Yes, my sister mentioned this a couple of years ago, her husband is related to someone who is over there and she heared it off him.
Posts by Ellie
WTS Brooklyn properties for sale
by XBEHERE inanyone else hear the rumor that they are beginning to sell some of the residence buildings in brooklyn?
i heard from a reliable source that 2 of the residence bldgs are on the market now or will be very soon.
also was told that they plan to "layoff" 1000+ in brooklyn bethel by years end.
What Things Irritated You While A Witness?
by minimus ini used to hate it when i'd listen to brother blow give his long winded comment about how we're all supposed to do this or that----and he was barely considered a witness......we had a few elders, and especially the po who would go overtime just because they could.
the po's bookstudy always went overtime.
45 minutes into the meeting he was still on paragraph 3. and he would read every scripture including the ones quoted!!!
Hahahaha, that must've been hilarious.
Do you know what though Minimus, I always thought you were still a witness, I don't know why, but your reputation seemed to have suggested that.
If they had the "truth", wouldn't they stop printing new literature?
by JH in.
the fact that they are coming out with new magazines and new books all the time, can only mean that they haven't found the truth yet.. if they had the truth, they'd be satisfied with their old publications.
Good point
What Things Irritated You While A Witness?
by minimus ini used to hate it when i'd listen to brother blow give his long winded comment about how we're all supposed to do this or that----and he was barely considered a witness......we had a few elders, and especially the po who would go overtime just because they could.
the po's bookstudy always went overtime.
45 minutes into the meeting he was still on paragraph 3. and he would read every scripture including the ones quoted!!!
In that case you should've just gotten up at what should have been the end of the meeting and walked out,if asked why you could've said you had other things to do.
The only thing that really irritated me was the lack of love.
by orangefatcat inyes, it is so, that i have a brain tumor and i will be going to the hospital in about two hours.
i will ask my son richard to keep all of you posted.
i have all of you in my heart.
How awful, I hope it goes well for you, good luck!!
Live for 100 years
by Ellie in.
did anyone see the tv programme 'time' last night?.
maybe you all know this already but i was quite shocked to hear that scientists are working on some kind of gene therapy to prolong human life.. according to 1 scientist, within the next 40 years they will have figured out a way to alter our genes which will enable us to live an extra 20 years, by the time that 20 years is up they will have advanced to be able to prolong our lives to 200 years, and he predicted that before long we will be able to live to be 1000 to 2000.
According to what they were saying on the programme, the reason we die is that our cells become damaged and cannot keep repairing themselfs, but they have found a way to make our cells repair themselfs indefinately.
Don't ask me though, I'm no scientist.
Live for 100 years
by Ellie in.
did anyone see the tv programme 'time' last night?.
maybe you all know this already but i was quite shocked to hear that scientists are working on some kind of gene therapy to prolong human life.. according to 1 scientist, within the next 40 years they will have figured out a way to alter our genes which will enable us to live an extra 20 years, by the time that 20 years is up they will have advanced to be able to prolong our lives to 200 years, and he predicted that before long we will be able to live to be 1000 to 2000.
Did anyone see the TV programme 'Time' last night?
Maybe you all know this already but I was quite shocked to hear that scientists are working on some kind of gene therapy to prolong human life.
According to 1 scientist, within the next 40 years they will have figured out a way to alter our genes which will enable us to live an extra 20 years, by the time that 20 years is up they will have advanced to be able to prolong our lives to 200 years, and he predicted that before long we will be able to live to be 1000 to 2000.
Do you follow you own advice?
by Golf inpeople are so free about giving advice.
my question is, do you follow your own advice?
i have often quoted this scripture, " you, however, the one teaching someone else, not teach yourself?
On some things yes, on others no way
Doctor who?
by IP_SEC inanyone else looking forward to this besides me?.
i sure hope arrmmaaggeeddoonn doesnt come before this comes out.
I can't stand Dr.Who, it gives me the creeps
How have you coped since leaving?
by SickofLies ini noticed that many different people have coped in many different ways, i believe this reflects the fact we all have left or been kick out for different reasons.
what have you done since leaving?
have you joined another church, are you athesitc?
I have coped by throwing myself into my children, getting out to playgroups and classes as much as possible (this week I've been to 2 each day), its a great way to meet people and I realise that I no longer need to be a part of the JW gang, I can make friends on my own merit.
This board has helped a lot too, in making me realise that its really not the truth.