Its a bit like waiting for a bus, it could be late but you don't want to go and get a taxi because you know as soon as you do the bus will arrive, they will be too afraid to call it a day even in a couple of hundred years because they think if they do the very next day armageddon will come.
Posts by Ellie
Do you honestly think the Witness religion will end?
by free2beme ini know that people here make comments about the religion having problems and growth not being anything other then children born into the faith and third world countries.
i even see them make comments about, "how much longer can this go on?
" yet honestly, do you really think the witness religion will end in our life time?
The strange case of the eunuchs
by greendawn inin the past numerous ppl were forced against their will to become eunuchs.
however today there are in the world many millions of them that became such by choice, mainly because of transgender issues, they could no longer bear having a pair of balls and got a surgeon to removed them, to have themselves gelded.
a small percentage did it because they got fed up with their sexual passions interfering with their spiritual aspirations, or in order to get rid of some painful testicular disease like cancer.
Not really on topic but I thought I would share anyway.
When I was a teenager I used to live 2 doors down (about half a mile between each house though) from a surgeon who was affectionately referred to as the 'dick doctor', she specialised in sex change operations and the like.
She was the most dirtiest woman I have ever seen, she looked like a tramp with greasy hair and spots on her face.
She wore mens clothes and smoked cigars, spent an absolute fortune on the fruit machine in the village pub and swore like a navvy.
She had her first child by an unknown man, everyone whispered that it was artificial insemination and one day she went into the pub and told everyone she was thinking of having another, well all the men put down their pints and walked out.
Not a woman I would like to operate on me.
Pick your "King of the North" *fluff*
by JH in.
i say iran will be called the king of the north very soon by the watchtower..... so, who's your pick?
I thought they already announced who the king of the north is, I remember a whisper about it a couple of years ago,
saying it was to be revealed at the assembly, but I didn't go in order to find out.
If you came into the truth, were you able to make friends easily?
by truthseeker inif you came into the truth within the last ten years, did you find it hard or easy to make friends?.
were you able to cut through the bullsh*t and see you were being love bombed?
did it make you feel special, that you had found the true religion?.
I was love bombed like crazy by the older people in the congregation, but at the age of 16 you don't really want to be hanging out with the old wrinklies, some of the girls would point blank ignore me, some would say hello, the lads wrote me letters but didn't talk to me at the hall.
by buffalosrfree ini found it fascinating that when 0ur book study was assigned the cleaning of the hall it always seemed to fall to two familites, mine and the book study conductors.
despite all the others in the book study it was me and my family that cleaned the hall on meeting days and on saturdays.
i often wondered what gives, one other in the congregation a ministerial servant and his family almost never showed up.
Something Gill said has made me ask this question, you know the flowers in the hall, who pays for those?
My curtains are drawn but I can't hear any rain or wind, thats a good thing as I shall be outdoors for most of tomorrow, although theres nothing I like better than snuggling down to read a good book while its hammering down with rain outside.
Hi Everyone
by wasted-youth ini was a jw only for about ten years, but they covered my teens to mid-20s.
i still have problems sorting out what i really think about life, religion, evolution and so on.
i also feel i was completely robbed of my 'wild years' and have never really lived.
Hi Wasted Youth, I didn't get to your thread last night, I'm a little slow, blame it on being in Wales, but welcome to the forum all the same.
How many full meals do you eat a day?
by JH ini always did eat 3 meals a day.
breakfast, lunch, dinner.. i read someplace that eating 2 meals a day would be better, because your stomach would rest longer periods.. on the other hand, some say to eat often and small portions.
it's hard to tell which is best.. and you, how many meals do you eat a day?
I eat a light breakfast and lunch, then a good, filling meal for dinner followed by a snack in the evening, but when my next baby is old enough and I have more time I shall go ack to eating a large breakfast mid morning (bacon etc) missing lunch and a full meal for dinner again.
I do like me grub
National I.D. Cards
by lighthouse1956 inby 2008, the usa is supposed to have an id card program for people entering gov.
builings, airports, depots and bus terminals.
anyone have details or opinions?
They are supposed to be introducing these in Britain too, under the pretence that they will help stop terrorism (like they helped in Spain), its more like a con to swindle yet more money out of people, making us pay for the privilege of carrying one, but at the end of the day my old trade mark statement stands "If you're not doing anything wrong then you have nothing to worry about" except maybe the £100 price tag.
Saying goodbye, going back to the truth & Jehovah
by crazyblondeb ini hurts me alot that i have to say goodbye to all of you.
whether or not i joined in a topic, you all (well, most) had a way of making me feel like part of the family here.
you have all made me laugh and made me cry.
April fools has been and gone, now you're the fool for carrying on.