Larry Sinclair, the guy who alleged that in 1999 he had sex and smoked crack with Obama in a limo also has a video on YouTube
Posts by Dune
the obama deception film is now on youtube
by ninja in
I'm not going to start the genitals story again, but i have another thing.
I've known several witnesses that professed to be under demon attack. Now i'm not saying that there is no possibility that some paranomal creatures exist and that they harass humans every now and then, but i've always found it hard to believe that these same beings would waste their time targetting specific members of a specific religion and that all you needed to do to get rid of them was to blurt out 'Jehovah!' or "Jesus!" or burn some artificact.
Resident Evil 5 comes out next month
by dinah infinally!!!.
i've been waiting for this game for 3 freaking years!.
I'm very surprised that the NAACP has either chosen to ignore or have completely missed this game. I kind of expected some idiots to start something up about all the african zombies/infected (whatever they call them now), but if its good enough for the spanish in RE4, its good enough for the citizens of 'Kijuju'.
I don't have an 360 or a PS3, but i have friends who do and i'll be visiting them :-D. Maybe it'll come out on the PC, but i doubt it...
Is the WatchtowerTract& Bible Society just a marketing corporation?
by RULES & REGULATIONS inmarketingmarketing is seen as a creative industry, which includes advertising, distribution and selling.
it is also concerned with anticipating the customers' future needs and wants, which are often discovered through market research.. .
jehovah's witnesses have been producing a large amount of literature since 1879. bibles,tracts,books,watchtower magazines and awake magazines.
They're actually a publishing Company.
"Breaking Up is Hard to Do" - how one woman ended her JW door knocker relationship
by passwordprotected ingreat blog post from an 'outsider' who was being called on by a jw every saturday morning.. breaking up is hard to do.
LOL, i came upon rebel8's reply in the blog and i thought to myself "i've seen that name somewhere", lol.
All 4,000 species of termites were on the ark. Including one queen and one male worker termite. DUHHHH.
i used to get all the volumes from the library and read them straight through. Good times.
New Star Trek Trailers. We are at Nerdcon 1!
by SacrificialLoon in
i can't wait.
Yeah, i saw the first trailer when quantum of solace came out, my jaw dropped at the visual effects and action. Eric bana even said that the only reason he took the role as a romulan was because the story was just that good. Hope he's right.
Jehovahs Witnesses - Mainstreaming, Like It Or Not
by metatron init used to be that pioneers supported themselves with free literature and magazines and put in 100+ hours a month.
then 90, then 70.. a publisher had to put in at least an hour a month to be counted.
now 15 minutes.. they used to hand out a written review and collect it and grade it!
Wow, i forgot about the feeding program. I used to love the turkey subs and the softserve yogurt as a kid. Sometimes someone would try to give me that nasty ass roast beef sandwich though . Its funny that my fondest memories of being a JW was the food at the conventions.
Jehovahs Witnesses - Mainstreaming, Like It Or Not
by metatron init used to be that pioneers supported themselves with free literature and magazines and put in 100+ hours a month.
then 90, then 70.. a publisher had to put in at least an hour a month to be counted.
now 15 minutes.. they used to hand out a written review and collect it and grade it!
Wow, i forgot about the feeding program. I used to love the turkey subs and the softserve yogurt as a kid. Sometimes someone would try to give me that nasty ass roast beef sandwich though . Its funny that my fondest memories of being a JW was the food at the conventions.