wow congratulations
hey 5000 pages on jwd - wonderful -congratulations to simon and thankyous
wow congratulations
ive seen several posts questioning how long it will be before the wt enters the mainstream.
this is an artical about the mainstreaming of adventism and maybe in the future this artical could be written about the wt society and we are talking about sister churches here.
the sdas have had a start on the jw since they were formed as a church in the 1860 in times past many denominations that exist today have been fringe groups.
I agree here with Ticker
And the question is do they want to go mainstream?
All mainstream religions are really goingg down very quickly in church attendance etc. (lotfaster then the JW's appear to be doing now)
A lot of people are in the WTS for not being a mainstream religion.
They could loose those people, and have little to gain at the other end of the spectrum, where there are many other religions. They fill a void in the extreme end now.
hey .
something that always jumps into my head about jw, mormons , etc what is up with them??
are we reading the same bible?
Looks like you do not really know where you talking about.
1) There is a big differece in the extra "stuff" that the witnesses have versus the stuff that the mormons have. The Watchtower and awake are not consideren holy books, mere aids for understanding the bible better. Or well, at least not directly coming from God. The book of mormon is quite different.
2) The bible teachings the JW's have are not that much different from most other christian groups. THere is a lot of variety, because it is the bible itself who is just not clear about certain things, and to come to one understanding of the other yuo have to interprate. You do the same.
Even to which bible books are part of the bible and which is the exact text can be an enormous discussion.
The problem with the JW's isn't much the bible teachings at all. Maybe there are closer to the bible then a lot of other groups. It is about the organisation behind it.
i decided to start this topic when ozziepost shared the experience of a bethel representative telling him and mrs. ozzie "and don't forget, we've got your children!
it's important for us to hear these experiences and to share them with each other.
it helps us tear down the mistaken beliefs that the incidents that happen to us are not isolated ones, but are in fact par for the course when one parts ways with the jws and wts.
That is really a sick thing to say.
Some JW's are really ignorant and sick in their head, and have not such love etc.
Some others are wonderfull people, kind with true love in their heart.
I think we should not judge all individuals on what some say or do
in the past month or so we've seen..... - the article that was published by baylor university (the big news).
- announcement of massive layoffs within the wts.
- the wts losing the worker's comp suit.
Of course, this will strengthen the conviction of the average JW. They'll assume "the end" is closer than ever.
Most of them will never know.
About the downsizing and cutting in costs, isn't that qute normal that a company tries to minimize the costs? That's a smart thing to do, what is the problem?
the wts is just one of the cults that exploits and damages people, besides it there are many others that operate and damage their adherants in a similar or worse way.
did you happen to come across such individuals that were similarly traumatised by these other cults or read about them on the internet or books?
Most religions don't
- force you to believe every word they say.
- penalize you for leaving.
- throw you out for setting foot inside another church
- throw you out for talking to someone they threw out before
- inforce a dress code.
- treat you as "weak" for not attending all services and not participating in their recruitment of new members
- require an oath of obedience to whatever they say/teach
- have rules about every aspect of your life
- have elders/leaders who show up at the hospital for the sole purpose of making sure you follow their rules about medical treatment.
I could go on and on but I'm sure you get the drift.
Are you sure?
Do not most of the things count for muslims? For a lot of protestant groups too. Here there are groups which are quite large and have some influence which do not allow even television. Whole vilages which do not allow people to do anything on sunday. Do not allow their children to have vaccins etc.
How about the hindoes with all religion forced caste system?
Shall I continue....
i have posted a few mins ago - please read and reply - i need your help tonight, the wife is out and i need support - please
I feel so much sorry for you, because I am in a similar situation, only maybe a bit easier
But let me tell you, you are already free, because your mind is free.
Second, if you want to get you, do it slowly. Forcing it, does not help a bit, how much you would like it.
Maybe you can even win your wife, if you take it easy. When you force your way out you can loose probably everything. You need to plan it, that takes time.
So make a plan, follow that.
what pagan symbols are ok for the jw's to use, and are there some clear effidence that they are pagan.. i'm thinking about the neck-tie.
the wedding ring (any proof?).
probably a crown on a kings head will be pagan too ..... what else?
Common. No ANY symbol actually is "pagan" by itself. It is YOU (human) who puts this meaning into items. Items by themselves are not good or evil. As Paul sayed... there is nothing unclean by itself, but for one who thinks it is unclean it is! See... not what comes into you (symbol) makes you sin, but whatever comes out of you makes you dirty. Try to undestand Jesus words and you will see, that people still put some "powers" on plain items, wood, iron, stone. But there is only power in alive beings. And one who you put your hope on is your God. But ofcourse... not everybody has strong faith still believing that eating meat is sin! ;)
Alright, maybe I should have phrased the question a bit differently. I am thinking about the origin of some symbols that are now commenly used by witnesses, which are coming from a non biblical source, like a religion that is not considered biblical. For example, like the wedding right, thanks for that info. How about the crown, where does that come from?
what pagan symbols are ok for the jw's to use, and are there some clear effidence that they are pagan.. i'm thinking about the neck-tie.
the wedding ring (any proof?).
probably a crown on a kings head will be pagan too ..... what else?
What pagan symbols are ok for the JW's to use, and are there some clear effidence that they are Pagan.
I'm thinking about the neck-tie
the wedding ring (any proof?)
probably a crown on a kings head will be pagan too ....
what else?
or know of people that do?
i wonder how many out there have named their kids from names from the bible.
two of my kids are on the list, but it wasnt done on purpose.