I was always the teen that made the elder's work for their titles. But anytime I got in trouble for something at home, my parents ran to the elders--that meant an elder's meeting. Keep in mind, my stepdad, a MS, was molesting me and had been for years. Mom knew about it and kept quiet.
When I was 9 or 10 I got to meet by birth father. My parents then told me it was up to me if I wanted to continue contact with him. After I decided I did, my stepdad went to the elders, had another meeting, THEY decided I shouldn't get to know him since he wasn't a JW. One night after a meeting I was allowed to go to town with another JW girl. We ended up riding aournd with some boys from school. She got to feeling guilty and confessed "our" sins. The afternoon I found out there was going to be another elder's meeting, I snapped. I went to my birth grandma's. She called my birth dad. I took my parents car and parked it at the kingdom hall, with a note. They didn't have a clue where I was for 2 weeks. Later that summer, my stepmom and I came from texas to get my clothes. That POMPOUS bald, short elder lives close to my mom's. He ran up to the house, bible in hand, and demanded to know what I was doing. My mom was crying. I told him I was tired of their shit and I was going home to texas. He said since I was disobedient to my parents, I would be DF'd. Partied that night and celebrated!!!
The second time I was df'd, they decided I had a bad attitude and that they had reinstated me too soon. (3 months) I wasn't invited to a meeting or anything.
When I had my daughter and my mom came to the hospital, they threatened her with action. The elders in my congregation got off on entangling themselves in every aspect of everyone's life.
Sorry I got so long winded, this subject makes me want to go throw a few stones their way!!