technically, he was second. jehovah/jesus/creator was the first one....
hey Tetra,
yeah, you know some people are so sensitive, so I left him out
1) according to the bible the angels have differences in rank and priveleges.. so why is it ike that?
can god not have some equality in his own organisation in the heaven?
and can we then ever hope on some equality?.
technically, he was second. jehovah/jesus/creator was the first one....
hey Tetra,
yeah, you know some people are so sensitive, so I left him out
if you are the only being in you have a purpose?
especially if there is no such thing as time or space.
is "purpose" something which is only meaningful in a world with a serial time line, because outside of it, there is no passage of time and therefore no cause and effect?
I actually think that this is a very good question.
The question in itself already shows that if there is a God that he would not feel happy or sad (time related), have a goal or purpose in his life etc.
All these projections of ourselfs on God are very childish and uneducated.
Like JW's saying that if you make more then 10 hours in this month you make Jehovah's heart happy. Can only laught at that.
1) according to the bible the angels have differences in rank and priveleges.. so why is it ike that?
can god not have some equality in his own organisation in the heaven?
and can we then ever hope on some equality?.
DB, human sin. What would happen if we all had the same fingerprints and DNA?
I do not understand the connection between human sin and having all the same DNA. Can you elaborate on this?
If we would all have the same DNA, there would be still environmental differences and we would still not be all the same. Difference would occure then of course by mutation later on, and it would become the same variation as we have now.
The way we act is only partly influenced by DNA, there are more factors.
1) according to the bible the angels have differences in rank and priveleges.. so why is it ike that?
can god not have some equality in his own organisation in the heaven?
and can we then ever hope on some equality?.
First off....the bible NEVER said angels could not reproduce. Lets suppose the 2 angels that visited lot decided they wanted to have gay sex with the men of Sodom when these fells'a wanted to have sex with them. Could they have done so? It seems that way.How about when the 2 angels and the Lord visited Abraham just before the Lot scene? Could the 2 angels have went inside the tent of Abraham and had sex with Sarah? It seems that way......since they were materialised men who ate a meal.
:2) Angels were created individual and sexless. They can not reproduce, according to the bible.Jesus only said they didn't marry......not that they could not have sex. If an angel can do magical feats.....why could not they also have sex?
yes you are right, the WTS claims they are sex-less and can't reproduce. This is indeed not found in the bible, except what you mentioned. Materialised in human form they could have sex of course, but as spititual creatures it sounds a bit hard.
Now then.....any further questions I answer I'm gonna charge you for it$$$$$$$
what is happened to that free bible studies?
So, what were those angels doing hanging around in Sodom, anyways? Other than that, I'm mostly ;with S on this one.Is it still hard to get the S word out of your mouth? I think it is clear that we project our own bad and good habits on the angels. Give them human thraids, anthropomorphization indeed. DB
1) according to the bible the angels have differences in rank and priveleges.. so why is it ike that?
can god not have some equality in his own organisation in the heaven?
and can we then ever hope on some equality?.
1) According to the bible the angels have differences in Rank and priveleges.
So why is it ike that? Can God not have some equality in his own organisation in the heaven? And can we then ever hope on some equality?
2) Angels were created individual and sexless. They can not reproduce, according to the bible.
Then why did God create them with sexual desires, that they felt attracted to the woman on the earth before the flood? Isn't that a bit harsh?
3) The angels are many times depicted as warriors or used as such. Why does god need myriads of them to fight? Against who?
4) Satan was the first one to fall and to sin. Why then do we always talk about the first sin being that of Adam and Eve. And how come Adam and Eve in that important question of universal souverenity, when this could all be settled with satan?
ok, i've talked to a few witnesses about this.
a period when true worship was not really available.
this seems inconsitant to me because: .
1. How do JW's reconcile true worship occuring between 607 BCE and 1914 CE with it being the Gentile Times?
2. Has Jehovah REALLY always dealt with organizations?
3. If affirmative to #2, what organization would one seeking true worship turn to between 200CE - 1914CE?
4. Why was that organization, if existant not used at 1914 to reestablish true worship, instead of a wholy new entity being formed?
Okay, the witness answers:
1) It is all about the king. At that time there was no King in Isreal. Jezus in 1914 was king again, not before 1914. That is also why the rebuilding of the temple was not important in this 7 times because zerubabel was not a king.
2) No, that is why it is being gentile times. No organisation (maybe with the exception of the christian congregation :)
3) see 2)
4) see 2)
quick question, what book are the witnesses studying at their book study these days?
i got the impression that it is the daniel's prophecy book.
but hadn't they already gone through that book?
Here we are still in the Daniel book. Starting next week about the prophesy of the King of the North and the King of the south. :(
next on the list is indeed the book: "what does the bible really teach?"
is it killing 42 children because they called prophet elisha a bald headed man (which he probably was, so they did ot even lie)?.
is it killing 70000 innocent israelites because the king david does a counting of the people?
(it is hard to keep the numbers right if the fluctuate so much).
19 And I saw the wild beast and the kings of the earth and their armies gathered together to wage the war with the one seated on the horse and with his army. 20 And the wild beast was caught, and along with it the false prophet that performed in front of it the signs with which he misled those who received the mark of the wild beast and those who render worship to its image. While still alive, they both were hurled into the fiery lake that burns with sulphur. 21 But the rest were killed off with the long sword of the one seated on the horse, which [sword] proceeded out of his mouth. And all the birds were filled from the fleshy parts of them.
The Wild Beast and the False Prophet are a composite of those that war and claim to represent Christ in war. The Fiery Lake is symbolic of spiritual cleansing likened to the elements becoming intensley hot.. The meaning of the above regarding Elisha is that children should respect their elders always. And this goes for adults as well.
Jesus Christ is an invisible spirit and does not have a sword protruding from his mouth. JAH does not kill the innocent, but allows killing in self-defense. Out of great wisdom, He knows where to place fear in His creation by words. This is so that those that read the word can create self-disciplne as disciples of Christ until JAH arrives.
Where did I hear this before? Oh yes I remember in the KH, by somebody else who can only parrot things he heard from people who are only repeating other who...
The part of elisha is really a nice way of symbolizing that some things are not good. I guess all in the bible must be symbolic then.
I am glad, at least it did not really happen, makes me sleep a lot better...
by the way what was the symbol of that David thing then? Ah yes, not to count the attendances. they but wait, theya re always doing this...
what is the book 'jesus the greatest man who ever lived'?
i think it is a wt publication, i haven't seen it mentioned here.
someone brought it up to me when i suggested that the wt denigrates jesus, in my opinion.
all the books look like that now.
no more hard covers. Even the bounded volumes of WT and awake look like the fall apart as soon as they are over the counter
what is the book 'jesus the greatest man who ever lived'?
i think it is a wt publication, i haven't seen it mentioned here.
someone brought it up to me when i suggested that the wt denigrates jesus, in my opinion.
This book you mean?
It is not their worst book, not too denigrating if you ask me.