I can hear the guns fireing
Posts by Ellie
conspiracy theories
by Ellie in.
the rules of this game are that you have to invent a wacky conspiracy theory each go x-files style.
the winner is the first one assassinated for revealing the truth (not much of a prize i know).. i'll start.... blue smarties are filled with toxic e-numbers that mutate sweet kids into chav (trailor trash) like monsters with adhd, brought on by nestle to bring civilisation down to its knees so that they can rule the world
Weirdest Person You have ever Dated...
by stillAwitness in.
the guy i've just started seeing has certainly inspired this thread: he believes television and newspapers only corrupt the mind, practices some weird religion having to do with contacting his ancestors but claims it has nothing to do with demon worship and doesn't even own a cellphone.
who can top that?
Or someone who wants you to do some chaseing, but someone like that would probably be too high maintainance.
The ex calling, no way, forget her.
Weirdest Person You have ever Dated...
by stillAwitness in.
the guy i've just started seeing has certainly inspired this thread: he believes television and newspapers only corrupt the mind, practices some weird religion having to do with contacting his ancestors but claims it has nothing to do with demon worship and doesn't even own a cellphone.
who can top that?
I'm sorry to say it Ballistic but the girl sounds dodgy, are you sure you were the only person she was seeing?
conspiracy theories
by Ellie in.
the rules of this game are that you have to invent a wacky conspiracy theory each go x-files style.
the winner is the first one assassinated for revealing the truth (not much of a prize i know).. i'll start.... blue smarties are filled with toxic e-numbers that mutate sweet kids into chav (trailor trash) like monsters with adhd, brought on by nestle to bring civilisation down to its knees so that they can rule the world
The rules of this game are that you have to invent a wacky conspiracy theory each go X-files style
The winner is the first one assassinated for revealing the truth (not much of a prize I know).
I'll start...
Blue smarties are filled with toxic e-numbers that mutate sweet kids into chav (trailor trash) like monsters with ADHD, brought on by Nestle to bring civilisation down to its knees so that they can rule the world
A long overdue statement
by truthsetsonefree inmost of you have seen me post under my alias truthsetsonefree.
some call me "tsof" which is cool too.
one or two of you know me by my real name.
Wow, you sound like a very nice person, there should be more elders like you, good work!!
The JWs don't differ that much
by greendawn inthe wts claims that it is different from the world however we know that in essence they do not differ enough to be truly different.
what points can we use to justify the position that they are in essence the same as the rest of the world, that they are also babylon and part of the beast?
to begin with i would say they are very materialistic and lack true love and spirituality, and they also destroyed many families.
One thing that stands out in my mind is their drinking habits, not every witness obviously but a lot of them, the stories I have heared off them, like one elder telling me that a few nights earlier he had been drinking round at his friends house when he got so drunk that they put him to bed and took photos of him in the nude.
Scary JW Thinking About the Benefits of Bird Flu
by Severus ini heard this from a pioneer recently.
"this bird flu will be the next major pestilence.
even if it wipes out millions, that would be a good thing because jehovah will be able to resurrect them.
Thats awful but yes, I can see how they come to this sick conclusion.
FREEDOMLOVER update with JW family
by freedomlover inhi guys, haven't been around here much lately.
just been really busy trying to start a new life in a new area.
if any of you have been keeping up with our life and journey out of the org, thought you'd like an update.
Good stuff, lets just hope that your parents do leave soon too.
how do you do playdates?!
by freedomlover inleaving the org you face making new friends.
i am having a little trouble trying to figure out how to make new friends for my kids.
we've met some really nice moms and kids at the park, library, etc.
5 and 7, that could be tricky.
Are there any play houses in your area, you know the places with the soft play areas and ball pits, etc, if you meet someone you think is ok at the park you could suggest going somewhere like that, that way mums can have a chat in the cafe while the kids play.
Oh, I know the clingy sort you mean only too well, completely off topic here but I'll tell you anyway.
There was this woman who lived across the street from me, her son was the same age as my daughter and she seemed nice at first, but then she'd turn up at 8am everyday and stay till about 7pm, just long enough to have breakfast, lunch and dinner with us, this went on for 3 months, oh and ofcourse, there was the problem of the nits, yuk!
how do you do playdates?!
by freedomlover inleaving the org you face making new friends.
i am having a little trouble trying to figure out how to make new friends for my kids.
we've met some really nice moms and kids at the park, library, etc.
How old are your children?
If they are to young to make friends at school, try mother and baby groups, check out your local leisure centre too, they usually have childrens sessions were they put down big mats and the kids can run wild while you chat to other mums.