there is a lot of information on the internet.
this one is a good example:
there are also a lot of older threads about this.
there is a lot of information on the internet.
this one is a good example:
there are also a lot of older threads about this.
a friend of ours visits us for the weekend from time to time and he parks his car on the street in front of our house.
the past two weekends someone (im guessing they live nearby) has egged his car!
i don't think it's a personal thing (meaning i seriously doubt he knows the pranksters personally) rather i think its just some teens walking by seeing an easy target.
Use the biblical way. Send 2 bears who kill them all.....
can somebody bring some light to this question?.
judges chapter 11.. if you read vers 31 it looks clear that jephtha is speaking about human sacrefice.
"he speaks about a burn offering for jehovah of the first thing or person that walks out of his house.
A bit late,
but I like to thank you all for your answers (and also in the other thread that you point me too gumby).
pfp: interesting thoughts. seems very likely that this story was edited. When this story was probably made up, told and finally written down in a time that human sacrifices were quite common.
narkissos. thanks for your asnwers also. They clear things up as always
ezra: read the promise carefully, and you see that Jefta was willing to sacrifice a human
i am new here, excuse my english.
it seems that some of you are serving or have been serving as elders and have judical committee experience (stillajwexelder for example).
i want to know how i must behave in jc meeting to avoid disfellowshipping.
I'll give you a most honest answer as possible, but do not know of the situation.
It is sometiems hard to tell, because It really depends on the elders involved for those cases. If they do not like you, you are much easier screwed then if they like you, or like you are the sone of a p.o.
Well you can do a few things
1. Lie. Are there two witnesses. If not, say it is not true and lie. If there are two or more witnesses, you can't do this.
2. (pretend to) feel veryy sorry what you did. This only works if it is done only a single time or very few times, and/or if you report it yourself. If the behaviour is repeated much, there is les chance they will fall for this. You already say that it is repeated behavoir. But when it is long time ago, you can say that you fell so sorry now, and that it is long since stopped. What is very important in this case if it is found out, or you tell yourself.
Do not see any other solution, except leaving. Maybe some other posters see one....
b.t.w. I do not think there is anything wrong with what you did, so do not let them make you feel very quilty
Wish you good luck with it
i have been looking at some of the society's publications recently and was wondering what people's understanding without wts bias was to the image?
Well, I think most of us have a WTS bias....
but if you look at internet, you see some other religious groups explaining it. More or less the same, but some kingdoms details different.
In the beginning it is clear, what the meaning is, later on it just does not fit anymore, and it is very open to interpretation'.
That it start not fitting anymore, right after the time daniel was written says enough
i am trying to build a list of hipocrisy with in the borg.
i dont mean things like the un scandal as people in the hall wont have heard of that, but smaller stuff that goes on all the time with out the rank and file noticing.
infant baptism.
No the reason was because it was something Christendom did, stems from Russells time. Besides it doesn't have to be a plate. Many churches use an offering bag, so no one can see what another has put in.Yes that is a good point.
Money is mentioned every month at the service meeting when the " congregation accounts report" is dealt with. After telling us how much money they have sent to Bethel for the "Worldwide Work" and/or how much the CO's expenses were. We are then told theres not enough left to pay for the upkeep ofthe Kingdom Hall, so please could we have some more. Also every year you would get a Watchtower article dealing with what to do with your money, make a will leaving it to WT or congregation, Deed of Covenant, how to get tax aid on your donations etc.I do not think that is really much, or like half a meeting in general. I think most of other churches have more emphasis on this. (or even non churches)
Sorry, never hear such a thing. Must be some local freeky metally ill witness proposing something like that.Where have you been? This is common among JW's. Run of bad luck, or trouble at home. Must be demons. Did you buy anything from charity shop, been given second hand goods off non-JW relative or friend. Anyone brought "apostate" material into home. Well get rid of it!! One story from my own congregation was that a sister was having a bad time. Visit from Elders. Elder looks at wallpaper in lounge. It has a fleur-de-lis (three feathers pattern) on it. Tells sister that its is a sign of the Trinity and needs to be removed. Thats why she was having troubles. I hear this a lot on this board and do not doubt the trueness of it. It just sound so funny. The two cases I can think of, was one brother who was terrible affraid for deamons. But he was coming from a second world country, with his tribe very much into deamon things. So, it was just a remnant of his former believes not a JW thing. Later, after being a longer time here, it was a lot better. (only when he went back to his country).
i really hate this religion.
i feel sorry for all the followers.
when i speak to close witness friends, i try to plant seeds..... but no matter how much they agree on me on certain points.... the society is great and individuals are to blame.. i go to meetings, and wind up playing solitaire on my palm pilot secretly to avoid puking at the info.
I 'm more or less in the same situation. I can really nor see much wrong in still being in the organisation. At least when in, you can promote free thinking in your talks or speaking with others.
But yes, the stuff is incredible boring when you do not believe it anymore. (well even for faithfull dubs it is very boring).
About freedom? You are as free as you are in your thoughts.
1. it was the cause of the flood.
"and it came to pass when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them, that the sons of god (fallen angels) saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them (abducted them?
) wives of all which they chose...there were giants (fallen angels?
27. Have an extreme aversion towards the subject of UFO's or aliens - don't want to talk about it.
Well this one does not apply to you I guess. But do the others?
1. Have had unexplainable missing or lost time of one hour or more.
Well this applies to me, but I quess certain liquids make you do this.....
in genesis we read that god created man and set him in the .
garden to tend it.
(genesis 2:8).
there are aliens among human-kind, but I can not get into details otherwise I would expose myself
i am trying to build a list of hipocrisy with in the borg.
i dont mean things like the un scandal as people in the hall wont have heard of that, but smaller stuff that goes on all the time with out the rank and file noticing.
infant baptism.
Danny the WT always says that they follow Jesus as a MODEL. So as Coffee brought out, how old was he?? Lets look at this a little closer. If any child was ready for baptizm at age 12 it would of been Jesus. Just where did his parents find him at 12 yrs of age. Preaching in the Synagogue. I doubt any 12 year old today is ready to handle preaching in a church to the Leaders of said church. Im not saying that one has to be 30 yrs old, but I think one should be of mature enough age to make such a serious decision. Would you let a 12 yr old get married? I dont think so. I was baptized at 14, what a mistake that was. I did it not because I was mature enough, I did it like most JW's because eveybody else in the congo was doing it. I dont recall any child baptizm's in the scriptures.
I would not know what would be the right age, because I would no advice anyone to get baptised now.
But like 16 to 18 seems reasonable. However it is different then child baptism when baby's are born. We were not discussing good or bad. But I think it is hardly hypocrisy to say that baby baptism is not good and child at age 14 or is, is good.
So some of the other examples yoo.
What I think was some hyprocrisy was that always everything must be labeled 'nice' 'upbilding' 'very fine' even when the talk or something was a disaster.
But then this kind of hypocrisy is all around