The great flood happened about 13,000 years ago....
No. It didn't. There is no reason at all to attempt to correlate any potentially remotely (very remotely) similar event to the bronze age 'Noah' myth.
i just learned this information the past couple of days but it seems it's been out the past couple of years.
many many articles about some asteroid/meteor event about 13,000 years ago.
The great flood happened about 13,000 years ago....
No. It didn't. There is no reason at all to attempt to correlate any potentially remotely (very remotely) similar event to the bronze age 'Noah' myth.
as mentioned in july 15th 2013 watchtower "the apostasy started in the first century and flourished by the fourth century" or words to that effect.. as i was reading ff bruce's "the bible canon" ($14 kindle ver.
on amazon) i was very surprised to read that there are no original nt documents from the first century, just copies of copies of copies of many documents from that period.
apparently the 27 book nt canon was not set until about the fourth century by trinitarian church fathers.
It's a perfectly valid question, and one for which the Watch Tower Society will never provide an answer (beyond something stupid like 'Jehovah did a magic thing to protect it').
jw's often say they don't serve with any dates in mind.
but the fact is many of them can't fathom why the end just hasn't come yet.
since 2014 marks 100 years of invisible rule many witnesses can't help but think this has some special meaning.
If something big happens in 2014, whether it's a big political shift or some big catastrophe like 9/11, JWs will see it as a sign and increase their motivation in work.
'Something' happens every year. Anything can be twisted by deluded minds into supposedly having some 'higher meaning'. And their fallback will be that 'something' happened 'invisibly'.
being a jw is amazing!
who agrees with me??.
the jw is a protection from the world.
the JW is a protection from the world.
Apparently FL_Panthers doesn't realise that JWs live in the same world as everyone else. They are members of a quite unremarkable minor religion that is quite similar to various other unremarkable minor religions, and their quality of life is the same as that of other people in the areas in which they live. Watch Tower Society literature attempts to contrast the 'JW lifestyle' with that of the worst elements of society to create a perception of disparity, whereas most people in general society are at least as happy and healthy as JWs, and are more likely to have a better education than JWs as well.
hi everyone, i was discussing with a family member recently and was encouraged to at least consider the benefits of being raised in the truth.
for example,i'm not a drunk, don't do drugs, respect others etc.
the point is i've found lots of nonwitness friends who have similar behavior.. growing up, when a worldly person does something good like help someone i'll hear things like "that's nice of him, for a nonwitness.
Growing up, when a worldly person does something good like help someone I'll hear things like "That's nice of him, for a nonwitness. " I even remember seeing someone on another thread using the expression dog-eat-dog to refer to the world outside. It's like if you're a nonwitness you have to be a thief, cheat, etc.
That's certainly what the Watch Tower Society wants JWs to think. And to that end, they'll focus on bad things that happen and paint all 'worldly' people with that brush. By far the majority of people in the world are peaceful law abiding citizens. And to the extent that there are 'worldly' people who will do whatever they can get away with, it's exactly the same among JWs.
as usual, i was unprepared for a "drop-in" visit by a jw.
they seem to have a knack for coming when you're in the middle of something, or your house is a complete disaster... for me, both things are almost always true.
it's better if you call me and warn me before you come over.
She came back with, "If you want to know the truth about someone, what do you do? If I want to know more about you and how you run your house or take care of your kids, do I ask you personally, or do I go run around and see what your neighbors say about you?"
If a stranger wants to look after your small children, who do you ask to find out the truth about him? By 'Watch Tower Logic', you should ask him about his 'reputation'. Pay no attention to those pesky 'victims' or 'news reports' about him being pedophile.
to all congregations re: district overseers.
dear brothers:.
march 20, 2014. we are pleased to inform you of a significant decision made by the governing body that will affect the work of traveling overseers worldwide.
If the circuit overseer is visiting your congregation, he will read this letter at the conclusion of the next congregation meeting.
What if the district overseer is visiting at the time? "Dear Brothers. I've been sacked. Bye for now."
a few minuites ago talking to my sister who is finally seeing the watchtower for what it is and is scrutinizing it alot brought something to myu attention that troubled my longtime jw mother dearly.
she said after reading the article about the death of guy pierce she noticed that they never refered to him as brother pirce.
she said everytime they mentioned his name they refered to him as mr. pierce.. .
She said after reading the article about the death of Guy Pierce she noticed that they never refered to him as Brother Pirce. She said everytime they mentioned his name they refered to him as Mr. Pierce.
Same reason you won't find the Revelation or Daniel books available for download on the JW website. Because they don't want to seem completely insane to non-members.
It's definately a PR piece.
Of course. It's the JW equivalent of 12.5% of the pope dying, which is 'obviously' deserving of media attention.
as the title says, share what you love about the truth!.
we know that the gb or anything else in the truth is all true and nothing is false!.
love u guys xxx.
Getting warm fresh baked bread after was the best part.
If only there were some other way of getting warm freshly baked bread without the woefully boring 'FS' part.
as the title says, share what you love about the truth!.
we know that the gb or anything else in the truth is all true and nothing is false!.
love u guys xxx.
Jeffro - Wow you should start your own cult, you have it down pat. Look into my eyes, you are Jehovah.
Either you're joking, or you've completely misunderstood. So I'm going to assume you're joking.