Screw Katie. Rescue my three indoctrinated daughters
Posts by Sith
Rescue Katie!
by Oroborus21 inre: tom cruise & katie holmes
among the first steps of cult indoctrination is the severing of ties to family and friends, all of whom will be labeled by the cult as "bad associaton" and supposedly detrimental to the recruit's .
Music that debases
by katiekitten inwhich albums did you throw out after that landmark talk at an assembly round about the mid 80's?.
i got rid of:.
elo (widely regarded as having back tracking on one song).
This really pisses me off when I think back on it. I threw out all my Blue Oyster Cult albums...there's some irony for you.
And because some idiot elder saw the jacket for John Fogerty's "Eye Of The Zombie"...tossed. I should make him buy me the CD
And get this: The very first album I bought with my own money was Neil Diamond's "Hot August Night". An elder's wife insisted that I get rid of it because of the picture on the cover. Neil F*cking Diamond!!!!! -
Finding a good woman
who should i take to hawaii?
by tsunami_rid3r inid like to take a friend to hawaii so i wont be stuck with just my parents.
the firends ive made this year, i havent hung out with them a lot...only a couple do i do this?
i go in august.
In all seriousness, tsu...take someone who will lei you
who should i take to hawaii?
by tsunami_rid3r inid like to take a friend to hawaii so i wont be stuck with just my parents.
the firends ive made this year, i havent hung out with them a lot...only a couple do i do this?
i go in august.
by troubledteen in.
i have been with a witness now for 10 - 11 months, i am rather young, 17.. i dont know if i want to be with him but he's giving me all these reasons why i should and i dont know what to do, i broke up with him because he cheated on me and i couldnt cope..i really dont know what to do or what to say to him or myself to figure out what i want :(.
his mum disaproves and wont allow him to see me and he doesnt stand up for me..but i ont know if its worth it..i am sooo confused and i havent a clue how to sort my head out or weather this is worth it at this age.. please help!
Holy shit, I'm agreeing with EF again.
So many things will change for you. I know, I'm an old f*ck, but I know where you are in life. Don't pin your hopes on a kid who doesn't know how to be a man. Don't sell yourself out. -
Feeling everything is going to be ok (Relying on Jehovah)
by rick1199 indoes any one else have a small voice a the back of their head telling them every thing is going to be ok ?
and does any one else find this gets them into trouble ?
its only been just over a year since i stopped beliesving that jehovah would solve all my problems, but evan now i tend have a small feel that something will come along that will get me out of any situation.
I hope this isn't a duplicate post...but what the hell do I know? I'm a computer illiterate
I have that voice in my head too..telling me that everything's gonna be alright. The thing is, the voice sounds like me, not Joe Hoba. I've given up the fantasy and crutch that the DUmBs handed me. I know things will be okay, because I've learned to be self-reliant. The good things in my life don't come from Ol' Joe, and the bad things don't come from Satan. I'm making my life what it is, and that's a damn fine feeling -
Would you go?
by Mysterious inwould you go to a funeral at a kingdom hall?
would it have to be someone that is very close family or just an acquaintance?.
i dont know that jw funerals really off ther much closer and point blank i can not think of a single person i would go to the hall for.
I pondered this question for a long time. I've been "out" for many years, while my mother and sisters remained "in". Recently, my mother became terminally ill, and I knew she was going to have a witness funeral. I had to make a decision about how I would handle it...and how I would conduct myself...when the time came.
When all was said and done, I bit my lip. I stayed in her hospital room for the three days she lay dying. I greeted the JW well-wishers graciously. I bowed my head when they said prayers over her. I was there in her hospital room when she died.
Every fiber of my being wanted me to scream out the truth. When the "sister" who brought our family into the "truth" prayed over my mother's dying body, and prayed that I would come back into the "fold", I almost hit her.
I felt alienated and humiliated. I wanted to speak up about how these people had lied to my mother and wasted her life...and wasted much of mine in the process. In the end, I shut up, held my tongue and went through the motions, because it was all about my mother and what she believed. -
Feeling everything is going to be ok (Relying on Jehovah)
by rick1199 indoes any one else have a small voice a the back of their head telling them every thing is going to be ok ?
and does any one else find this gets them into trouble ?
its only been just over a year since i stopped beliesving that jehovah would solve all my problems, but evan now i tend have a small feel that something will come along that will get me out of any situation.
I have that voice in my head too..telling me that everything's gonna be alright. The thing is, the voice sounds like me, not Joe Hoba. I've given up the fantasy and crutch that the DUmBs handed me. I know things will be okay, because I've learned to be self-reliant. The good things in my life don't come from Ol' Joe, and the bad things don't come from Satan. I'm making my life what it is, and that's a damn fine feeling
Wolverines, Sociopaths
by patio34 ini've been doing some reading about sociopaths or people who have "antisocial personality disorder.
" one book states 1 in 25 people are sociopathic.. this basically means someone without a conscience facility.
someone who cannot empathsize with others.
Very interesting, Patio. I'll have to look further into it. My soon to be ex exhibits at least 6 of the characteristics you listed. I never realized she might be a sociopath. I just thought she was a bitch.