The witch in Hansel And Gretel wasn't a mean witch. She was misportrayed by the Brothers Grimm
Posts by Sith
Do you think God is Sexist?
by The Lone Ranger ini do have some thoughts on this subject, there are some interesting scriptures that come to mind on this subject but i want to get other peoples opinions.
do you think that god of the bible is sexist?
what do you think it means to be sexist?
Do you think God is Sexist?
by The Lone Ranger ini do have some thoughts on this subject, there are some interesting scriptures that come to mind on this subject but i want to get other peoples opinions.
do you think that god of the bible is sexist?
what do you think it means to be sexist?
Jeff, I'm not sure how that answers the question. The answer is, of course the god of the bible is sexist, as we have come to define that term. How modern, self-respecting women can align themselves with the teachings of a cult like the Jehoobers is beyond me. Now, I did say "self-respecting" women.
Do you think God is Sexist?
by The Lone Ranger ini do have some thoughts on this subject, there are some interesting scriptures that come to mind on this subject but i want to get other peoples opinions.
do you think that god of the bible is sexist?
what do you think it means to be sexist?
I think Teri Hatcher is sexiest, but god comes in a close 2nd
Did you ever experience Holy Spirit?
by Ring Wielder ini was a jw for 40 years.
although as an individual/cong/body of elders holy spirirt was prayed for, i cannot think of one moment when i thought..right now i have gods spirit acting upon me.
it was never described adequately for me to completely understand and i suspect that others felt the same, yet everyone talked as though they knew exactly how it worked.
I was a DUmB for 22 years and the only spiritual influence I saw over any JW was the spirit of Jim and Jack and Bud
Sorry to ask this but...................
by vitty old is your underware.
i was sorting through my knicker drawer and there are some really old but comfortable knicknicks that i always choose, they are so old i cant tell you.. i have some really yummy underware that i keep for special occassions but never wear in the day.
as my "special " occasions are few and far between i never were them.. if i had an accident tomorrow i would be well embarrist.. so tell me what the oldest bra, knickers or underpants do you own .
As long as the two biggest holes are leg-holes, they stay in the rotation
classic opening scenes
by tijkmo ini was thinking while watching the new star wars film last night that when it first happened it was truly what other movies grabbed right from the off.
brubaker...where bob redford as the prison governer enters the prison undercover as a prisoner.
die hard 3...summer in the city.
Orson Welles' "Touch Of Evil"
WHO IS JOHN GALT? (A survey on Ayn Rand)
by Terry insince its publication in 1957, atlas shrugged has sold more than five million copies.
perhaps a measure of the book's continuing influence may be estimated from the results of a survey conducted jointly by the library of congress and book-of-the-month club in 1991. the survey asked readers which books had made a difference in people's lives.
the results found atlas shrugged placing second only to the bible.
That was Rand's point. Man is an end unto himself, if there is no higher authority.
by kittyeatzjdubs ini'm celebrating my first birthday this weekend!!!!!!!!
all of my friends are gonna be there and my bestest friend from high school, heidi .
Happy Barfday, Kitty. Party till you puke
You are the World and the World is You :)
by frankiespeakin ini've read over and over again in mystic writings this basic idea about "oneness" is that "you" are the world, you are making the sun shine,, you are everything and hence the world is you.
everything in space time is an illusion of the mind and thought,,, and that there is this nonfragmentary consciousness of it all, that is nothing like the the fragmentary nature of human thought.
JWs and breastfeeding past infancy
by rebel8 inmy jw mother breastfed my sibs so long they remember it.
one she stopped feeding when she went to kingergarten; i kid you not.
my mother justified it by saying moses' mother breastfed him until whatever age and the bible encourages it.
I have never seen a feeding mother take her top off, wave her ya-yas around, massage them in a sexual fashion, and then feed the baby.
I'm for more of this