You got it right about Sonny!!!! Jason isn't bad either. But Sonny is such a good bad boy!!!! I missed it today!!
allright all you closet soap opera fans, now is the time to come clean!
what is your favorite soap opera and why?
dont lie, ya know you watch 'em.
You got it right about Sonny!!!! Jason isn't bad either. But Sonny is such a good bad boy!!!! I missed it today!!
yes, i live in hell, otherwise known as my bedroom.
outside it is 17 degrees c, inside my room it is a humid 30 degrees c. my windows are open and the fan is blowing, but this room won't cool down.
guh, just think how bad its going to be when summer comes out in full blast.
Shelley misses Texas--heat and all--ssoo bad! The nursing board punished me by making me come to Oklahoma (temporarily) to clean up and get my act together. We were the ones on I-35 during TX/OU football games that played pranks on Oklahomans!! We were just awful!! And it was a blast!! This is my version of hell!
a little background........ been fading for more than a year now.
i think i have done a good job of transitioning out of the borg.
i am now comfortable with many of the taboos i was raised to fear.
I rely on my own intution. It's never failed me yet. It's great not to have to think of everyone as being "wordly" or "bad association",etc. You have a whole new world opening up. There are lots of good people that aren't JW. I now have my own higher power. I found out it was ok for me to fire the hell and brimstone god that I once had. My higher power today only wants the best for me.
I do try and get along with people. But, if they start telling me what I can and can't do--they need to move along!! Everyone deserves their own beliefs. Just don't force it on me!!! Give yourself time you'll be a whole lot happier. But it is a process.
i'm new too posting here but i've been lurking since the summer.
how i came across this site?
a brother at one of them conventions warned us about 'sites on the internet that can threaten our faith' and i was like "psh if this is the truth, what information could possibly do that?
Texans are taking over!!!!!! Great to see you hear. You give us hope that the younger ones are thinking for themselves! It's good that maybe you won't waste alot of your life like alot of us did!!!! Look forward to hearing more from you!!! It's a good think you can laugh, we do alot of that here! Some are just more warped than others!
most of you are ex-dubs, so what if world events proved that the jw's were right.
for instance, governments turning on religion, matthew 24th chapt events really increasing at an alarming rate, enough to make you think: " maybe they were right?
" if that happened, and the wts left the "door on the ark", so to speak, open for a little while, would you go back to the wts?
That question is a no-brainer!! Going back into hell is not even an option for me. I would sooner the fleas of 1,000 camels infested my armpits!
Why would anyone want to go back to where women are considered property, must be submissive, are allowed to be abused, and must obey their husbands. It's a good chance that husband is a pedophile, or at least perverted? The organization is a breeding ground for those type of men to hid behind. The women have basically no rights, and are at the mercy of some nutcases. If they were in the real world, that type of behavior would rarely be tolerated. In what other world would someone who has had no formal training be allowed to butt into the sex life of a married couple? Or decide how to deal with child molesters and their victims? All they worry about is how much they can hide.
I'd rather be free and happy, than have to put up with the crap they deal out that never changes! There's NO way I"d ever let my daughter be exposed to such crap. I'd end up going to jail!!!!!!!!!
I'll take my chances far away from the "ark".
you know the people who adopt you when you are no longer a jw?
the ones who accept you just because you are you and do not laugh too hard that you were once one of the jw's.
well bettie was mine.
She seems like a very special person. I'm glad you both had the opportunity to touch each other's life.
I do have a question---who's gonna teach you to cuss, now. Somehow, you being from Texas, probably know a few you could teach us!! LOL
Besides, when the board gets crankin' there's always a few here that will keep you entertained!!
today has been a weird day.
nothing horrible.
just frustrating.
Sperm donor dad's really piss me off!!!!!!
Today, for some reason, I needed this topic! I have this urge to beat the living shit out of some asshole do really needs it. I don't even know where to start.
Right now, it's my JW mother that has me just boiling. Usually I can blow her off. But the last couple days she has pushed the JW topic past the max!! She's decided that i'm a raging alcohlic, (I used to drink alot, now just here and there. And tonight is looking like a good night to drink!) Yes, I got messed up with meth. But next month I'll have a year clean. She still thinks I'm a raging drug addict, gutter-alley skum. If there was I way I could divorce her, it'd be happening now. I've tried to explain to her that I"m finally getting happy, and I found a higher power that is my own. Of course, I'm trying to not tell her that I'm pagan (wicca), and a very proud apostate!! It's so tempting, she'd never speak to me again!!!! And this is the woman that knew and witnessed my stepdad molesting me!!!!Then had the balls to say it was my fault.
Sorry to ramble again. I really wish I had a dart board, or my 9mm that my ex took away from me. I can't get anyone to even argue with me around here!!!
You guys are the best.....usually hahaha
i had another member of my family die, i was not close to her.
she was a baptized dubber that had left many years ago, but defended the cult to the death.
no pun intended.
When my grandma died 25 years ago, a local elder have her eulogy in the funeral home. And she didn't even pretend to like the JWs. In our area, it is basically who needs a funeral eulogy or wedding service & how well they are connected to any of the powers that be. I would do whatever you feel is necessary for yourself. Make them sweat some. It's your blood family--don't let them think that you don't belong there. I think I'd have to consider a cross wreath of flowers, to be delivered at the very last moment.
I do remember that the talks at a wedding or funeral only get personal for a minute or two. They always turn into a public lecture about something stupid.I wonder what they'd do if a family member got up, behind the podium, and do their own eulogy??!!
so what is the jw version of the events that will take place in "the last days".
here is how i understand the jw version of things.. 1. beginning of last days.
christ returns (1874, then 1914) (we are still here right?).
What about the guys at the space station? They are not here on earth, but ain't up there either. Don't forget, in the paradise there has to be someone that is doing hair and makeup. Otherwise, the pics they use are good for one time. Who is going to be in charge of the ones that are "resurrected", so that they can find their families? Let's face it, if the same elders that are trying to run things here and now are going to be there---something just isn't right. Are brain transplants going to be included to get into paradise?
hawaii is here, wish you were beautiful..... lol
i love it here in hilo - e side of big island.
rain, sun, clouds, rainbows, and really really nice people.
You just ain't right!!!!! Teasing us with a snip here and there!! Too bad you don't have any apostate fliers to distribute at the local KH. They probably think they are immune to all these crazies here.
Man, party down and think of us!!!!Come back soon. Even though I'm fairly new, I do miss ya'll that are a constant here!!!
Could you please crash the set of "Lost" and tell us what the hell is chasing them!!!