kls, try a little monkey booster seat, so you can see over the dashboard, and some blocks of wood strapped to your little monkey feet, so you can reach the pedals. Maybe an organ grinder in the back seat so you can get the shift-timing right.
Posts by Sith
Name things that you discovered that you wouldn't do without anymore
by JH innow i only drive automatic transmission cars....because there is so much traffic and too many stop signs.
it becomes annoying.
i used to love driving manual transmissions, but no more.. the internet is one other thing that i wouldn't be able to do without.. how about you?.
Taking on others personalities
by kls indo you ever have a friend or close relative that has taken on someones personality ?
this is someone that you knew to act and think a certain way and then they meet someone and they have changed into the other person such as likes and dislikes and their way of reasoning .. .
do you know what i mean ,kinda like the person you knew has become someone that you don't really know.
KLS, it always comes down to a hair thing with you
Taking on others personalities
by kls indo you ever have a friend or close relative that has taken on someones personality ?
this is someone that you knew to act and think a certain way and then they meet someone and they have changed into the other person such as likes and dislikes and their way of reasoning .. .
do you know what i mean ,kinda like the person you knew has become someone that you don't really know.
Don't they call that "monkey see...monkey do"?
Source of Flood Waters
by VM44 ini do not have access right now to the watchtower cd library, could someone check and tell me what the watchotwer now says is the source for the great flood waters?.
do they still believe the theory of isaac vail that the waters came from above and that there was a water canopy in orbit about the earth?
or does the watchtower now say that the canopy was a vapor layer, not in orbit, but a simply above the atmosphere?.
"It's the same with Noah's Flood. A flood big enough to destroy the entire world of man and animals would have left massive and unmistakeable geological traces. There are no such traces."
In fact, there is a world full of evidence to the contrary. I live in Arizona and recently took a trip into the White Mountains, on the edge of the Mogollon Rim. As you climb up into the mountains from the desert floor, you can observe miles and miles of fantastic rock formations, peaks hundreds of feet tall, obviously eroded by hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of years of exposure to wind and rain. There is a massive split through the mountains called the Salt River Canyon. It almost rivals the Grand Canyon, which Arizona is of course famous for, in size. At the bottom of both these canyon are the comparatively tiny rivers that formed them by cutting through solid rock.
Any Human Being with even half a brain can observe these things and determine that they weren't formed in the 4,000 or 5,00 years that have passed since the earth rose from under the flood waters of Noah's day, as the WTBTS claims.
Sometimes it sickens me to think that for 22 years, I let the Borg think for me. -
Other Types of Abuse...
by RichieRich inanyone who regularly reads this site is well aware of the sexual abuse scandals amongst jw congregations worldwide.
(for those not familiar, visit www.silentlambs.org).
not to make light of those who were sexually abused, but i think there is an epedimic of other types of abuse in the org.. how many here have been, or know of, someone who was "spanked" regularly and excessively?
Spanking always makes me think of my best friend growing up, and his mother. My friend's mother was the epitome of a "faithful witness" and followed the WTBTS instructions and advice to the letter. By the time her moved out of her house, my friend was more than a foot taller than her and probably weighed 130 pounds more. She insisted that spanking was Jehovah's approved method of disciple. More times than I can count, I watched her take him into one of the bedrooms of her house and hit him with her paddle as hard as she could. Each offense carried with it a certain number of "swats". When she was done with him, he'd walk out of the room biting his lip to keep from laughing.
After which we'd usually jump into my car and head off to the liquor store to try to buy some beer. -
What does your name MEAN?
by RichieRich inwe all are identified by our names here on jwd.
some use their real names, and others pick a moniker that is their nickname or perhaps a few words from a song they like.. why did you pick your name?.
for instance,.
Jeannie, I really admire and respect your reason for choosing your name. I hope one day your father finds this board
What's the deal with fairies?
by gringojj inone of the most annoying things about dubs is they have all these stupid rules and no one person seems to know them all.
my wifes mother said it was wrong to have a tooth fairy for our daughter because fairies are magical and whatever.
so then the other day we were at the store and there was a dress for play dress up and it had fairy wings in the back.
Blondie, you are so right. There is hardly one Disney animated movie that doesn't deal with some form of spiritism. And yet, DUmB parents swear by these film. For many, it's all they'll let their children watch.
Source of Flood Waters
by VM44 ini do not have access right now to the watchtower cd library, could someone check and tell me what the watchotwer now says is the source for the great flood waters?.
do they still believe the theory of isaac vail that the waters came from above and that there was a water canopy in orbit about the earth?
or does the watchtower now say that the canopy was a vapor layer, not in orbit, but a simply above the atmosphere?.
And God could have simply placed Noah, his family, the animals and all the food they required on a mountaintop and just surrounded them with a force-field...kept the waters parted ala the Red Sea.
Seems like a whole lot less work. -
Emily Litella Moments
by blondie indoes anyone remember gilda radner playing emilly litella?
have you ever had a litella moment where you misread or misheard something and went off on a rant until you got all the information and had to say.
never mind?.
Nobody has posted any of their own private Emily Litella moments, so I don't feel obligated to either.
One of my favorite ongoing skits on the original SNL was Gilda as Lisa Lubner and Bill Murray as Todd. Jane Curtain played Mrs. Lubner. -
Source of Flood Waters
by VM44 ini do not have access right now to the watchtower cd library, could someone check and tell me what the watchotwer now says is the source for the great flood waters?.
do they still believe the theory of isaac vail that the waters came from above and that there was a water canopy in orbit about the earth?
or does the watchtower now say that the canopy was a vapor layer, not in orbit, but a simply above the atmosphere?.
Every aspect of the story of Noah's Flood is ludicrous, but this thread brought one point to mind.
I remember from back in my days as a DUmB that one the the WT's arguments about the flood being plausible was this: Before the flood, the Earth was much flatter. It was actually the flood itself that caused the gigantic mountain ranges, huge peaks and deep valleys that exist today. This helps to explain what happened to the flood waters...they didn't go away so much as they receded to lower elevations as the continents rose up from beneath then.
Wouldn't this buckling of the Earth cause huge Tsunamis and gigantic tidal waves. Wouldn't these tidal waves encircle the earth, crashing into each other, since there were no land masses to stop them or break them up? How could a big wooden box, built by primitive tools and with primitive materials, withstand those tremendous forces?