Perhaps this will give a greater understanding.
the insert is called "how do i view blood fractions and medical procedures involving my own blood?
" i will attempt to transcribe the more salient points for everyone here.. paragraph 1 (verbatim): the bible commands christians to "abstain ... from blood.
" (acts 15:20) thus, jehovah's witnesses do not accept transfusions of whole blood or the four primary components of blood-namely, red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets, and plasma.
Perhaps this will give a greater understanding.
i know the jws claim that jesus returned invisibly in 1914 (?
) - what is this based on?
how can they state that he returned; i mean if it was an invisible return then they are only stating a belief, right?
This should answer alot of questions.
i met a really nice couple once who went to an orphanage in a foreign country and adopted a little girl.
impressed with their goodness i probed a little as to why they had done such a noble thing.
surprisingly, the man told me that this was their third child to adopt.
Jesus died for all:
John 1:29
John 3:16
John 4:42
1 Timothy 4:10
1 John 2:2
1 John 4:14
if a witness wanted to get df'd by asking questions, what questions would you suggest?
i got my fiance out, but the problem is now with her family.
first thing, we want to get her out of those meetings.
(1) In all due respect...why would you or anyone have to create something to be disfellowshipped? Simply stand up for your right and freedom and tell them..."I'm no longer a witness by my own choice (this is your freedom of speech and right to choose your own belief system) and you (the congregation of elders or organization) can do whatever you like with my membership because I really don't give a hoot.
(2) If they start their spill about you being spiritually weak or that you have been influenced by an evil force...you can tell them..." Love doesn't demand one to conform to ridiculous rules and regulations, truth doesn't give false information and prophesies, brotherly love doesn't allow family seperations, children or adults shouldn't die due to twisted reasoning of scriptures in reguard to medical treatment, etc... I have learned the truth and that is why I'm leaving this society."
(3) Your last statement could be..."End of subject...there will be no more discussion"
Now...what I have said here is pretty bold, but you have to be because you were given a free will and you have the right to exercise this gift. Practice being strong. Use the intelligent mind God gave you and don't allow them to feed you any more of their doctrines...research outside of J.W. literature to find the truth.
Good luck Tras...I'll be praying for your deliverance.
once you start questioning the beliefs of the organization, all kinds of things cross your mind.
for instance, the bible clearly describes angels as having wings - and the wbts illustrates them with wings in their publications - so what's up with the whole "not displaying images of angels" in witness homes, etc.
through the years i bought the position that angels are not children, so the images of babies with wings and halos are inconsistent with bible truth - but what's wrong with images of adult angels with wings and why are witnesses encouraged not to display them?.
I personally don't know if angels have wings or not, however I believe one reason for the use of wings in paintings is to distinguish or seperate it from humans in illistrations...to give the viewer a glimpse of the GLORY of GOD in a creation beyond our earthly realm. After all...God can create any being he chooses...wings or not. He can create other habitable planets beyond earth with other beings/creatures if he so desires.
i wouldn't be here wasn't it for a link on google on the moscow ban that led me here.
i am shocked by the hatred many of you display in your posts.
some claim that we break up marriages, yet some of the happiest couples i know are faithfull brothers and sisters.
Alexander said: " Some used to be witnesses, grew up in the truth and left it because reading books of apostates, now slandering brothers and sisters". According to YOUR STATEMENT...YOU ARE ACUSING THESE WRITERS OF BEING APOSTATES!Aren't you doing the same by slandering? Do you know the meaning of the word apostate? In Webster's dictionary it states: "renouncer (meaning give up formally)of one's professed faith". How would you know about these writers faith? Have you personally read their material? I'm NOT talking about what JW have told you about these people. The witnesses left because they used their brain...meaning they didn't rely on the belief of one organization and they STUDIED other material outside of JW literature to TRUTHFULLY SEEK THE TRUTH....and they most likely found out the REAL HISTORY of the JW Society. If you will look beyond the Watchtower, Awake, etc....YOU will understand that all the changes...especially date setting by the organization..will get you to open your eyes to the truth. God gave us a free will and he knows if you seek his truth faithfully. Do you think these JW's who left are apostates now simply because they sought truth outside of JW doctrines? God knows the heart and if you think just because they left the organization they will be rejected by God then you are in for a RUDE AWAKENING.
well, we've been having a lot of problems, and we've decided to get divorced.
i hope some of you can help me understand the teachings regarding this issue.
here's my questions:.
In my opinion you shouldn't 'confess' to somethng you didn't commit. This is mind control and you'll be branded as the 'evil one' and he'll come out smelling like a rose. RESPECT YOURSELF and not give in to this sort of blackmail!! You have RIGHTS under the laws of this nation and the state you reside in and the JW elders or any other person in the congregation have no say so legally as to how you choose to file on the reasons for your divirce. PLEASE don't allow them to manipulate you into degrading yourself by telling a lie in order to be granted a divorce by the JW standards! Get a good lawyer...one who will be willing to fight tooth and nail for you rights and reputation. If you falsely confess to adultery then THEY (JW) WILL HAVE THE FINAL ULTIMATE CONTROL OVER YOU!
are you a blind believer or do you have evidence of a continued existence beyond physical death either personal in nature or from scientifically valid sources?.
As for 'scientific' proof...all I can relate is a story about the death of my father. I was very emotional at his passing and the night after his death I was trying to sleep but was so upset I couldn't even begin to close my red swollen eyes. Then I had what I would define as a 'vision'. It was like flashes of scenes so vivid I couldn't believe what I was viewing.I saw a field with a curved wall made of every precious stone imagened. Beyond the wall was a castle glittering in solid gold...so bright yet it didn't hurt the eyes to look upon it brillence. Beyond the castle was a valley with a city of gold, although not quite as illuninated as the castle, yet had it's own splendid light. Then I saw what appeared to be a layered road...also made of multi-colered precious stones...each layer a different color. Then I saw a vision of my father. When he died he was 71 years old, however in the vision he appeared to be in his early 30's. He was sitting on an old wooden chair leaned over with his right elbow on his knee and his right hand under his chin. This is significiant because my dad was a triple amputee as a result of diabetes...lost his right arm to the elbow and both legs to the knee. He was wearing a brown garment...later I realized it was sackcloth. I couldn't understand why he was wearing this garment until I researched the meaning. Sackcloth is a rough garment worn as a sign of penitence (feeling sorrow for sins or offences). Then the vision changed and he was wearing a pleated white gown. It appeared as though he had shoulder pads beneath the white garment...like football or armour protection. He was standing to the right of a white chair....like a throne. I couldn't see anyone sitting on the throne, but sensed their presence. On the backrest of this throne was something carved...chisled all the way through...it was some form of wording I didn't understand...I somehow sensed it was perhaps Hebrew. Then the vision ended. I was completely amazed at this vision. I began placing all these flashes of the vision together and I truely believe I know what the Lord was telling me. He was telling me my dad had repented through the vision of the sackcloth, he was telling me dad had put on the armour of God (Ephesians 5:11)by the 'padded' garment. He gave me symbols/illistrations to guide me through and gave me peace. In the following weeks I was really high spirited and then one day I was down in spirit and was driving back home from visiting my mother. I started thinking about my dad...how he left this earth in such terrible physical state...tripple amputee , blind and had been bedridden for 10 years before his death. Tears were rolling down my face thinking about his suffering...how my mom was such a wonderful caregiver for him through all the hardships in life. etc. Then out of the clear blue, as I turned a corner,....there before my eyes was the most beautiful rainbow I'd ever seen in my life. It literally drew my breath away! I said ,"Thank you Jesus...I needed this". The rainbow was the most comforting and awe-inspiring scene you could possibly imagine. In my belief the Lord was telling me..."I'm still here...I'll never leave you...I understand".
are you a blind believer or do you have evidence of a continued existence beyond physical death either personal in nature or from scientifically valid sources?.
Is there life after life? ABSOLUTELY! I believe Jesus had a bodily resurection and he raised others from the dead. 2 Corinthians:5:(6)Therefore we are always confident, knowing that, whilst we are home in the body, we are absent from the Lord. (7). For we walk by faith, not by sight. (8). We are confident, I say, and willing rather to be absent from the body, and to be present with the Lord. Also check out 1 Corinthians 15:35-58 In Matthew 10:30 But the very hairs of your head are numbered 10:31 Fear ye not therefore, ye are of more value than many sparrows. We are so precious to our Lord that even the number of hairs on our head are known. He also knows our heart and its desires. He's aware of our weaknesses and victories, our tears and laughter, our pain and joy. With all these attributes stored in his knowledge...why wouldn't he provide a safe haven for us after our physical bodies die? What would be the purpose of knowing these things if he didn't have a plan for each and every one of us? Ephesians 2:(8) "For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God". (9) Not of works, lest any man boast. Jesus also states in John 14:(2)"In my Father's house are many mansions:if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you".
you may not remember, but i know you very well.
i met you a long time ago when you came to my house with your smiling faces, your neat clothes, and your soft voices, and a bible tucked neatly under your arm.
you told me many beautiful stories of a "paradise earth," and a "righteous new system" which would be established shortly.
You have opened the gates of freedom for so many by speaking the truth that so many couldn't put into words. Your letter very well could free the chains of bondage which so many have become victims. The words you speak are of sorrow and had you actually received the truth by Jehovah Witnesses then you wouldn't have been in the pain you're experiencing, but now you can go on and experience joy because now you have the opportunity to show the truth to Jehovah Witnesses. If they refuse to listen it is because their hearts are hardened just as they have spoken of about those outside their fold. REJOYCE AND LIVE ACCORDING TO WHAT THE LORD HAS PREPARED FOR YOU IN YOUR FUTURE.