neither is vilified. That is what freedom is, choice. To date not one researcher has proven that natural immunity is not as good as the vaccine nor as effective to variants be it natural immunity to original or the vaccines. (Moderna may be the exception, they really don't know, many who had Moderna are now also getting both shots of Pfizer just to make sure)
I, for one, am tired of being vilified for saying anything 'bad' about jw's, even if it is true, and of being vilified even if hundreds of doctors/researchers/nurses and so forth are also asking the same questions about vaccines that are considered 'bad'.
The day we can no longer speak freely and have inquiring minds is the day our society will die, in my opinion. We cannot grow if we are being stifled in thinking, speech and actions. (as long as we are not harming others, their properties nor stopping others from their (contrary) opinions, free speech non the less) that is worded poorly, hope you get my gist.
i just received a hand written envelope through the post containing an invitation to the online 2021 convenient.
i'm in staffs in the uk .
jan .
Aww, crap, are they still doing the conventions? in person? or are they supposed to sit on the computer for 2 1/2 days?
for those still interested in wt maneuvers, this past week's wt study re: ransom.
after the talking snake and consequences part: .
"john wrote more about the ransom" then others.
Vanderhoven, exactly! I asked my jw that very thing. I think he got it for a minute but then ....well, you know how it goes, cult thinking kicks in.
it's pretty easy to see how current events would have any jw convinced the end is imminent, but i just don't see how there could be a major push for zealous service, pioneering, etc.
decades into the future.
even if (when) world events happen periodically that could scare the r&f, there are now countless hours of hd video of jw leaders saying how close the end is.
I think because memories are short they will always have the end being right around the corner. Add to that the idea that researching or even looking at old literature is somehow evil is a recipe the cult will keep using for many years to come.
Maybe when the older generation begins to die off and families don't have to worry so much about shunning then it may become a smaller and smaller org with few 'true believers' and many just there out of familial tradition or those hedging their bets, just in case.
When I first came here it was like learning a new language. Not being familiar with the acronyms (like fs, tatt, pimo,etc..) but also all the jw terms. I had to learn jw terms & publications and 'apostate' terminology. (I was never a jw)
Also, when people post about a scripture, I don't know about all of you but I have to go look those up too. Not all of them but many. If I ask about how jw's handle a certain scripture I post the whole scripture but never from the NWT. Yeah, maybe that is my problem to begin with? not looking first a NWT, I just can't bring myself to though. I am eternally grateful to those who will still answer me!
1. when individuals leave the organization for conscience reasons, it is evidence that god is shepherding and protecting the flock by doing a sifting work.
when people leave another christian religion it is evidence that the religion is morally corrupt and unable or unwilling to provide spiritually for their members.. 2. when a christian from another denomination lies, he is acting according to his own disposition being from the father of the lie.
when a jehovah's witness lies, he is proving his loyalty to jehovah and fulfilling his sacred obligation to engage in spiritual warfare.. 3. during times of rapid growth the organization claims this is evidence of gods approval as he "speeds it up in his own time".
Excellent post! I should just print this out and carry it with me when I get questions about jw, pretty much explains it all in a nutshell.
see https://friendlyatheist.patheos.com/2021/06/16/poll-atheists-overwhelmingly-oppose-the-death-penalty-most-christians-favor-it/ .
i am an atheist and i disapprove of the death penalty.
i remember michael dukakis, when he was a usa presidential candidate, saying i he was opposed to the death penalty - even for rapists and murderers.
What is the purpose of prison? to rehabilitate, to punish or both? I think some are able to be rehabilitated like white collar crime and so forth but some are just evil and cannot be rehabilitated nor do they want to be. If someone hurt, tortured & raped my grandchildren or kids I think I would be able to pull the lever so to speak. Or if our prisons and jails were truly horrific let them live. I know a defense attorney and they say in the US prisons the inmates can get any drugs, telephones and so on, they have their own society with their own 'perks'. Not saying it is the same as being free on the outside but some have clearly chosen to be there, according to my defense attorney friend. The attorney says that some just find it easier to be on the inside. I find it hard to believe too, they claim it to be true for some.
I also find it interesting that most people who oppose the death penalty also approve of abortion. I have not looked up studies on such, just an observation of folks I have spoken with. I find that quite odd and cannot quite wrap my head around that one.