a watcher:
The thing I love most about being a JW is my personal relationship with Jehovah. Jehovah's earthly organization is secondary.
It's ironic but not surprising that your favourite aspect is your 'personal relationship with Jehovah'. The part of the brain that people use for 'what does God think?' is the same part of the brain used for 'what do I think' (as distinct from the part of the brain used for 'what does someone else think?'). As far as your own mental process goes, you are Jehovah. That is, what 'Jehovah' wants is just your (re)interpretation of what you are constantly told 'Jehovah' (and therefore you) are 'meant' to like/dislike etc. This is why it's so 'important' to 'keep going to meetings' and read the 'spiritual food' from the 'faithful slave', because in the absence of the controlled source of information, people start to think independently. Your 'relationship' with Jehovah is merely an artificial side-effect of believing the teachings of your preferred publishing company.