What? My face? Whats wrong with my face? I...Oh no! Oh crap! Turn away, I'm hideous
Posts by Sith
Why do you choose to mislead Gods people?
by wanderlustguy inthat's right, you apostate.
why do you set out to take away other people's everlasting life?
isn't it bad enough that you have doomed yourself and your kids to eternal death?
Serious questions about breastfeeding
by wordlywife ini will thank everyone ahead of time for not turning this thread into something it ought not to be.
i am expecting my third child and have never breast fed before.
my questions are these: .
Why do you choose to mislead Gods people?
by wanderlustguy inthat's right, you apostate.
why do you set out to take away other people's everlasting life?
isn't it bad enough that you have doomed yourself and your kids to eternal death?
God, I miss that old life. I curse the day I googled Jehovahs Witnesses and Satan led me here. That bastard has always had it in for me.
Jehovah's Witnesses beliefs
by ScoobySnax inare there any beliefs that you still hold onto, or at least believe in still.
or have you totally rejected everything you once believed whilst in the "truth" >?
i still believe that a new system will happen after armageddon.
Luna: it ain't the truth. Not the truth as the dubs portray it. You said "I'm not prepared to sift through it yet to figure out what bits I'm going to salvage from the wreckage." The "Truth" isn't something you sift through. The "Truth" is rock solid. Walk away, don't look back
Shunning my Husband
by AuntieJane inok, i am not a jw, never was, neither was he.
but today i am shunning him.
yesterday he went to a car show with a friend and drove home intoxicated.
Hi Janie, I'm so glad you're back. I would like to pass on my wisdom (such as it is). There is nothing you can do to change your husband. If he is an alcoholic, he will always be one. Fact of life. There's nothing you, or anyone else that loves him, can do for him. He is what he is, and only he can change that. Not you, not his mom, not his kids, not his best friend. Nobody. First thing is...don't blame yourself. He's not drinking because of you. He's probably drinking in spite of you. He's drinking because he hurts, and doesn't know why. Don't feel sorry for him. Alcoholics thrive on pity. Be strong, take care of yourself first. He's thinking about himself. You need to think about yourself.
We are all words typed onto a computer screen.
I'm cleaning out my closet!!!
by purplesofa inlooking in my closet this morning, i saw all these clothes that i bought for the meetings .............. i would not be caught dead in now!!!!!!!.
long frumpy skirts........blouses the my grandma would not wear........i really struggled, and even was more "hip" than most.........ugggggggg.
did you experiance the same thing??.
Yet, I feel you trembling. Fear? Or something else?
I'm cleaning out my closet!!!
by purplesofa inlooking in my closet this morning, i saw all these clothes that i bought for the meetings .............. i would not be caught dead in now!!!!!!!.
long frumpy skirts........blouses the my grandma would not wear........i really struggled, and even was more "hip" than most.........ugggggggg.
did you experiance the same thing??.
I concede the closet, Ditto. A smart man picks his battles. I'll regroup and come for you from somewhere else. In the dark, my black eyes cannot give me away. Resistance is futile
I'm cleaning out my closet!!!
by purplesofa inlooking in my closet this morning, i saw all these clothes that i bought for the meetings .............. i would not be caught dead in now!!!!!!!.
long frumpy skirts........blouses the my grandma would not wear........i really struggled, and even was more "hip" than most.........ugggggggg.
did you experiance the same thing??.
To match the stars in my eyes?
I'm cleaning out my closet!!!
by purplesofa inlooking in my closet this morning, i saw all these clothes that i bought for the meetings .............. i would not be caught dead in now!!!!!!!.
long frumpy skirts........blouses the my grandma would not wear........i really struggled, and even was more "hip" than most.........ugggggggg.
did you experiance the same thing??.
Ok, you can have the whole closet. I'll just need a drawer and a hole in your toothbrush holder