I have replied at least four times to the Pm's you have sent me regarding my address, I do not know why you have not gotten them.
Email me at;
[email protected] I'll send you my address that way.
JoinedPosts by cyd0099
SECRET SANTA - Gift Ideas thread
by Angharad ini know a lot have already posted in the other thread, but i have had a request to start an offical thread for ideas.
if you have already posted in the other thread don't worry i will put links to both in the pms to people.. http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/6/123195/1.ashx.
so anyone that hasn't already posted some ideas, please do so in here !.
SECRET SANTA - Gift Ideas thread
by Angharad ini know a lot have already posted in the other thread, but i have had a request to start an offical thread for ideas.
if you have already posted in the other thread don't worry i will put links to both in the pms to people.. http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/6/123195/1.ashx.
so anyone that hasn't already posted some ideas, please do so in here !.
Maybe a t-shirt from your favorite indy coffeehouse (Large/Tall or XL). Burn a CD of your favorite local music. Candles. Pipe tobacco.
I don't know why people say I'm hard to buy for... -
How do you feel about Tatoos?
by Fisherman ini feel very offended and distrurbed when i see people covered with tatoos.
some people have tatoos all over their bodies, even on their faces.
there are also tatoo programs on the tlc channel that children can watch without a forewarning before the show comes on.
Again I ask the question;
Why does someone else, separate from you, maybe a stranger on TV having, or in the act of getting a tattoo, provoke such a strong reaction from you?Where does your revulsion originate? -
How do you feel about Tatoos?
by Fisherman ini feel very offended and distrurbed when i see people covered with tatoos.
some people have tatoos all over their bodies, even on their faces.
there are also tatoo programs on the tlc channel that children can watch without a forewarning before the show comes on.
Fair enough. But why?
Why do you feel so strongly about tattoos? What is it about them that offends and/or hurts you? -
How do you feel about Tatoos?
by Fisherman ini feel very offended and distrurbed when i see people covered with tatoos.
some people have tatoos all over their bodies, even on their faces.
there are also tatoo programs on the tlc channel that children can watch without a forewarning before the show comes on.
I have a circular design on my right shoulder. I was in possesion of the original art for something like five years before I had it put on my skin. I have plans for more ink as I can afford it. I want to put my mom and dad on my back, something bicycle related on my leg, and a coffee-themed sleeve on my left arm. I have no plans to ink my face.
All this nonsense about secret societies and the mark of the beast gives me a headache. You want to know why we are all so interested in tattooing now? Read The Tipping Point by Malcom Gladwell. Trends spread from a very small group of outsiders trying to make themselves different, to the "cool kids" to their friends and so on until the trend becomes mainsteam and thereby acceptable. Hence, "Miami Ink" on the TV. Which is a great show about people, not tattoos. -
Sparkplug is in surgery now
by hambeak ini called the hospital a few minutes ago and sparky is currently in surgery.
i am going to by on my way home from work and say hi.
should i bring some flowers?
I wish a you speedy recovery!
Dub attack!!
by unclebruce inthis evening i went for a stroll around the headland, camera at the ready hoping one of the last of the migrating whales appeared.
oh look, there's a fluffy dog.
ain't he cute ... [ .
At first I thought it was a heart, but on closer inspection it looks like a nylon zip-tie, probably holding the collar around the dog's neck
just found this site today
by TopDog inthis is a great site, thank you to whoever started it.
i left the "truth" about 6 years ago and like many i still feel guilty about it.
my older brother lives in dominican republic, he moved there about 12 years ago to help where the need is greater.
Welcome TopDog.
saddam hussein found guilty , will hang
by orbison11 inthis just in on cnn, he and two others foung guilty and they are to die by hanging, although he has a 10 day window to appeal, i think they said it was to happen (death) within 30 days.. orb.
Funny how his guilty verdict comes just three days before our mid-term elections. Just what a struggling republican party needs to rally around and distract the voters with.
Smithwick's anyone?
by kittyeatzjdubs ini have never been much for dark, foreign beers.
mostly just miller lite, maybe a heineken or two.. one day matt and i were downtown and went to a pub here in nashville to have a few beers.
feeling a bit adventurous, i asked the bartender if she had any suggestions.
It's on tap at Bellingham's newest pub, Uisce. One of the owners gave me a sip and like you, I was smitten.