Let them set their dates. Let them ruin more lives. Let them do what makes them feel good. None of us has to be a part of that anymore. We can actually live and breathe fresh air. Who cares? Cathy
JoinedPosts by cat1759
THEY'VE DONE IT!!!! The WBTS set a new date!
by dmouse inthe latest watchtower, dec 15th 2003, is an out and out attack on the rank and file for dropping into a drowsy state spiritually.
ok, so armageddon didn't come before the generation of 1914 grew old and died.
but does that mean that the big a isn't near?
Resolution never comes when we allow others to think for us. Resolution only comes with hard work and studying on your own. Don't be fooled by those that come in sheeps clothing to carry all your problems away, they always want you to follow in their footsteps. Cathy
Mars closet to the earth in recorded history, Astrology
by cat1759 inon august 27, 2003 mars will be closest to earth than at any other time in recorded history.
it will be at 34,646,418 miles away from earth.. mars went retrograde on july 30,2003 to september 28,2003. mars is the warrior planet.
he represents applied energy in your birthcharts.
Hello You guys, I came back to find that I could no longer make new threads and my pms and chat were disconnected because of my beliefs? I never meant to make anyone feel small. When I posted it was for encouraging free thinking. I didn't realize my post would be so badly looked upon especially by the owner of this site. "Forget astrology", Simon said. Simon talked and everyone took their cues. I am saddened to think that free thinking outside the box is not allowed on this site. When I posted about Einstein it was because he knew about astrology, he studied it, wether he believe it or not was part of him. At the time he lived astrology was looked down upon as were alot of other situations. Saint Satan, I had read that article prior and found it interesting as I always thought Einstein was a genius but my opinion changed. As for your question, Look up Noel Tyl, his site is , http://www.noeltyl.com He is brilliant and just started to share his learning with the psychological field that will give them a new way to evaluate where the train went off the track in childhood developement. He is the best!!!!! As for you funkyderek I didn't want to come here and make anyone look bad. I offered some free thinking to be put down by the owner of this site and those that follow in his lead. Such a sad state of affairs when we walk out of a cult after our whole lives to come here and be further abused by such wankery. I recieved a couple of pms and have not been able to respond as my pms are off and chat is no longer working. I guess my views are not as important as being called names here. I was also shocked to see some really great people who have helped so many come out of this horrid religion to be banned from this site. Seriously Simple Simon what the heck where you thinking? Are you truly Napolean? I live in a free country Simon, unlike you were everything must be banned in order to survive. Or is it just the witness mentality you are still working through? I am shocked and horrified that I allowed so many here to put me down in written word and you allowed it and I was to afraid to say what was on my mind because I didn't want to cause any ripples in your calm waters of life. I have been helped by all those people you have banned. They held my hand after I had lost my faith, walked away from a job, my son moved out and who were here to help me but Jim Rizo, Mommy dark, Randy Watters, Mark, and some others that shall remain nameless. There were those that encouraged me to write my experience to help others which I have done my part. I have allowed their stories from their hearts to float into my email and I have had to sit through countless tears while providing assured comfort because they were at a crossroads and never encouraged anyone to leave the organization but to read and find their way. I would always leave them with an open mind to discussion. Jim Rizo is a great man. He has helped countless people. For you to have banned him how could you? I thought he was gone and forgot that people where in need. In my book his words speak louder and clearer than hiding behind the computer cutting off pms and chat because you get your thrills from this? Tell me why I was treated like this? I did nothing wrong. I asked in pm if I could have the link to the other site. You actually do sensor our pms and chat....WOW. And I thought going to the hall was bad, but coming here is worse. Answer me Simple Simon. Is it because I don't believe like you do? Is it because I have had to find my own way and don't fit in your reality of Jehovahs's Witness mind cult. No matter what you say you are still one of them. Wake up and smell the roses! They are starting to bite you in the derriere. Don't delete this post! I have a freedom called speech. If you put it in the restricted area I will realize the truth really does hurt and can be denied when you live in fear. For all you others who actually have a free mind good luck. Cathy
what defines your life now?
by franklin J inas a jehovahs witness, our lives were clearly "defined".
for those of us who are no longer in the "truth", what "drives" your life now?.
for me, it is my kids ( 12, 9, 4--busy--busy--busy) ; my wife; my career; i live by my own personal value system ( tried, tested and working).. the absence of the superimposed restrictive grid of the jw lifestyle has allowed my life to blossom.
Just pure freedom this May 24. After a life of JWs, family, I am going to be able to comb the beach, go to nightclubs, maybe even smoke something fun. I love astrology and reading and that right now defines my life as I have not had to much time in the past 25yrs. I do plan on finishing up a Bachelors degree, then moving on to a masters. I want to travel to fine museums of art. I want to ride horses and swim with the dolpins. I want peace in my life. Cathy
How Low Have Ex-JW?s Fallen?
by Mindchild injust what is with ex-dubs these days?
wait, please amend that.
just what is with some ex-dubs these days?
Phantomstranger, You make a good point. Some just have busy lives and don't live on the internet. My ex feels that once out move on, get over it, forget you were part of it. That is also hard to do. He still has leftover feelings and still feels inside the end is coming so why bother. Don't bother with anything witness related or ex witness related as you are still holding on to what you once had. Cathy
How Low Have Ex-JW?s Fallen?
by Mindchild injust what is with ex-dubs these days?
wait, please amend that.
just what is with some ex-dubs these days?
Hi Mindchild, Long time. What a precious sight to see. I think your post has a lot of meaning. Only when we stop judging others do we truly see ourselves. Take care. Cathy
Signs In The Heavens
by Sentinel inremember the reference in the bible where it says the moon turned to blood?
well, it didn't really; it was just a lunar eclipse.
we are about to experience it here tomorrow, nov. 8th.
Sentinel, Great Thread!!!!!!!!!!!!! I loved all your comments. It was a most perfect Lunar Eclipse Full Moon Taurus There will be a Solar Eclipse New Moon in Sag on November 23. Once we start to let go we actually see the omniscent beauty of everything. Congratulations! Cathy
They buy wiring and camera devices. Strategically placed in the bathrooms, bedrooms, recreation rooms, work rooms, offices, so they can keep abreast of the lastest color of panties that are being bought at Victoria's secret on their $25 monthly allowance. If found with an color infraction not listed as white, their pay becomes docked to $12.50 a month to help them realize the error in their way. They keep the listening devices in the bedrooms so they can then write articles stating certain sexual acts are forbidden. Now once in a while a couple will talk about something concerning the bible and soon that becomes an article in newest awake or watchtower. These devices are very expensive and they need to keep up on the latest hardware. Cathy
Yesterday we bought our Very First Christmas Tree!
by cruzanheart inwell, actually, i did, but with the blessings of the family.
it's fake (too many allergies in the house to risk a real one), pre-lit, and 7 feet tall.
i think it's going to be gorgeous.
Oh Cruzanheart, It is so magical. My grown children sit in awe when they look at the Christmas tree and our first Christmas was back in 1996. That first year my best friend decided we needed ornaments to commenorate the event. She brought ornaments and had them inscribed with each child's name and the date. It was the most amazing gift I have ever recieved and every year I put them up I remember the very first time. I am trying to work on rituals for Christmas this year as I have no idea as to what I am doing but I want something that they can pass on to their own children in due time. Have fun, like my dad once said to me, "Christmas is the prettiest time of the year because the lights are so beautiful." My dad was always drawn to the light and every year I make sure I have enough lights to please his spirit if he comes to do an impromtu spirit visit. It gets easier with every passing year. You start to realize that the thunder and lightning don't strick you dead. You start to feel a peacefulness inside. Cathy
Watchtower Motion to Dismiss - DENIED
by jst2laws inbarbara anderson and joseph anderson vs watchtower society.
as you may remember the watchtower has petitioned the circuit court of manchester tennessee to dismiss the case against them filed by barbara and joe anderson.
Jst2laws, My family, (dad elder, mother pionerette + little elderette) felt that if I had faith in Jehovah i would wait on Jehovah to take care of this in due time. Just like moving to where the need was great in 1975. My parents lived 800 miles away and both families were up in arms because of my lack of faith. I was considered faithless, rebellious, obstinate, inconsiderate of others feelings, there was a larger picture than just my three year old son. I needed to look at the bigger picture and when the elders didn't disfellowship her they felt I was in the wrong, I didn't allow them the freedom to use God's holy spirit. My dad is the only one who stuck up for me, making phone calls to elders up here to plead on my behalf, hence nothing was done to me in the way of disfellowshipping. This took a toll on my father as he started to see the things that were happening and realized there was a major flaw in the way they handled my case as the State Dept convicted her of the crime. My mom has asked me to move to Maine with her to preach the good news and she feels that her influence will be strong enough to bring me back into the fold now that my father is gone and I don't really have anyone outside of my children. My last child graduates in May and is off to college next Sept. I have no plans on moving to Maine, maybe a move to Wyoming or Mississipi is in the making but at this point who knows where I will end up. There are 51 other states without my mother there and I do love her but religion is not something we agree on. The case presented was because of Dateline and my mother has watched that for years and believes all that comes up on that show as the gospel truth. I figure if I collect enough information she will begin to see the whole picture. If she doesn't I know that my life course will be detrimental to her way of thinking and I wont be the worth saving in her book. The light will shine no matter what a person believes because eventually the truth will always remain the truth and the lies will become known. I just have to have faith. Cathy